Thursday Thanksgiving

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Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:12 am

Lilac shared a wonderful memory last night.

I'm thankful for warm memories. The holidays tend to bring them to mind but they are something we carry all the time.

If you have time, share a warm memory with us today or a story about something that happened today that will become a warm memory in the future.

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:16 am

With dgs growing so fast, I have to cement the memories of him at this age.

I'm thankful for technology so that dd can video their routines now and save them for the future. His latest word is uht (for up.) So now he is as likely to say that as to indicate he wants up the old, endearing way. He'd reach out towards you with one hand and when you read towards him he'd take your hand and guide it to his side. Then he'd to the same thing with his other hand. It was so sweet.

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:17 am

I'm up. Unlike you, my day won't be full of family dynamics or social cues that my day should go a certain way.

But it will be busy. The Rev picks me up at 9:30 to take me to the meeting with the head of the other refugee team we are working with. Hopefully we'll work out the details now.

Then I have more writing to do (haven't started the sermon yet) and all my weekly housework chores (let them slide since dh wasn't here), my mammogram and then more work for the RA. Dh lands around 6 p.m. but they have to get to my sister's (90 minutes away) and then drive home (4 hours.) So they won't be here until at least midnight.

I won't bother staying up because I have to get out sales tomorrow morning. Dd has decided she wants the IKEA kitchen which is on sale half price tomorrow. I have to go there anyway to get a refund on the mattress that is on sale that day so I'll go early in order to try and get a free breakfast as part of their Black Friday sale. On the way home, I'll pick up an instant pot and coffee maker.

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Lynlee » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:43 am

Happy Thanksgiving Day.
Prayers for you all for today and the year ahead.

I did lots of walking today.
My washing is in, not away.

Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby CathyS » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:59 am


Took a Buckley's night time cough cold and flu pill at 7 p.m. and it finally knocked me out just after 9. I just took the day time one now, and it can knock me back out if it wants to. Every time I sneeze, the band of muscles around my lower rib area hurt from all the coughing I did yesterday and the day before.

Supper is super easy for dh tonight. Penne and sun dried tomato pesto. He would prefer the other one, but we don't have any left. I will have soup for lunch and supper.

Have a fun day everyone.
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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Lilac » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:14 am

Good morning Kathryn and thank you for opening this morning.

I was awake when the clock struck 4. I kept laying there, trying to go back to sleep. Finally I realized my bs was low. So I got up an hour plus earlier than I had planned.

Usually dm and db2 go to db1's for Thanksgiving but since that was cancelled this year due to dsisil being on a feeding tube, dm went down to db2's. She had told me that his monthly food allowance had been cut another $3.00 to $94.00 a month. She goes down once a month and takes him to buy groceries, RX's, etc. She said she buys what he needs for the month for groceries and she pays for anything over the $94. So I sent her money to cover the Thanksgiving expense. She called to thank me and asked if it was alright for them to use part of it, to eat at a Thanksgiving buffet. I told her that they could do whatever they wanted, that was what it was for. She had told me recently that db2 eats a lot of H amburger H elper. He fixes it and eats part of it one night. The next night he adds a can of corn to it and finishes it off. She said the corn goes into any flavor of HH. Db2's birthday is in January, so I have started sending money to dm for his Christmas and birthday. She can then buy him something as he needs it. I don't send it to him because I don't want him to spend it on another tattoo. :roll:

It is suppose to be in the 70's today and tomorrow. I didn't see anything in the Black Friday ads that would work for gifts. Although if one or both of the girls decided to go shopping late this evening, I will tag along. I have done that before while telling them that if they see anything for them or their family to speak up. That has worked well in the past.

I just realized that I don't feel 100%. Hope I am not getting the stomach bug that dgd6 has. Dd1 said yesterday that it would serve dd2 right if she woke up sick today. 7 years ago, I woke up very sick on Christmas morning. I was suppose to have Christmas dinner that night. I spent all day, in and out of the bathroom. Dh called the girls that morning to tell them it was postponed. That evening both girls and their families went to IHOP. Dd2 still complains about that, like I was sick on purpose. So 3 years ago, we were going to have Christmas at dd2s house on Christmas Eve. I had volunteered to fix a lot of that meal. I wasn't feeling great at all but I managed to get everything fixed and we went to dd2's. After eating and gifts, dh told me he wasn't feeling well and was going home. I stayed so I could play games. As dd2 was reading us the rules to a new game, all I heard was blah, blah, blah. I asked dd1 to take me home. As I was leaving dd2, asked what about all these leftovers? I told her they could have them, we wouldn't feel like eating them. Several times after fixing Thanksgiving dinner by evening dd1 has not felt well while coming down with a cold. Dd2 has given her a hard time about that. Evidently dd2 forgets about a thing called, karma.

Well I guess I will go preheat the oven, so I can bake the dinner rolls. One for breakfast sounds yummy.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Hello to Lynlee and CathyS. Feel better soon Cathy.

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Lilac » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:16 am

Hi LadyM. Is your cooker an InstaPot or an Instant Pot? Maybe I dreamed up the InstaPot.......

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:27 am

I'm up and ready for 5K with 5 other family members.

I spent an hour on the phone with DBro last night. He is doing awesome with the chemo treatment. It's not fun but he is mental, emotionally, and physically strong. The testing of cancer status after 2 chemo treatment was encouraging. The tumors have shrunk. The doctors believe they have the right chemo combination for this type of cancer. It is expected to take 4 more chemo treatments until he achieves remission. 3 weeks between treatments times 4 treatments = 12 more weeks. If everything goes perfectly. DBro is still working for DNephew plus caring for his own 150 calves and horses. DBro did send one of his colts to a friend near St Lewis to be trained this winter. DBro would normally do this training of colt but this is one of the things that chemo has changed. No riding unpredictable horses. DBro does continue to ride his proven horses while checking cattle. I am sooooooo pleased that DSIL is being supportive of DBro and is taking excellent care of him. DSIL had a rocky start with the cancer diagnosis and I thought she might bolt. After losing her best friend/sister to cancer recently she didn't want to go through the cancer process again. But she got her courage and confidence back and is doing awesome.

Instant Pot :)
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:36 am

We're up and I'm to the point of drinking my coffee. Then I'll tackle the dishes that have accumulated -the bad kitchen fairy has evidently been at work since last night!

I've spruced up our bedroom and office and gathered the throw rugs I washed yesterday -they're now in their rightful spots. Dh tried leveling the guest room toilet yesterday only to find that broke the seal. Ugh. Thinks it's ok now though it'll 'rock'. Can't wait till we can put a new toilet in there -and a high one.

Off I go. Time to get things going -dd is out vacuuming and mopping the dining/kitchen areas.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby BookSaver » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:39 am

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

I've been up since 5:30 doing some chores in slow motion. At 8 I'll go put my feet up and see if I can sleep for another hour. Then at 9 I'll jump up to s2s and finish getting ready to go see family for lunch.

It's going to be a lot of fun at DSis's house today. We will have quite a crowd - between 25 & 30?

Hmm, I should have counted before I bought groceries, now I'm not sure I bought enough veggies. Maybe I'd better take a some pickles, too.

I hope you all have a good day.

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