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Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:15 am
by DeeClutter
For the week, that is. I've been up early (for me) the last couple of days.

I knew you'd understand, LucyLee. I was getting quite concerned yesterday -he was so out of breath just getting in the car. He decided that he's taking the metolazone today & tomorrow trying to get this water weight off, then he'll go on the twice a week regimen. He also takes Lasix every morning. He had a nurse calling him several times winter/spring with questions about his congestive heart failure. His comment to me was, "I've never had congestive heart failure have I?" Think he realizes now just what the congestive heart failure means in retaining all that fluid. He was more symptomatic this time than he was in the spring -just had the immediate weight gain then. Or at least it wasn't to the point that it is this time. Let me tell you, LucyLee, I totally understand your own concerns.

My blood pressure yesterday was 108/68 -cardiologist said, "That's what the exercise is doing." We talked about my frustration with trying to lose weight the last month or so. Told me to just keep doing what I'm doing -my A1C is good (even lower than in August & they actually don't want it much lower than now -6.6) so he knows I'm 'behaving'. Said it would come. So I'm choosing to believe him and I'll just keep working at it. (Just now looked at my triglyceride level and for the first time it's WAY normal! It was 196 in August and 129 now -had been wondering how to get that number down. Guess the exercise is showing in a lot of places.) My doctor is going to be very happy tomorrow and so am I.


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:01 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I may be joining the broken fridge trend!

I'm up late. I took a melatonin and slept in far too late. It was the stage going past the open window that brought me to consciousness. Thankfully they weren't working on my window today so after they went by I closed the window, shut the blinds and then got up.

Watered the plants and emptied the dish drainer while my tea steeped. Went to get milk and discovered the fridge door was open a crack all night (it hasn't been closing well for a few weeks.) Dh was not in the fridge overnight or this morning so it was for at least 12 hours.

The fridge is warm (50s) but the freezer items were fine. They are in the deep freeze now. The fridge items are in a cooler and on the balcony (it is high 40's) and I'll put the cooler out there after breakfast.

It didn't turn on when I turned it up so I'm resting it for 15 minutes and then will try again. If it doesn't turn on, I'll have to call it in.

I'm still not dressed. I still haven't eaten and we need to leave in 25 minutes so I'm sending dh on his own to his appointment (that will cost us parking.)

Dh thinks I'm in a tizzy. I moved $50 of meat and dairy items to coolers, so I don't think this is a tizzy.

Edited to add: my 15 minute timer to let the fridge rest in the off position just went off and it did turn back on. I still have to stay home, though and let the fridge cool down and then reload it. I'll wash it out at the same time. Actually, I guess I should wash it out now.


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:14 am
by blessedw2
good morning d dee and d kathryn

d dee praying for your dh to feel better. Very scary for both of you.

My was 108/68 -cardiologist said, "That's what the exercise is doing.


d kathryn glad your fridge turned back on!

wishing you both and everyone a wonderful day!


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:18 am
by LadyMaverick
I was up before 5am fully rested. I woke up around 4 and wanted to get up but made myself lay there in hopes I would go back to sleep. Nope.

I had 3 bathrooms deep cleaned by the time DGD6 arrive around 6:30 am. I still have one more bathroom to deep clean but I need to wait until DH is finished using it this morning

I know some of my excess energy is coming from DBro's medical events. He took his 1st chemo treatment yesterday. All through the day I was thinking about him and watching for his updates. It took 10 hours to get the chemo treatment done. They started at 9am and he finished at 7pm. He did it as an outpatient so he came home after it was over. They had to stop the chemo for an hour because of his head itching. They gave him meds to help with that then resumed the chemo treatment. For nausea, they gave him an option of wearing a patch on his stomach (meant he could not take a shower/bath) or coming back today for a shot. He chose the shot so he will return for that today. He goes to the big city in 2 weeks for a consult with a different oncologist. If things go as planned he will have another chemo treatment in 3 weeks.

Today is normal Tuesday activities.
** DGD6 care before/after school
** DS9 homeschool day #73
** DS9 to speech pathologist appt
** WWatchers meeting. NOT looking forward to this, but I refuse to stop going. I need the accountability....even if I'm not being accountable right now. My eating is out of control and I haven't logged anything for days. I am giving myself some extra grace because of processing things going on. I keep telling myself to just hang on and the unusual will become normal. I have been shocked the last 2 weeks at WW meeting that I have maintained my weight (no loss or gain). However, I know overeating will eventually show up as massive weight gain. The scales will probably take a huge hit this week. And that will be okay. I'll get back to losing weight ASAP.


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:26 am
by blessedw2
I was out on dentist stuff for d mom and errands for me. I dislike spending money! I don't care for shopping anyway so that makes seeing that $ amount even more frustrating. ;)

today: dd younger am doctor appointments

dh: made a car appointment with asking if was available today. he will have to change his appointment if I don't get back in time.

time for work:

I didn't have enough dishes last night but this morning suddenly my dishes had babies (I probably was so tired I didn't want to see what was there lol)
so dishwasher is on (but I still have some recycling to wash before putting it in the bin.

I have decided to sew the scarecrow heads and then back them away for next year - I will look for old jeans during the year for the man scare crow and an old blouse for the girl scare crow. I want to finish my holiday work.


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:28 am
by blessedw2
Good morning d lady! I am so happy you woke fully rested! awesome on getting those bathrooms cleaned

I am praying for your d brother!

wishing you a good day!


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:28 am
by blessedw2
I think I saw d book... good morning!!!



Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:34 am
by LadyMaverick
DS9 has used the old phone for about a week and it is still charging/working okay. we will take it to At&t and get a sim card. He is beyond happy at this grown-up moment in his life. Although he will have a phone, he most definitely won't be without heavy monitoring of activity. I didn't plan on giving him a phone this early in his life, but it has reached a point that it seems the scales have tipped from "Don't need one" to "Yes, it is worth it". This weekend DS9 is going with DD to big city park (similar to Six Flags). His anxiety is already high about going. He doesn't trust DD to take care of him, but he wants to go. I'm hoping the phone will give him confidence and he can relax and enjoy the experience.


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:35 am
by DeeClutter
suddenly my dishes had babies
Sometimes those kitchen fairies are just up to no good!

I'm off to rehab and joyfully so. Who knew exercise could do so much! Well, I'm sure that many of us do know -I just didn't.


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:55 am
by blessedw2
so happy your exercise is making such a difference d Dee!!!

leaving house soon... take care all.