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Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:58 am
by LadyMaverick
How many things do you need or want to do today?

What's your number?

I gave both kids a piece of paper this morning with the numbers 1 - 5 written on them. They are each deciding 5 things they want to do today.

Re: Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:17 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
My number is 5. Thank heavens I'm in Canada and don't have to deal with a big Thanksgiving celebration. I feel awful and am not sure I won't cough too much for echocardiogram this morning. I took some honey when I woke up but I'm back to coughing again. I'll take some with me, along with chewable vitamin C and peppermints. Might take a peppermint tea with me as well. And I'll take a decongestant before I leave.

Slept between the coughing last night and woke up feeling fairly rested. That's no longer true, though.

My 5 are:

1. Echocardiogram
2. start sermon
3. start family newsletter
4. make and post signs for the RA
5. bank letter for the refugee bank account (I'm really far behind on this.)

I won't likely get these all done but they are my three big ones.

Of course, instead I've started to think up verses for my song for dgs. I have the chorus down pat but need to come up with the verses. I think I've decided to keep the tune almost identical for the verses. The song is about celebrating a little one doing things on their own. The great part about technology is I can keep recording it into my phone as I think of something so I don't need to leave what I'm doing (dishes for instance) and sit down at the piano. BTW: this is the first time I've ever felt compelled to write a song.

Re: Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:22 am
by Nancy
My 5 plus ~ I was up at 5
Make Deviled eggs x
Cook ground turkey sausage for stuffing. In the oven now. X
Make stuffing x
Finish Jello salad x
Kit. Spiff x
Fold & put away laundry x
Put food in freezer h fridge clear fridge. X
8:00 coffee break x

Thaw & cut pies x
Sweep & mop kit x
Rake leaves x
walk ddog to corner x
Walk ddog longer 1 mi. X
Walk ddog at grange x

Re: Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:26 am
by LadyMaverick
Breakfast has been made/served (ham, eggs, toast) and enjoyed eating together. I took a 10-minute brisk walk in the neighborhood. My legs got cold while walking (feels like 26F) so I need to develop a plan for keeping legs warm for tomorrows 5K walk.

Interesting.....I monitor the MCL forums (DBro cancer). There was a reference made to ITP (DD has this). By accident, we discovered both our families have members with ITP and MCL. We are now trying to determine if is this a fluke or are their others with same blood diseases in a family.

I'm not doing a big Thanksgiving cooking prep effort today. We have been invited to 3 family gatherings tomorrow. We have told each one that we would stop by but not eat. I really don't want to eat 3 big meals tomorrow. And I am kinda burnt out on Turkey/ham. We are going to have homemade pizza tomorrow.

Re: Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 11:22 am
by Twins' Mom
Oy! Harriet just peeked in here and it's the crossroads of the day and I' pajamas still, looking for my dfriend M's ancestors down in Georgia.

I'd love to play along and feel I have accomplished things today!
-grocery store trip - this is my usual weekly trip, but I know the store will be crazy busy today
-call and pick up more dog food at the vet's office
-complete and turn in my Pro Gen assignment due on Saturday
-clean up for dcleaning lady who will come this afternoon
-laundry catch up

bonus: gather fall decorative things to put away tomorrow

To those ends.....
-breakfast and meds
-walk the dog
-call vet's office re dog food
-get house ready for dcleaning lady

and a dneighbor just reported on Facebook that her water pressure is low....yep, same here! May have to delay that shower....

Re: Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 11:34 am
by blessedw2
d harriet I hope you are feeling better today! no scratchy throat allowed!

hi d twins- I hope you have a great day!

hi d lady I can imagine that you are burnt out on turkey/ham and any thanksgiving food!

Hi d nancy happy cooking

hi d kathryn, hope you stay free of a cold!

hello d all!

Re: Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 11:37 am
by blessedw2
i did not set up a lot of things for my card file today as I will be doing:

cook in the morning where I can
cut veggies for tomorrow mornings dishes
finish shirt for thanksgiving
wash laundry for thursday
really clean out car for Friday
hopefully pick up dd younger from airport at 3 pm
I may "may" put up some christmas lights if I have time
since I missed the non kitchen dailies I have to do it today.
make cards up for items d family were looking for (are name pull is tomorrow)

praying dd younger will be able to fly home today - the airlines overbooked again and are asking for volunteers to stay behind. Dd younger went to help my d mom settle in and set up a flight home for today. I hope she can make it home otherwise she will be disappointed.

