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Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:08 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Here, it looks like it will be a stupendous snowfall over the next 36 hours.

I hope your Saturdays will be stupendous for other reasons!

Re: Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:20 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm awake. We were in bed and lights out before 11:15 and I slept through until 5:45 for the bathroom and then went to sleep again until almost 7. So I'm fairly rested. I had Vicks on to help since the cold is now moving from sore throat stage to chest cold stage. I'm always pleased when a cold moves quickly like this, it lessons the days of misery.

I'm not dressed yet but get dressed and get out before the storm hits here around 10:30.

I'm a bit sick with worry about ds and dh driving to Toronto tomorrow at 7:30, mostly because ds hasn't had a chance to get his snow tires on. I'm hoping it will be rain along the lake so the driving will be miserable but not freezing rain or snow. They only have 6 hours to get before their flight check in and it is a 4 hour drive.

On the other hand, this was to be one of my preaching weekends up the Valley but I asked to be relieved of the winter weekends. Woot! No driving up and back in awful weather (and it will be snow up there!)

I'll decide if I'm going to church tomorrow when I wake up and see what the driving is like. I'm to spend the day with dd but even with church would be there by 11:30 and she's slow moving in the morning so if the driving is fine, I could fit in both.

I have to get off to the automobile club this morning and pick up a road map of Iceland for ds. That's my only 'have-to' today although our refugees may need us to run an errand for them, and we'll want to do that for them (it is to pick up their shipped baggage.)

The concert last night was wonderful. Really, really, wonderful. There will be another one on Dec. 16. I'm not sure if we'll make it but it is in the afternoon so more manageable. CF is the promoter and his wife, CM is the music director of a play on the same day. We had already said no to her because of the long drive (it is another 40 minutes down the road) but I'd like to do the concert if possible. The daytime driving makes a huge difference to me.

Our friend from Granada phoned today to say she's sold her inn and the sale closes at the end of the year. She wanted us to come for a week between now and Christmas but I had to say no. There is no 3 day period, let alone a 7 day period without commitments in December. She is sad we can't come because she wants to thank us again (dh has run her website all these years for free.)

My tea is almost done so I'm about to hit the shower.

Re: Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:59 am
by lucylee
Stupendous day expected here. Hope ds and dh have a safe trip, Kathryn.
As I write this, I am standing on a street in College Town, waiting on our team to come in -- and wondering if I'm going to be too hot with this long-sleeve top under my t-shirt! Should be 60 degrees at kickoff -- 11:00? 11:30? And rain tonight -- but pretty much a perfect day for football. Ddil stayed at the condo with dgd.
This will be dgs' last game of the season. Amazing how well everything worked out and I am so thankful -- dh has enjoyed this season sooo much.

Re: Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:12 am
by Nancy
I am up by 5:30 today. Hens have been fed. Bs is acceptable. Sunrise is lovely. I am appreciating the Progress on the back yard leav raking yesterday. Now that they are down it is good to see the grass again! I containerized some in the garden area. I got a few rocks painted ladt evening. 4 more to do today. I am painting mittens on rocks with this batch.
The craft fair is this weekend. Not sure I am going yet my cold is acting up. Dang.

Re: Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:52 am
by LadyMaverick
Good Morning!

I have a rare kid-free night/morning. DS9 and DGD6 stayed at DD home last night. It is gloriously quiet.

I tip my hat to those who are passionate supporters of college football teams. DD & DSIL have attended every home game this season of our state university football team until today. Something about riding motorcycles in 40mph wind? They have chosen to stay local and watch the game at one of the sports bars with a group of their friends.

I have Turkey #3 in the roaster oven. It should finish around 2pm. Then I will put Turkey #4 in to cook. Hum.....if I put Turkey #4 into the big oven then I could be finished with them all by mid-afternoon. would mean that I'll have to open windows/doors because of the heat from 2 ovens though.

In the past 7 days, I have cooked over 100 lbs of turkey & ham. Guess how much interest I have in cooking more for our Thanksgiving meal? I think our Thanksgiving meal might be Mexican food. Or Thai food. Or pizza. :)

Re: Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:19 pm
by AustinGranny
Good morning/afternoon.

I was up timely, got the morning routine things done plus 1/2 my weeklies.
Settling down to watch the Texas Longhorns play W. Va.

Re: Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:33 pm
by Norma
Hey Austin Granny! Hook 'em Horns! :lol: :D

It is so beautiful and perfect here in the Valley of the Sun. We can't seem to get out of the 80's and they are predicting 86 for Thanksgiving Day. It is not supposed to be that way! Up home in Northern Nevada it has poured rain in the valley and snowed like crazy at Lake Tahoe. Part of our nearby street has been closed also. :o

Patio sale in the park today. Everyone is on bikes, golf carts and cars. I guess it must be Black Saturday at Golden Vista Resort. :lol:
Everyone trading junk. :lol:

We have a delightful dinner tonight with Sweetie and his dear wife. (I have had a very stupid memory block but his wife used to be Cowinkie! :roll: :lol: :oops: )

Re: Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:44 pm
by LadyMaverick
My few hours of quiet is over. Our home is now back to normal noisy plus one. DS9, DGD6 and DGS21 are here.

When I pulled turkey #4 our of the garage refrigerator I found it frozen. ARGH. This is the reason we got a new refrigerator. The old refrigerator works well 99% of the time but ever so often it works overtime and freezes everything. I have turkey #4 defrosting by covering it in cold water in the kitchen sink.

I'm still in my PJ's (fuzzy pants & t-shirt type top). The DGKids find it funny that I'm not dressed yet.

Re: Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 2:33 pm
by LadyMaverick
Taking a deep breath and letting it go....

Let it go.......

The person who asked our church to mail her flight crew food because they are confined to base and doing without..............That same person is now posting pictures of having fun as she travels abroad. Pictures of her eating local food and shopping.

I knew deep down that what she was saying wasn't true. But when a person in the military ask for help while they are stationed overseas, it by-passed my "your being played" alarms.

I spent hours and over $100 of my personal money on her request. Now proven to be bogus lying request.

Let it go.......................

Re: Stupendous Saturday

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 2:58 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
LadyM: I'd post a picture of all the food you are sending her on her time-line and say we are so glad we can support our troops while they are overseas! Let the irony embarrass her in front of her friends.

I'm back from the errands. The ice and snow started but has stopped.

My apartment is finally 'cool' and I'm excited to have to go put on a sweater (I have turtleneck on now.) I'm sure it is warmer in the office/kitchen but it is finally closer to 70 than 75 in the living room and bedrooms. I've finally properly closed the windows (there's a way to close them but they leak air badly, but I had to shut that this afternoon.)

No maps for ds and dh. They'll have to use the internet. Dh was in a bad mood about that but I pointed out it is an AUTO club so is it reasonable to expect them to have maps for places you can't drive to? But once again the quality of the staff disappointed us. There was a planning map of Europe which she opened up and then couldn't find Iceland on either side of the map. She was holding it upside down in both cases AND didn't seem to know that Iceland was well into the Atlantic. That's about as bad as the one that brought us maps of North Carolina since we wanted a map of North Dakota and they both had North in their name so should be close to each other. Sigh....