Mulling over Monday

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Mulling over Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:16 am

I see Lucylee does some "clearing list" planning on Sunday evening to start her week off better.

I'm always a step behind so that's a Monday morning chore.

It is 9:11 and I haven't done that, but no-one else opened the village so here we go!

Remember to Mull over the week at some point (Sunday or Monday or whenever works best for you) in order to fit the 'big rocks' into your week.

For context on that expression:

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Re: Mulling over Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:22 am

I'm slow moving but there is no city-energy to get me moving.

Few cars outside because it is a statutory holiday (therefore no work and stores are closed)

Raining and foggy, so there is no world outside my window to beckon.

I popped out of bed at 7:45 without lying there to wake up. I had been in bed for 9.25 hours and didn't even get up to pee in the night. That headache also seems to be gone.

My focus for today is planning and tasks that will start my week and the remainder of the month off well.

My pedometer broke again last night, so that's my next task, to restart it. I'm going to try removing the battery and putting it back in. I wore it in my bra yesterday (no pocket in my dress) and I'm guessing it might be the body heat that is messing it up. Sigh...

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Re: Mulling over Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:35 am

Mulling over what to take down stairs ~ I woke up thinking what to declutter out of the master bedroom & bathroom so I just pulled those things out while coffee was brewing, then wiped down the other part of the counters in the kitchen yea. I am amazed what can be done in that small amount of time. :mrgreen:

Blessed w 2 I thought of U today when I saw the U - tube videos in french mentoring by Diane in Denmark or flylady diane. Might be of interest 4 U. I am watching her declutter on u tube for inspiration. This morning some of my exercise will be transporting items to new homes in the craft zone I am redoing down staits to use this winter now that I have a new light in the sewing room yea!

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Re: Mulling over Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:49 am

Good Morning!

I was up on time and welcomed DGD6, fed her and got her to school. That part of my day is done well.

I just finished a long long long text session with DD clearing the air about our choice of HVAC companies. I didn't want hurt feeling about it. DD married into a family that owns/operates one of the two big HVAC companies in this area. DD's DSisIL was in our home Saturday when she dropped off DGD6. Our A/C stopped working Saturday morning so it was in the high 80's inside the house. She only spent about 5 minutes in our home, but I know she had to of noticed how hot it was in our home and wondered why. ANYway, I told DD why we are going to continue to use the other HVAC company. I don't want any hard feelings. This may seem like an incredibly simple thing, but when you live in a small town these type of things are noticed. The other HVAC company loves it when we call them and always comments about us using them instead of other HVAC company that our DD is part of. ARGH. Typing this out makes it seem so petty. and silly. BECAUSE IT IS!

Math school work is set up and ready to get started. DS9 is being a slug this morning. Monday Monday. Gotta light a fire under him.
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Re: Mulling over Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:41 am

Put in place the return on the pedometer. I'm out the price of the extra batteries but that's only $5.

I've just bought another pedometer and we'll see how this one works. Of course, it takes a different battery size. Added USB type C cables to that order to get free shipping. I needed those anyway. I also need my face cream but it is no longer being made so is now selling for $100 per bottle (was $12 when I started buying it years ago but last time was $22.) The replacement is 1/3 less and sells for $35. I can pass on that. There is a company still selling the old one for $22 so I will stock up but that isn't Amazon so I put that order aside while working on how to get my pedometer.

Next up, s2s and then get my head in the game. Any game. Doesn't matter, I just have to do something.

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Re: Mulling over Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:43 am

Me too, I've been mulling over a lot of stuff. Reading blessed's posts the past couple days and thinking about my own home. I am semi-bo; not totally but definitely not add, I'm the exact opposite. But that has its disadvantages in that I get stuck in my perfectionism and am often just badly disgruntled over the state of things.

But recently all that has changed. Maybe little by little over time, I don't know. I just don't have the stamina I used to have and I'm mostly down in the dumps over that and my house surely shows it. I no longer have the energy to get "in the zone" in my head where I begin wiping counters and before I know it the whole kitchen is spotless. I no longer have the energy to keep going like that.

I get blessed's Mother, just look at it and see what needs done. But we are not all built that way. I'm having problems in that just 1 day of work outside with DH puts me off for a week. I have a HH notebook with schedules in it but never needed to look at it or keep it open... I do know what needs done but I'm just not doing it.