Re: Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:29 pm
by blessedw2
okay it took me forever but my cards are pulled

I will start with my dailies in the kitchen as well as pulling the recipes for tomorrow and the things that I need and put them on the counter.
It's already 10:30 shocker - I am having the lazies more than the I don't wanna's. ;)

Positive thoughts!

While I work in the kitchen I have the American Experience "the Pilgrims" streaming.

Re: Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:47 pm
by Lilac
I got my new crown put on yesterday. It looks and feels great. This dentist has a light that he shines in your mouth to determine oral cancer. He had used it on me the first time I went in. He did so again yesterday. There is a spot that concerned him. I asked if it was the spot that looks like what I call a blood blister and he said yes. I told him it had been there for years. He wants the oral surgeon to check it out when I go in next week to see how well I healed. My original dentist nicked it or something during a procedure. I went to him from 1982 until he died in 1999. The dentist who took over for him, I had until this October. I always asked for him to check for signs of oral cancer because of what dsisil has been through. He always just did a visual check and never seemed concerned about that spot. I am trying not to worry about this since I have had it 18+ years. Dsisil discovered a white spot in May and kept thinking it would go away. By August she decided to have it checked and it was determined that she had oral cancer. After having radiation that did not take care of it, she then had radical surgery that includes over half of her jaw is titanium. All of her teeth had been pulled before the radiation. Because of the titanium she can't have implants or dentures. So I guess we will see what the oral surgeon thinks about that spot.

After a week in the big city hospital, Dsisil was able to come home yesterday after her bout of c.diff.

We are going to dd1s tomorrow. I am taking homemade crescent rolls. It's a refrigerator dough and will need to be rolled out and baked tomorrow. The noodles will be cooked tomorrow. The peach salad will be made tomorrow. I am taking a chocolate peanut butter dessert. I will make the crust today and the filling tomorrow. The only thing that can be completed today is the apple dumpling cobbler. My dgm made apple dumplings that were wonderful. Last year my dcousin who used that recipe for years decided to try something different. She puts pie crust in the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan and then puts in the apple mixture. She covers that with the pie crust and then pours the sauce on top of that and bakes it. Dm says that it turns out great and is so much easier that rolling out small balls of dough, filling them and then pouring the sauce over to bake them. So I hope it works for me. I also gave a dd1 a turkey breast to go along with hers. This morning she called to see if I was making too much. I also take this much to contribute to our dinner. She is so glad to be hosting the dinner again after being in South Dakota last Thanksgiving and away from family.

Monday at 3 months and 17 days, dggsK rolled from his tummy to his back. He has a 5 month old cousin that was full term who hasn't done that yet. BabyK seems determined to not letting being a premie, hold him back.

Well I better get a shower and get started. I have a refrigerator dough to mix up, a crust to mix up and bake plus the apple cobbler. Better get with it.

Re: Wednesday #

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:17 pm
by Harriet
Lilac, I'm grateful to hear your various good medical news - as far as the "always had it" spot in the mouth, hoping for you that you are ordinary. :) It sorta sounds like it will turn out ordinary.

LadyM.. ... ITP - If this is the same thing, and I believe it is, the first person we know of in HRH's family to have ITP was his grandmother from whom dd19 gets her first name. While visiting her grown daughter's family on the west coast, she developed a nosebleed, went into more complications, then more, and she died in hospital there. The second was her middle son, HRH's dear uncle, now well into his 80s. UCs here are used to seeing him come in needing quick nosebleed help. The third was his son, HRH's dear cousin who now has cancer (outside of but along one lung, so sorta mysterious but he blames only his smoking, for what his own opinion is worth...?) and lives now in the same home where his sister takes care of both men. At this time, neither of the dear cousin's 2 children show signs of ITP and no other cousins at his (and HRH's) generation have it (out of about 17 cousins, I think).

Throat and faint-feeling symptoms - Don't know what all helped - maybe it was just the extra
spinach and red onion I asked for on my sub sandwich! :) But I feel much better today, and dd19 and I are cleaning house.

We don't have a number BUT thanks for the feeling we have many to work along with here! I think our plan is to go until we get tired, lol. thank you, Twins' Mom, for believing that I would be "together" by the crossroads. I'll try to live up to that!