Tuesday Tools

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:43 pm

dinner is in the pot cooking
dish washer is washing again
I have to let the fry pan cool and then wash it.
then rewash stove
and counters and roller wood cutting board cart
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Lilac » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:44 pm

My dmil and I had different appliances that we couldn't live without. Mine is the microwave, hers was the dishwasher. I love my dishwasher but I can wash all the dishes if need be, but I would hate to live without my microwave.

Speaking of my microwave, when we bought this house, we bought a small microwave. Our last house had an over the stove MO. It wasn't long and I decided I need a large MO, so we bought one and put the small one in the basement at the bar. Recently the large MO has been doing weird things. At least twice it turned itself on, just by the door being opened and shut. It has also ran without counting down to quit. Has done another weird thing that I can't remember. Last night I told dh we should unplug it at night. Then on second thought, I had him take it to the sunroom to be discarded. I told him that I didn't want to be standing in front of our burning home, saying to him, "I wish we would have got rid of it, yesterday". So we are back to using the small MO. I have the large toaster oven in the sunroom that is big enough for a 9x13 pan with room to spare. I use it in the summer rather than heat up the house. So we aren't replacing the big MO in the house. The new heating element arrived yesterday and was a breeze to install. Turned the power back on to it and we are in business again.

When dd2 was around 15 our MO quit. She was afraid we would starve before it was replaced. Considering my love of MO's she didn't have to worry. It was replaced the next time I left home.

Donna, so glad that you are feeling better.

Dee, enjoy your limited time with your ds and ddil.

Last night dh decided to eat some ice cream. He opened the container that I had just bought on Thursday. There was ice on it and it had shrunk. We looked at expiration date and it was June 17 2017. Seriously??? Somebody hasn't been doing his job if its been there 7 !/2 months. I had the receipt so returned it today. The gal that helped me said that she never checks for expiration dates on ice cream and I obviously don't either. I just got my money back because I needed to go that store on the east side of town to get RXs and was going to buy groceries there. Believe me, i checked the expiration date on the ice cream and will from now on.

Dh went to the dr. today and she was pleasantly surprised that he quit smoking and had lost weight. At one point, he was down 20 lbs. but has regained 10 since the weather has gotten cold and he is playing his games. He has started rotating the treadmill and the bike for some exercise.

Last week I was using my 43 year old Waring blender to blend the ingredients for a Bisquick Impossible Pumpkin Pie. When I lifted it up, the seal around the blade had split and it started leaking. I could replace the seal for $5 but dh couldn't get everything loose without ruining the blade mechanism. I could replace that for $25. Anyway I need to replace the whole thing because it is silly to spend more to fix it than what I paid for it.
By the way the replacement parts were from A-river. Is there anything they don't carry? Any recommendations on a blender?

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:09 pm

LOL at your dmom, LadyM. I know how she feels. When I went to the ER with my mom last week, the doctor she saw had lived behind us on the mountain, but moved away from that house when he was in the fifth grade. He was only six years older than my kids. :shock:

I slept over last night at the family homeless shelter with dd - we were up at 5:30 this morning to be sure families were up and ready. I came home and got to see dh for a bit before he headed to work. I was up a bit, then slept from about 9:30 until noon. How embarrassing! We sleep on cots there, and it's not real good sleep, in addition to the early alarm.

This afternoon I met the archives chair at temple and got info from him about some possible articles for the temple newsletter. I came home and hit paydirt researching on the one I was most tempted to write about. So that's been fun but it hasn't gotten anything done here.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby lucylee » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:13 pm

I saw what you said about using a google email, Kathryn -- but if these older people don't have FB, they may not do email either... I mean, if my dgranddad were alive, he'd be 107 this summer. :shock: WOW. That seems impossible. But true. That is just amazing to me. It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting there talking to him. Of course, in some ways it seems like FOREVER since I was able to talk to him -- when I look at all I wish he had been here to see -- ds, his namesake, growing up to be such a fine young man and having such a beautiful family. But yes -- with him this age, most of the people he worked for are in their 70s or so now.

