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Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:22 am
by blessedw2
last night I (my mom came with) drove dd younger to her class at the art inst - I definitely don't want her walking downtown at night to get to the train miles away. So I think I am going to end up driving every Thursday night. (our young waitress - lovely young lady - told me she walks home at night until around 11:00 then she has to have a uber/taxi because so many homeless and people out for trouble come out) My d mom and I had a wonderful time last night while we were waiting for dd. We never made it to the medieval armour exhibit because traffic was awful. But d mom met some people she had not seen in a long time and they recognized her right away. Ate too much though. d mom was shocked by the amount of people downtown at 5 pm :D lol. traffic on the way home was stop and go at 10:00 at night. It took us well over an hour to get home. But my mom said she had a really nice time. (I know she loved that people recognized her) Dd liked her class but her abilities are ahead so she will see if she can get into another class otherwise she said she will stay with this and just enjoy the moment.

She is hoping to get into the Institute as a full time student.

Yay for Pay day for you d elizabeth

Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:38 am
by Harriet
Well, then he'll feel even better after getting cleaned up than he usually might, LadyM, and that will be a boost for the mood. High hopes for him.

Gee, we have such artistic dds on the board, don't we, blessed and helia and others!

Reminds me :D ddil said yesterday she had seen something on Pin terest and we laughed about being scared of Pin terest because we see the word and don't turn around from computer for a half-hour!

Kathryn breathe fresh air! (yipes)

Lynlee, I hope you were able to breathe cool air a bit!

Cathy and Elizabeth - about choosing to avoid food that might be spoiled. I just read that Dr. Benjamin Spock got food poisoning once and it resulted in neuropathy (sp), causing some permanent weakening of his legs. This was a proven cause-and-effect in his case, because he was a physician at the time, and it was well documented, but the average person might never make the connection. I didn't even know that was a thing. :( Scary consequences we don't even realize - wow. (if I tell HRH this, I will hear an hour-long sermon, so I'll wait until I have the time.)

Elizabeth - so sorry about the NGVB week. Things change! - me, yesterday

(just want credit)

I had another breakfast-photo-email morning to hopefully make the children and grandchildren laugh. Had starfruit over the oatmeal and said starfish had somehow gotten into the kitchen to eat! ;) I know WonderBoy the Adventurous Eater will love this - hope the others at least find it interesting of the moment. In response to the last one, dd37 wrote: "Did you know that you are a crazy person? If not, let me know so that I can be properly concerned..."

Morning Dailies done well. HRH hopes I'll manage some errands this morning and he's quite right - he's running out of some of his staples.

Otherwise, the great office/other room Focus continues. If you read in Focus Cleaning thread, you know this means I'm behind because of projects that turn up more cleaning.

Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:42 am
by Nancy
S2s x
Daily focus needs inprovement tv us off!
So how do you all deal with scary tv comnercials when 3 yo and under are in the room? I have limited it but it does not teach them it is not real not to be fearful or to look away considering changing things up a bit here.

I told h I would do an errand for him then I need to do a store run at some point. Nice day here so far.

Fighting a sinus thing my bs was up into ack-land this morning.

I need to continue with the entrances and work on the deck and more on the patio it is next.

Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:44 am
by blessedw2
waving hi.

Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:44 am
by blessedw2
I need to get off my tush y as I need to push me
to some work ;)

Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:48 am
by Elizabeth
Two DPCs down, two to go. These were both to vets. The good news: there is nothing to do for or about Tiki's positive test for coronavirus. The results are typical for ex-feral colony cats. (Also for shelter cats). It only becomes FIP in a few cats. Although it is not possible to predict which ones, if it has not happened in 15 years, it probably won't. While she can shed the virus, especially to cats with sub-par immune systems, Briggs is known to be negative.

The second call was to Briggs's vet about the asthma attack a few days ago. Asthma was an incidental finding when he went to the ER. It happened to show up on the x-ray for something else. I have seen exactly one attack in two years, on a day with lots of smoke in the atmosphere. I put in a call to find out what I should do if it happens again.

Still need to call the car place and text someone about a video.

Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 1:46 pm
by Harmony
Yep, last day of the month! Oh just looked at the calendar. I have a habit of missing birthdays that hit right on the first or second of the new month before my calendar turns. Not this time!

Been busy. Had some chores in the kitchen took up time. Then had to go to 2 jobsites and help DH for a few minutes. Talked to DGSon coming home from college for the weekend. Was a nice diversion while I was traveling about. He is doing well, all A's so far. He has joined a church and is playing the piano with their worship team.

We are supposed to have a lot of rainy weather this weekend. DH will have problems getting his yard work done.

I need to get a new calculator. Old one isn't cooperating any more. I've been limping along with it by unplugging it, plugging it in again. Now it's worse. I've been taking my papers into the office here where I have another calculator for when I do spreadsheet work. I am so not going to miss all this paperwork I do.

Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 4:54 pm
by Elizabeth
Ha! Finally did the last of the DPCs!!! Of course, they resulted in more chores. Here is my lineup for the evening:
  1. Pickup DD
  2. Buy phone protector
  3. Office supply store for 2 mailers, USB drive, and DayRunner refills
  4. Get gift certificate
  5. Feed DD
  6. Weigh and mail some stuff
  7. Determine what is needed for swamp cooler switchover and make list

Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 5:32 pm
by Nancy
Did errands unloaded the jeep, put away food. Saw a friend when I stopped to pick up lunch we had a good visit. Fed hens and collected eggs. I have cleaned the out doir kitchen and swept off the deck.

The the baby I watcg did really well at his developmental eval. has been able to stack blocks, and match shapes is above his age bracket for these skills so he is thriving!

Watching the local news for a story about rocks to see if any of mine are in it, I took some of mine down before the interview. That segment was not on tonite.

I swept the deck and cleaned the outdoor kitchen.

It is very windy here.

Re: Final Friday for September!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 10:37 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Windy here too and an east wind. The stage is attached to the east side column of windows that are my living room window. So there are ropes outside swinging in the wind right now. And the paper X marking our window as needing recaulking is blowing back and forth. The weird part is that its on the inside and the window is shut. I'm guessing the gasket/seal has gone on the window over the summer.

Today I've done 2 loads of laundry and cooked dinner (properly with ingredients and everything.) I made meat loaf and biscuits (plus premade salad.) Dh really enjoyed his dinner. I also did the clean up along the way.

Dd called to say for me not to come to dgs' kids party tomorrow so that frees up the day.

I've spent the rest of the day just binge-watching Nashville. And singing with dh, we are learning an anthem for Sunday.