Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

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Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:06 am

Nancy mentioned last night that her dh needed an anti procrastination day so I thought we'd extend it village wide.

What's on your own anti procrastination list today?

Kick up the effort and let's get it done today.
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:33 am

Hi everyone!

I need to get out there and finish buying dh's gifts.

Tonight's supper will be a cottage roll and cabbage and boiled potatoes. Tomorrow night will be pasta and our home made sauce that we made from tomatoes from our garden that we juiced. Dh has been wanting to try this sauce for a while now, so we are doing it tomorrow.

With today being Wednesday, I want to do all the wet jobs, like watering the plants and cleaning the tub and toilet and litter box.

But first... Wednesday stitch group.
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:51 am

Good Morning, Twins' Mom and village

Oh, hi Cathy, enjoy creativity

My work "is cut out for me", so it's not procrastination I'll be fighting today but simply trying to rescue the time.

Yesterday I had only just gotten half of some church work done, complete with long phone call that had its own worries. Had just put that part away to clear the table. With it cleared, only one more part needed that much space, then the rest could be taken to my desk, completed, report sent, and I could be wrapping presents by early afternoon. Well... the best-laid plans... ...

HRH was looking out the window for a county guy who would be stopping by here to pick up info from him about exemption requests. And a car (not a county vehicle, but we assumed he was using his own car, maybe) pulled in. Dd and I didn't pay much attention because HRH just walked right out the door to welcome the fellow, who would probably go to the office or even hang out on the porch. But... .. it was not him!

Company arrived, out of the blue, and stayed for hours expecting to eat lunch with us, share childcare with us, and be entertained. I found it difficult to maintain a pleasant demeanor. :| I did not cook lunch, and HRH sent dd out to pick up a to-go order that cost much more than we dreamed we'd spend on a lunch, both in dollars and in poor food choice. HRH tried to take the lead in hosting but of course we already knew he had to leave us for a while.

4 hours (or more ?) later I got back to my work. Although I didn't make an error in the spreadsheet, the last number was omitted because I hurried to export the PDF, and I've been agonizing over re-sending ever since. Since that number begins the 2nd paragraph of the cover letter, I haven't resent so far. HRH says it's almost insulting to tell people I don't think they can figure that out, so re-sending is unnecessary. Still, I know it wasn't caught simply because I was so rushed.

Today WILL be ribbons, scissors and scotch tape or I'll scream.

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:57 am

Supposed to rain all day today here, and this is my errand day when I can cross some things off my list. I'm in front of the SAD light - I need to remember to turn it on when I sit down.

Trying to decide whether I should do errands tomorrow instead of today. THat's kind of the opposite of anti-procrastination day isn't it?

Dh suggested we eat out tonight. Ds has been working long hours, I'll text him to see if he wants to join us, and I'll ck with dd too.

Trying to get my mind framed for the day.

Oh Harriet, how awful!
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:39 am

Thanks for opening the thread today, Twins'Mom.

Forgive me for writing a long list but it's the only way I'll be able to stay on task today.
* trash to curb tonight = focus on chores that will gather trash/recycling
* as always, dishes & laundry
* desk day = cuop, pay bills & year-end donations
* errands = post office, ATM, buy quarters, McD gift card, phone card
* rake driveway?
* prep fabric for DMom & DSis gifts
* mend black jeans
* make pompoms to finish off 4 loom-knitted hats to donate

The time has come to make decisions about saving sewing group administrative stuff for my personal info. National HQ office closes down for a couple weeks for Christmas/New Year so I'll lose access to a big chunk of the website, and I won't get it back since I'm retiring off the local board. Will I ever again need any of that info? :?

The library's sponsor/benefactor/Queen Bee gave everyone on staff a 2018 planner or "engagement calendar" with funny sayings added to vintage photos. The cover has a woman in an apron holding up a wooden spoon like a magic wand and saying, "... and for my next trick I will order pizza!" It is 1-page-per-week format with a photo for each page. Flipping through, I found the 1st week of October shows a smiling woman with the caption, "Stop me before I volunteer again." :lol:


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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby helia » Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:55 am

Well, I just lost a post. Thankfully, it wasn't long.

Oh my, ((Harriet)).
I'm a list person too, booksaver. If I posted my full lists here, I think some of you would run away screaming! LOL!
Eating out sounds good. WIll it be raining tomorrow, Twins? Would that be better for errands? Or -- am I not helping? :mrgreen:
Your meals sound really yummy, Cathy.

I'm popping in, thinking of you all during this busy time of year.

