Try it! Tuesday

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Try it! Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:33 am

Try It!

Try tackling the big project.
Try playing beat the timer.
Try dealing with 5 minute or less items as you note them, instead of putting things off.
Try writing less (so emails take less time)
Try telephoning rather than emailing (takes less time, leaves less room for misunderstanding)

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is one definition of insanity. Try something different, just for today.

I know many of us complain about how we can never string two productive days in a row. Today I'm going to try to do just that!

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:43 am

I'm up.

Lights out was 10:30 and I woke up close to when my 8 hour alarm was to go off. After a bathroom break, I 'soaked' for a bit listening to the radio until I woke up enough to put on the light a little bit (it is on a dimmer) and check email and FB for word from my traveling boys. Ds had posted pictures and dh said they crammed a lot into yesterday and then had a 10 hour sleep and were just waiting for sunlight to get back out to doing things (there is only 6 hours of it a day.)

I went over 7.5 hours without getting up to the bathroom despite having 2 cups of water just before bed. I do remember waking up and coughing in the night but I just tossed and turned into a new position and went back to sleep. This is the second time during this cold I've used the Vicks on my feet and I think I've slept better on those nights despite feeling sicker before bed (that's why I pulled out the Vicks in the first place!)

I've been eating dinner insanely late and going to bed within 90 minutes of eating. I'm wondering if that is actually helping me sleep better, although the lack of dh helps too (I don't worry about waking him when I cough or toss and turn, nor does his movement disturb me.) Perhaps I need to go back to the bedtime snack (a bowl of cereal) my mom gave me every night when I was little. I recently read about a study showing carbs before bed leads to a deeper, more sound, sleep.

I have a ton of things to do today and a wide open day. No outside responsibilities (the only day this week that is true.)

I'm just having my tea and chocolate now, warming up to the idea of getting going for real.

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:45 am

Lucylee: one of my emails this morning was from the other group's leader. She said they were sitting having tea on the weekend with quiet conversation when the banging started. She sincerely believes this man is unstable.

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:17 am

carbs before bed leads to a deeper, more sound, sleep

That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
It is rare. VERY rare that I don't have something to eat before I go to sleep. I appear to have a cast iron stomach because I can eat most anything without it bothering me (no heartburn). My late night struggle is to only eat a snack and then stop eating. No bingeing.

Today events -
** DGD6 and DS9 care
** Puppy has appt with Vet (45-mile drive) to be neutered. Puppy has to be there by 9am and we pick the puppy up around 5pm (another long drive).
** DS9 has 1pm appt with speech pathologist in big town
** Health food store - Chiropractor suggested getting Zevia to drink as an alternative to drinks containing food dye. We also need to shop for gum with no dye. Spry gum is on the top of our list. Thank you Harriet! Also need to look for cereal with no dye that appeals to DS9. I'm trying to not take a "you need to eat this" type of role. DS9 is excitedly discussing food options with the chiropractor, so I want to be supportive of their discussion and make sure the better food options are made available to him. I want DS9 to take the lead in making his food choices. This is a lifelong habit he needs to develop.
** WW meeting 5:30pm. I do not expect this is going to be a good weigh-in for me this week. I'm just holding my nose and getting through it. I"m not quitting.
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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:19 am


Kathryn I would suggest that the super of that building go into the apartment of the banger and check his ceiling for damage and evict him if there is any. :lol:

Today I have my Women's Institute meeting at 1:30 and I would like to make a huge pot of cabbage soup with ground beef, tomatoes and potatoes and carrots.
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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:42 am

Good morning, villagers ~
I'm looking forward to seeing all of the family on Thursday, and I'm looking forward to being a hermit at home on Friday. :)

Today I have a library staff meeting after lunch. We are supposed to keep staff meetings down to an hour, but this time there are several important items on the agenda so we might run long.

After the meeting I'll go to TheBigCity Sam's for fresh produce. I hope I won't have to go anywhere else, but both wm and Aldi are near if Sam's doesn't have what I want. Trying to avoid going to any store tomorrow.

This morning I'm working on 3Ds.
* Dinner in the crock pot, a new beef & broccoli recipe to try
* Dishes & must scrub the top of the stove
* Duds = 2-3 loads of laundry, decide what to wear on Thanksgiving (everyone will be taking family photos)

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:46 am

CathyS wrote:Kathryn I would suggest that the super of that building go into the apartment of the banger and check his ceiling for damage and evict him if there is any. :lol:

I know! If that was done here, there'd be a shower of plaster every time. I'm assuming a broom handle but I'm wondering if he has a special device! You should feel the floor vibrate when he does it.

I'm still sitting here. Haven't accomplished a thing yet, so this isn't good.

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:49 am

good morning - my brain is not together yet to start.. but I want to wish you all a very good morning!

finally awake: cards pulled
hoping to put up some lights outside

hoping to pick up garland for outside
I will water and keep them outside until ready to defrost

This weekend hoping to get tree and keep it outside until ready to put it up. (last time there were not a good selection)

-Finish my shirt
-today is bathroom day but I will keep it slipshod - surface clean
-apple bread
-banana bread
-clean car
-dh to do dryer exhaust

pulling kitchen dailies
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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:22 am

hi d kathryn! I like the theme for today!
hi d book! I love that! great job on dishes, duds, and dinner!
hi d cathy! dinner sounds great
hi d lady! good luck to your sweet puppy! good for you on going to WW!

hi d everyone!!!! have a wonderful day :D

I miss my french work but I knew I would put it off until Jan. 1rst
I think I will continue reading children's books in french. I have been thinking about next years goals and I think I may try really hard to speak french with d mom only - that will be hard because I have to really put things together grammatically before saying it (I always go blank)

d kids and dh came up with a bunch of different ideas (especially dh - I am now ready to give his sisters ideas- now that's a miracle :lol: ) I just have to remember to put the ideas in my purse for thanksgiving.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:27 am

pot of cabbage soup with ground beef, tomatoes and potatoes and carrots.

CathyS - that sounds wonderful!

a new beef & broccoli recipe

Bookie - Yum!

I have started the process of using the turkey broth from the 4 turkeys cooked a couple days ago. I have a big pot of the turkey broth and vegetables bubbling. Once it has cooked down a little then I'll freeze the soup in 1 cup portions. Having this broth/vegetable soup always available is well worth the effort (IMHO). As I use one then I take a frozen one and put it in the refrigerator to thaw. If I forget to take one out of the freezer, it only takes a couple minutes to thaw it in the microwave.

I put the puppy in the travel cage (DH soft heart doesn't like making the puppy sad!). DH and the kids are delivering the puppy to the vet. I have a couple hours of quiet and the house all to myself!!!

I have finished the washing, drying, folding of the 20 blankets that are made available at the church for anyone to use if they are cold. I have them packed into their large plastic tub and ready to load into the SUV when DH gets home. Once I get the tub into the SUV then I can forget about them. They can stay there until we return them to church next Sunday (no service this Wednesday night).
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