Snowy or sunny Sat.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:50 pm

Thank you for that vote of confidence, Harmony!
I did make a few changes to my daily/weekly checklist, and then I made a “zone cleaning card” for 2018.
I used a 5x7 card, listed the zones — in an order that seems logical for my house — and then just marked off four coloumns at the side. No dates. My goal is to do 4 rounds, but I’ll just check them off as I go. If I dong get 4 rounds... well, all right.
At the bottom of the card was room for the 8 maintenance round weeks — using two columns for that.
So. We’ll see how this goes.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby Harriet » Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:35 am

Want to go check out BookSaver's sewing.

Of the several handed-down quilts in/from our family(s), a couple, at least, are very heavy. These would be quilts made over very thick homemade batts and probably made OF heavy cotton fabric, or even literally made with blankets for batts. One large-applique one, especially, is so heavy that I would think it would qualify for "weighty", if not weighted. No doubt the sleep that one would get under it would be different from the sleep under a lightweight cover, for good or ill depending upon season and need.

I'm assuming the weighted ones ya'll are talking about allow airflow differently than just a very dense cover. My ddad used to talk about his mother piling the quilts over the children for bed in the winter, to the point it would take exertion for a little kid to get out of bed the next morning. He said he and his brothers sort of crawled out as though from burrows, or sometimes slipped down the side of the bed and out onto the floor that way, rather than trying to throw the covers back! But they slept warm and cozy in a cold house and had good memories of that kind of sleeping.

With my temperamental heat pump-warmed house, I get into bed shivery but throw covers off in the night as the heat "catches up".

Can't believe I'm still "up". Even after napping, I fell asleep yet again on the couch sitting up. What a day. Ds and children came over, and I just wasn't myself. I had things to give him (that he'd asked for) and I completely forgot. I guess he was worn out, too. He never mentioned them, and I watched him nearly nodding off. I think the children wear their Daddy out, lol.

Weekends are getting so they are always tough around here. I find Monday to be a "recuperation day" almost every week. Sigh. Caroling is now moved to tomorrow, and van will be taken again, with a supper afterward at a restaurant where, actually, I can find nice things to eat. But I just don't think I can take the social-social aspect. My brain just gets fried.

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