I've never before been as far behind at this point in time as I am this year. :shock: It's been a combo of work busyness, extra meetings and get togethers -- some work-related, some not, and physical therapy 2x/ week for 1.5 hours at a time. Who on earth is able to keep that kind of PT schedule? Something has to give if I add 3 hours/week to my schedule. :shock: And it has been my exercise. However, the range of motion in my shoulder has vastly improved, so it will be worth it in the end.

I don't know where to find time for Cmas prep. For example, my day yesterday: get up at 7, finish grading projects because I had a packed weekend and Monday, payroll - out 10:30 - 2, eat a quick lunch, leave at 2:45 for PT, PT, a quick stop by WF, home around 5:15, clean up the kitchen, prep salad for Circles potluck, out again at 5:45, Circles Meeting 6 - 8, home around 8:20, finish grading final exams, updated engrade -- and it was 10:30 pm. I'm struggling to keep my head above water.

However, today is the last day of payroll for me - awards ceremony at 12:45 and then my class at 3:30. It is possible, even likely, students won't show for such a late class after the awards ceremony (weird bug in our school's schedule -- always been this way), BUT I have to be present and prepped anyway.

Dd19 flies home on Friday with her Taiwanese roommate who is staying with us for 2 weeks. Ds is flying on Saturday! I'm looking forward to my family being complete for about a week. Dd22 moved home last week, even though she's still not done with her finals.

Today's main goals:
1. JOG
2. Payroll
3. Laundry
4. A grocery store trip??

So far today, I have:
- done dog care
- reclaimed the kitchen
- taken care of some emails and a text question re: a gift
- folded and put away 1 lol
- load of lights is washing

- have some qt
- dress to jog - I have to wait for dh to return since he took my watch. He can't find his.
- go jog, just 4 miles (I've shortened my lengths, mainly due to my schedule - but when it gets super cold, that will be helpful too)

I need to be walking out the door at 12:25 for payroll.

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:05 am

Helia - it is soooooooooo good to see you posting!! I have missed your list. Bring them on! They inspire and motivate me.

Trying to get my mind framed for the day.

nodding head. Me too!

After breakfast, I went for my morning walk. I have re-established this habit and am enjoying the benefits. It is a quick walk - only 15 minutes but I can tell how much better I feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

I asked DH what his plans for the day were and as he was listing his activities I was thrilled to hear that he will be taking the kids with him for a couple hours this morning. That gives me a time to do something alone. What to do during that precious time?

Today is Day 1 of 14 days of Christmas break. Let all the teachers rejoice and the parents groan. :)

Next up -
** organize lessons for today. I'm doing a greatly reduced homeschool lesson plan during Christmas break. There is NO WAY I want to face the return to school time in January if we totally abandoned all school lessons. I fear DS9 would probably forget how to add 1+2 and spell his name if I did.
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:15 am

No time to cuop. Great topic for today.

I'm still in my pjs and haven't had breakfast. On the other hand I watered the plants (put off from Monday) and wrote up a proposal to management from the RA (put off since early November.)

We leave in about an hour for singing, the dd's to drop off stuff, then Costco to buy and return items. Hockey tickets might be picked up in there.

I'm distracted - I just went to sign this post, Love.... Mom!

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:23 am

So glad to see Helia posting! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Thanks for checking in with us.

Yes, tomorrow is supposed to be only 20% chance of rain as compared to 70% today, OTOH, I have a therapeutic massage tomorrow a.m. out of the house already. OTOH, it's next to the grocery store. :roll:

Anti procrastination tasks so far:
-call to Atlanta NARA about a question they previously responded, also email to them
-phone call to a NJ library to get an obit. The library doesn't open on Wed until 10:30 so I'll have to call back.
-washing an old bedspread from dmom's house, may be able to donate to animal shelter
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:50 am

the caption, "Stop me before I volunteer again."

I just won't comment. :?

helia, somewhere in my own difficulties of catching up on posts here at different times, I must have missed that you have hurt your shoulder to the point of needing PT? I'm so sorry. Seeing your posts is very encouraging. Glad you're here.

I'm distracted - I just went to sign this post, Love.... Mom!

Best advice is check your refrigerator. There's no telling what you've distractedly put in there. This is the voice of experience. No - actually this is the voice of someone who might as well go check right now.

Rain, rain go away, huh, Twins'? I got quite wet getting trash and recyclables out. So if you're expecting the whole day of it, I guess I might as well hunker down. Truly want to go out and frame an ink and pencil-rubbing art piece of dd's but I wouldn't dare in this weather.

Ds and family/dog passed me with their "3rd wheel". We opened windows and I said to ddil, "ya'll going out for a few groceries?" ;) I have no idea what their plans are, and I don't care - they have a chance to head somewhere else and spend some of these first few vacation days away, so, cool. Just glad they all feel well and no bug went through their family AND they are not going to be needing me for a while so that I can get this house/tree ready for when they do get back.

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