Anyway, last week was a big boo-boo. DH came looking for clean work clothes; usually if they weren't in his drawers would be drying somewhere or in some basket waiting for folding...but I'd not done them. I had vaguely had the thought that I'd been a while since I'd done them... but I was feeling sick for 2 days and there you go he ran out! So I spent Friday evening and Sat. doing all his laundry. It is awkward not being able to go out the sliding glass door or the bathroom french door with the wet laundry (because of our shutters) and I'm not seeing outside either.

I sure need to get my act together.

Sat. I did get all the returns gathered up and returned to H D. And I went to Hab itat reuse store and got a big shower door set with all the frames and fittings out of my car. That was big progress.

DH is doing really heavy work today and I am concerned. I helped him load all the big equipment in his truck yesterday. We took one big work truck to jobsite and left it. I was annoyed to be doing this work on Sunday.

Ok, I need to go do something.

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Re: Mulling over Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:07 am

Hello hello

I went to mass this morning and it was in the small chapel which I really like better than the large church. (d mom was supposed to meet me but she slept in). It was a nice way to start the day. Today's story was about the Good Samaritan and how in today's world it is more important now than ever.

Mom had said she was coming over to clean my family room lol like it has never been cleaned before. I called this morning for our usual morning hello and it was never mentioned - she forgot all about it :D

today is heavy cleaning day
Laundry room and kitchen
cards pulled.
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Re: Mulling over Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:17 am

good morning d kathryn

thank you d nancy... I will take a look!
I am amazed what can be done in that small amount of time
I like that d nancy

good morning d Harmony - I am surrounded by Born organized (the most wonderful family) I will be thinking and praying for your dh and that it his work won't be too heavy for him.

Hello to all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Mulling over Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:31 am

Good morning.

I slept 8 hours and opened my eyes. I think the trip and then right into Sunday stress was getting to me, and that was really good for my body.

Morning Daily Card done well. Laundry crises following trip are averted, with about an item to spare in 2 categories. Normal (love that word) oatmeal breakfast.

27-decisions continued yesterday through K and DR. Decluttering started in front rooms, including another 27 catalogs or similar in the magazine basket/cradle (sheesh - they multiply like rabbits, what a waste). Couldn't stand the state of the coffee table so that's been cleared and Pledged.

Delivery of a new toner cartridge this morning, and HRH will be bringing a ream of paper home, so we have avoided a printing roadblock that was headed our way.

Next up I need to concentrate on church Desk Day in anticipation of having little time in coming days.

(LadyM), "petty" or small things can have big unintended results if not handled wisely.

An email from our enforced SS teacher looked small on the surface, but infuriated HRH last evening. It was in response to an email to 10 or more households/couples in our church with someone who would be part of decision-making re: estimates on upcoming expense of painting, sent by the "point guy" getting estimates. So a few were addressed to women's names or both names in a couple, including the one we got. Mr. enforcement responded-to-all asking for thoughts from men. :| I kid you not. So first, I had to calm HRH down, then get into what a response should be. HRH's first suggestions had not been technological. It took a while to agree on one, which would start with, "Information for all who will consider this" and went on only with a few pertinent facts, no opinion.

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Re: Mulling over Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:43 am

Morning y’all....

Harmony... I remember a few years back having a discussion with my mom abt growing older. She said one of the things she hated was loosing her energy. And I have made that same comment to Sweetie.

I look back to my past and think about all the times I jumped out of my bed at 5:30am to start my day and could clean my entire 3500 sq ft 2 story house top to bottom all floors mopped, laundry done and dinner started by 4 in the afternoon ... not sure if I could still do that today.

I haven’t worked/taught full tilt for almost 5 years and my only concern is if my energy level will hold up. This teaching assignment will be as physically as it is mentally demanding. I’ll have to get back to my old procedures when it comes to combinding home and work again. However I also believe being back in the classroom could be energizing as will. We shall see.

Off to start my day... I need to leave the house by 1:00 for my surgery. I am required to wear a buttoned down shirt which I don’t own... was thinking of raising Sweeties closet till I remembered I have several sweaters that would work. May be 95 outside but it’s usually cool in this office. I have to have an IV inserted for the Valium so I am reminding myself to drink plenty of water before noon.
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