Favorite tools --
I'm like dgs, LOL -- I don't HAVE a favorite tool... whine whine whine. But unlike dgs, who likes everything, I think I DISlike everything, from the looks of things.

I am very thankful however, for the washer and dryer... (need to go give them some attention right now -- washer just beeped at me)...
and I like the way the house looks when the vacuum cleaner has been on a tour of the rooms...
and as some of you mentioned, I am also very attached to my card file and this village!
Oh -- I couldn't manage without wall calendar & purse calendar, also, Harmony!

her house is in better shape than mine and I haven't been sick!

Ditto THAT comment from Kathryn! Glad you're doing so much better, Donna!
Hope things improve soon for your dh!
so glad Insurance companies known more then Drs

Boy -- I can certainly relate to THAT comment, TOO. Dmom and I were just talking... soooo hoping and praying that SOMEHOW, she can get either the foot doctor of the family doctor to figure out SOME WAY to do her foot surgery in the hospital, not as an out-patient, and get her 3 nights stay, so she can qualify for in-house rehab.
We are hoping MAYBE, given her history with pain med dependency... MAYBE doctor will admit her for observation.
I know it's a long shot... but as she said, she is labeled a "fall risk" the minute she goes into the hospital, b/c of her age and history. She says, how on earth do they expect a woman with my history to use a knee scooter without breaking my neck???

(((HUGS))) and a BIG POTB, LadyM, for all you do for your dmom and your dbro... I certainly know the stress involved in all these family relationships.
WTG, ds9!

Blessed, there is a very large rabbit hole at my computer, too! I get started watching videos and I can't stop. Just saw one with two elderly women -- title was something about "you're still the younger sister." It was very funny... and there is a series with a school principal that I just LOVE. I want to work for him -- but he is at an elementary school in KY, I believe. Rose, you should look him up if you haven't already seen these. His name is Gerry Brooks, and really, anyone who has ever had any involvement with school would love it. This one probably applies to all sorts of business meetings:
Oh well, now I'll lead you ALL astray into the rabbit holes...

Nice to be able to order groceries. We don't have that here yet.

My goodness... now I'm watching all the Gerry Brooks videos I haven't seen yet... while my clothes wrinkle in the washer...

I got up early this morning and took dgs to school (b/c dgd had an appt with eye doctor -- good check-up, no inflamation) and then dh and I went to funeral visitation for 96-yr-old friend. Tonight, since we're "all dressed up with no place to go," dh suggested we go to the new(er) restaurant in town. DH has never been inside it, although I have b/c that is where our retired teachers' group meets each month. We're taking ds & dgrands with us -- asked ddil if it would hurt her feelings if we went without her (its' kinda expensive and ds & ddil haven't eaten there yet either) but she said that was fine -- she said she was going bowling with her classmates one night this week or next, and would be extra late getting home from school, so this would repay ds for having extra daddy-duty, LOL.

I've got to get up and get something done.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:32 pm

Did store run early. Got food put away. Knitting mtg, only 3 there was a good mtg. Got some good news they are going to restart the weekly Sat. Meetings some where else so we can bring spinning wheels. I used the car to take signs over to the trading post and got them up.

My fav tool for cleaning hens run is the pitch fork got 25 min. of exercise doing that, then dead headed some herbs and cleaned that up. Walked the ddog a short walk around the loop, I took my walking stick incase the pesky dog there was out but it was not, my dog does great when I take the walking stick glad I have worked with her for that and a cane.

