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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:29 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Nancy: look back on your posts here from last year and see if you describe it to us enough that you can remember what you did.

I looked over my living room (even with the love seat gone, there is still more furniture in it than last year) and have decided the tree can stay where it normally goes. I'll have to move a small pile of decorative boxes and a plant but there should still be room for the tree and the kids' table if I end up hosting a huge Christmas dinner.

Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:13 pm
by LadyMaverick
Successful appt with the speech pathologist. DS9 has finally learned how to make the correct S sound and doing it consistently. She thinks two more appointments will be the end of his need for speech!!!!!!!!!!!!! So by the end of the year, he should be released from that weekly appointment. WHoooHOOO!! He will continue with the weekly appt with the speech pathologist at the public school until the May 2018. I suspect she will release him then. I wonder if that will be the end of his IEP status? Wow! I'm just letting this soak in. DS9 has been seeing a speech pathologist for 6 years. Wonder what life is like without those weekly speech appointments? I'm looking forward to finding out!

Boot shopping was successful. DS9 immediately found the style boot he wanted so it was just a matter of getting a size bigger than he is currently wearing.

Speaking of shoe size. My feet are growing! I did a quick google search and found "Nearly 100% of us will need bigger shoes as we get older. Essentially what is happening is that over time our feet slowly flatten out. As they flatten, the arch lengthens and your feet get longer. So I tried on a bigger pair of boots today and they felt awesome. I now wear 2 sizes bigger than I wore when I was in my 40's.

Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:23 pm
by DeeClutter
Finally "just did it" today! I've had 2 cross necklaces that needed a new 'hanger' for them. We stopped on the way home today and dh got them fixed. I've been going to do that for months. It was more than I had figured but at least now I have the 2 crosses he gave me for 2 different wedding anniversaries. And I don't feel 'naked' any more.

Went to willing workers at church this morning. Dh fixed some things he needed and we both worked on tearing sheets. Just before we were going to leave a friend asked if we'd come to their house for 'lunch' -well it was really a full dinner. We had the nicest time! Dh and "Bill" are 3 days apart in age. We've found, though they're from Maine and us from western NY, we have a whole lot in common. Sure we could have talked for several more hours. An unexpected delight.

Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:23 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
LadyM: would he still not need an IEP for ADD and the tics?

No progress here. Dh turned down a visit with W & R, explaining that at this time of the day it will be an hour round trip drive and we don't want to do that for just a short visit.

Dh is working on setting up December 7th or 8th with his sister who is town for the Olympic curling trials (to watch her future dsil compete.) Our niece is here as well. If they are coming here, I'll need to get the decorating up sooner than I thought. No problem, just figuring things out.

Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 7:23 pm
by Lynlee
Waving from Rainy Wednesday.
tmeds, plants out for natural wetness, swept in front of door, 1 bin in, put on next instalment of seed cereal.
adding dried apricot, sunflower and flaxseed to the mix this time.

yesterday my car did better, after it remembered how to start moving. I think the longer run suited it.

Great news for DS LM. I'd also wonder if the diet change helped with the sssss sound.
Sideways comment to Harriet - dyes and artificial flavours often go together in preprepared commercially addictive items.
I found this address for hygienist but will share it here if anyone wants to go the food detective route.
She is the dietitian I used visit when needing to get on top of a sometimes uber aggressive, adhd, dd. Used to have a monthly group gig with child guidance an hour away. I learnt much from her. both dd and dietitian, I guess. dd showed me clearly all sorts of things affected by diet.

Elizabeth - I can well imagine your need for sugar to fend of migraine. Not eating in timely manner does that for me too.

(For me, headaches are also caused by eating many 'good for you', 'healthy fruit' eaten too often, or chocolate which is an amine. Mandarines and stone fruit are 'liked', if I don't mind the strike me whenever headaches.
My reason for attempting to avoid 'sugar' is that once started I can get totally carried away. My sweet taste buds don't necessarily have an off switch. For me it is like an addiction. Remembering my brain 'lighting up' to a spoonful of straight sugar eaten as part of a sibling ingredient taste test experiment after school one day when my parents were still out.)

Thunder is happening. rain is steady. I can check on my breakfast and eat that now, poof.

Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:09 pm
by CathyS

I feel like I accomplished a lot out of the house today.

Saw my accountant and gave him the 2 quarterly reports and yet another bill from my lawyer. Fingers crossed that all of this will be coming to an end soon. More in JC.

Got SIL and MIL their Christmas gifts today. Got dh a stocking stuffer from Michaels. (It's a toy he uses when he plays with the cat.) I actually got 2. One will be in his stocking and the other will be wrapped and under the tree "with love from Missy".

I got a small crockpot for $1 absolutely unused (I checked everything inside, some of it was unopened factory packaging in pristine condition) I will use it either for gravy or sauce if we need it for company and/or put water and cinnamon and orange peels in it to make the house smell nice in the winter.

Dh and I had BBQ steak and baked potatoes for supper. Dh is now sleeping/watching TV.

Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:24 pm
by Nancy
I remembered what I did for the tree last year and need to do it differently bc of a 1 yo in the house.

My friend did not like her insta pot so I bought it! :mrgreen: I will v0be learning how to use it this week. A smaller one barely used. I do not think she could figure out the settings.

Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:59 pm
by Harriet
Just infuriated (so this is skippable) by an email from this "AMZL US" carrier, again saying they tried to deliver an already-late package, but couldn't. What a lie. Again. The time they gave - 6:00 - was a half-hour before, and we know for a fact both HRH and I were near different front windows, and absolutely certain no one came near our house. This time it's A-river, with a clear method for contacting them fast, so I did and when I requested a callback "now" the phone rang. So that does work, although the woman, named "Sam", had extremely poor English. She is obviously on the other side of the world. Still, I got my message across and will get a follow-up call tomorrow at noon. Ups and fed ex have decades of getting deliveries here with no problem. Both previous "couldn't deliver" packages had large read-able mailing labels on them.

Sigh. Sorry about the above. Moving along... ...

Lynlee, I'd been wondering about your new seed cereal recipe since you first mentioned it. I'm thinking chia?

Time to hit the shower. I believe I am ripe. ;)

Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:40 pm
by Lynlee
Harriet - re seed cereal - no to the chia -
chia - I take that in a smoothy or cooked with rice, veg, protein - 1 tbsp. daily. replaced 12x 1000 fish oil
for joints, brain, and innards running smoothly.
I like not having painful feet that feel like a mess of complaining joints when I stand on them. I'd have been better to have chosen a father who didn't have painful feet / joints at times. I blame him for certain other issues too. That is life, I guess.
seed cereal - base is equal buckwheat and quinoa - cooked in water. added in with the cooking today
cashews, sunflower, flaxseed, chopped ginger and apricots.
any nuts, agreeable seed variation, dried/ fresh fruit of choice is a summary of choices.
can add vegetables too, that is nice.
fresh berries if you are able to tolerate those. (they make me feel ill if I have more than one.)
I try to not repeatedly be eating the same food source through the day.
My exception of that is goat milk/yoghurt/cheese that I'd get 2-3 serves in a day.

Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:42 pm
by Lilac
Nancy how sweet of you to make an Elf on the shelf rock for kidN.

Our tree is up. Nothing on it but it is up.

Dd2 doesn't want me to go with her to her appts tomorrow. So I told her I would be ready for the day at her first appt. and if at any time she wants me there, I can be there in 10 minutes. I figure that I can start decorating the tree while waiting to hear from her after her tests.