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Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:25 am
by DeeClutter
Mansions? Just be glad we don't have to clean one -none of you have a mansion do you? I'm sure there's days that it SEEMS you have a mansion to clean/organize. :shock:

I up. Back into coughing jags. :roll: I will be so glad to be over OVER this! Had to get up around 11 and drank quite a bit and also took one of the 'magic' cough capsules. Maybe after I have some hot coffee it'll wane.

Watched the NHL All Star games last night. Plan to watch the AHL from Utica, NY tonight. Not sure how many team members are going from our home team.

DS-R and ddil are coming down for about a day & a half a week from Saturday. He called Saturday (while I was out walking) to say their flight has been moved to a later time Saturday and they won't arrive in Tampa now until 6pm. Think we're going to pick them up and then stop at A pplebee's in Plant City for dinner. That way dsonil can meet up with us if he can get someone to stay with his Mom for a few hours. DS and ddil have to be back at the Port of Tampa by noon on Monday. They're cruising to Cancun I think from there. DGS13 is staying with DS-A's family & they'll take care of getting him to school in the next town.


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:59 am
by Harriet
Hi! I awakened early with things on my mind that needed to be dumped and gotten into some order. So up and to 'puter to get them down. This in prep for being a brief but effective report-maker Sun.

Waked dd at 7. She is showered and studying. The 2 of us need to make an A-river order together. Then she must head back.

Cleaning out fridge today. Not too much alien fuzz, but a little.

questions to me (ya'll can chime in, of course)
Do I need a notebook and pen beside my bed? Would that help get my ideas on paper better, or would it encourage me to get up and concentrate on an issue, rather than turn over and go back to sleep? Is the good sleep too valuable to jeopardize, or are the good ideas too valuable to risk loss? Is the answer the same through life, or are there times for jotting and times for refusing to jot?


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:13 am
by Twins' Mom
I would have called today "Put on your own Mask first." I was just out of bed when assisted living called to say dmom had fallen this a.m. and was at the ER. I'm heading that way now. I got dressed, walked the dog, had my own breakfast and meds, and gathered my things. I need to take a bottle of water with me for hydration too. (Dfriend M saw me walking ddog and came out to briefly catch up, and reminded me about taking care of myself first.)

I think they said she did not lose consciousness, but did have a bleeding cut on her head. Definitely needs to be checked out. And she's forgotten now that she fell.

So much for a quiet reentry day of thought and brain dumping and lists. I'm taking my ipad and pen and paper so I'll see what comes to me then.

Also worrisome - I have a wheeze in my dry cough - haven't had that before this a.m. so in light of travels and possible lower immunity I need to ask for a mask. :shock:


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:32 am
by blessedw2
I am praying for your d mom d twins


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:47 am
by blessedw2
Yesterday evening dd's watched the grammy's together which was nice to see them laughing and being together.

today I am having lunch with aunt (was by marriage but is still my aunt) and her dd, my cousin. (I have a lot of cousins :D )

hi d twins - hope you are not getting a cold

hi d harriet - hope you dd has a great trip back to school
I think our alien fuzz comes from the same planet. It sneaks up in my fridge when I am not looking and always surprises me. d kids used to think it was so cool when we came across this alien as we had a microscope (a nice one that was mine) and they had fun with it :shock: :D

hi d dee - we have some really big houses (mansions) near us that I wonder how many people they have to hire just to keep up a house like that.
I can't keep up with my own home so I can't imagine a mansion. Thank you for putting things into perspective!!! I like that! So sorry your coughing is coming back! I hope you have a wonderful visit this weekend with your ds and family!

Wishing everyone an amazing day!

I didn't plan this week (usually a Sunday plan but we did a quick weekly blessing yesterday and I sat the rest of the evening not doing anything)


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:00 am
by DeeClutter
I remember going to a house showing weekend one year -all new houses & forget what they call that. I remarked on how one would clean some places and the answer was, "Dee, if you could afford this house you could afford to hire people to do the cleaning." Oh, she was so right. :D

Dh's 2nd paper just arrived. His first was soaked to the gills. Deliverer asked if it had been double bagged -nope. I was thinking that would have probably solved the problem. Obviously the regular deliverer doesn't take time to do that when it's pouring out. I don't think any of his wet ones have been double bagged (i.e. opening from each end.) Their auto call has an option for a wet paper we only discovered about 2 weeks ago. So now we call as soon as a wet one comes in the door.

A mask is a wise choice, Twins. Hope your dMom is ok.


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:03 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Babysitting at the moment but forcing some independent play time. He looks really tired, is a bit snotty, and his eyes look dull. I suspect he's coming down with what his parents had.

He's not due for a nap for an hour but I may take him for a walk earlier if he is too cranky.

His mom has yet to see the doctor. Her appointment was 45 minutes ago. And she has an errand on the way home so nap time falls to me.


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:07 am
by blessedw2
My hope for this week:

focus for this: closet upstairs hallway - this is at least a ten hour job - today my goal is to put timer on and do 2 x 15 minute challenges.
I want to empty everything in the closet as it has old film in it and I want to start making them into dvd's. I really have to think before I put anything back. Do I really need 1/2 the stuff I have in there are as many shelves.
I also want to wash the shelves, dust the walls, vacuum.

today: leave at 10:30 to get there at 11:30 am
if we are that close to the lake I like to stop there maybe for a walk

today is normally: (hoping to get to it)
white laundry
laundry room
kitchen - with weekly blessing I am hoping to hand wash the floor this time and clean the cabinet and appliance fronts as I have been putting this off.

I have one truth that needs attention. on top the china cabinet (hutch) in dining room still has the village (a small portion of it) on top of it and I need to take it down and put it away. I keep on forgetting and February is around the corner. :shock: ;)

As dd younger made dinner yesterday; I didn't have to cook after all. :D

dishwasher is running now. dd younger and rinsed the dishes (all but one pot which is soaking) and put them in the dishwasher - made my job easy this morning - I just had to put it on. Gosh I love that!


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:08 am
by blessedw2
d kathryn I hope your little one feels better after a nap! hope he is not coming back with a cold!


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:01 pm
by Elizabeth
Good morning everyone! I have a beautiful refrigerator, my kitchen tables are lovely, and my printer counter is vastly improved. I completely forgot to do the church webwork yesterday, but since the dance workshop has ended (bummer), tonight is free. Remaining kitchen stuff to do before February: organize and clean freezer, one bookshelf, tool cabinet, mop floor, and make list for February work keeping in mind the vacation days. If I take care of the LR and MBR, I will be ready for guests in March.

I am glad NOT to live in one of those McMansions. Even when I could afford it, I never wanted one. I would rather have an ordinary house. I've never had a new house, because they were so much more per square foot. When I was looking for my current house, the trend was black kitchen cabinets. Couldn't pay me to have that! No warranty is worth paying that much then living in a dark cave.

Meetings today and tomorrow at payroll. I am hoping they will decide that some of their old requests are OBE. This will take stuff off my plate, even if they add some more things. (They always do and the FNS-153 form should be called the Elizabeth's Job Security Guarantee.)

Harmony: I have a battery operated under the counter light. I'm not afraid to put a light in, but to do so would require some serious wall work. Not happening on my schedule!

Lilac: I started DDnow15 on solids when she was 5 months old and snatched food off my plate. And the dog bowl.

Harriet: Try the notepad and see what happens. I have one because I cannot get back to sleep if I am worried about remembering whatever is in my head.