I got blender parts by getting one at the thrift shop ot a yd sale and swapping out what I needed bc the new ones were plastic on the main container and I liked my glass one.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:55 pm

cooking some veggies I hadn't planned - hoping dinner comes out - and if it doesn't well it will be interesting for the family
the groceries came - such a nice young man!
sink is clean again as I washed the remainder of the recycling and dishes
I haven't done our bathrooms
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:05 pm

d nancy glad you had a good knitting meeting - wonderful that you can bring your spinning wheel
smart re: walking stick

hi d lucy it's amazing how fast time goes by. you are not a whiner at all!!! Actually I think you are very passionate about your family and so much more.
It's a shame our rabbit holes don't meet - we could have tea together 8-) :D
We just got delivery in our area.

hi d twins - so funny that your d mom's dr. is 6 years older than your d kids.. I have that issue too with dd olders friends. Really great that you and your dd worked at the homeless shelter together.

h d lilac that's not right about the ice cream - I wonder how that happened . Glad you got your money back. Sorry you have to buy a new blender - I agree it's better to get a new one...can't wait to hear what you buy.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:19 pm

It's a shame our rabbit holes don't meet - we could have tea together

Needlepoint that, and I would buy that pillow! Very much how I feel about each one here.

((Ramblin' and Sweetie)), hoping for quick recovery

tools - the appliances ya'll have mentioned are great tools. I will be the one who'll say I don't consider the Instant Pot an appliance tool yet. I own it and it's helped me sometimes, but it doesn't earn its spot on the counter as well as others. The most appreciated square inches taken up on my counter is the spot for the Nutri Bullet. It earns toolspace every day, though I will have to mention the additional pieces do also take up cabinet space.

Tools around the house I'd hate to do without -
Steri lite or other plastic storage boxes labeled with 3x5 tucked in & readable
3x5s in general
additional rods over bathtubs for drip dry finishes to laundry
rotary cutter and mat
hot curlers (scrunchies too, though)
youtube for quick how-to on the need of the moment
page protectors for originals of often-used printables

lucylee, here in our newspapers, your dh's observation would be true, I'm afraid.

The study time today went on for hours, although the majority was chatting afterward. Only one person left early because of child-care. My co-teacher is eloquent and though she speaks quickly, doesn't try to cover too much material. We admire each other's styles greatly but are opposites. I am much more likely to use visual aids or question/answer, scribble on the whiteboard. I'm all about inclusive, wide-eyed what-do-YOU-think, and she is all about profound, beautiful insights you couldn't bear to interrupt. She should be recorded, really.

At the end we were signing greeting cards we'd previously decided to send to those who are sick or have particular worry. We thought of one more man, and were lamenting not having another card, since even though one lady was volunteering to buy one, the rest of our signatures wouldn't be on it. I went upstairs to the office supply area, used the paper cutter to cut a piece of white paper an approximate size of a greeting card interior, folded, and everyone wrote in it. She's going to glue into a card interior, very like Hall mark does sometimes, and his card will have many signatures and notes. tada.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Lilac » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:39 pm

Saturday I commented here on what a great game dgd12 played. I didn't mention that at one time, him and an opposing team member fell with the other guy on him. He walked it off and went back in the game. Well the foot has been hurting since then. Dd2 decided this morning that she was taking him to the dr. after school. It's a good thing because one of the bones in his foot is broke. He will be in a boot for 6 weeks. He is very upset to be missing the rest of his season. Dd2 is so upset that it is broke and she hadn't taken him before. It looked fine and he was able to walk. The dr. tried to console her that it happens. He is healthy, it will heal and life will continue. I just feel for both of them. That mother guilt we all have at one time or another hurts.

I would love to meet all of you in a rabbit hole for tea. :lol: :D

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:44 pm

Harriet: such a simple solution to the signature issue. Yet I probably wouldn't have thought of it!

Dh and I walked to the store for the schnitzel. They didn't have any. Neither did the other store. Sigh... Precooked, frozen, ribs were on sale so he's heating up a half rack of those to have with rice and I'm having a lasagna. He's going to try pizza from our new pizza place tomorrow since he can walk over there easily. I'm going to end up eating out because that's the only logical way to do the day.

I've given up on the audit work but will work on getting the refugee books into more detailed ordered since I now have the rest of the information. I only had the expenses before. Now I have the exact numbers and dates so will complete a proper ledger.

While having my afternoon snack I reconciled chits to the reconciled credit card statement and shredded those. I still have 3 statements to reconcile in quicken but I've already done the chits for those so it should be quick. I also have ALL the chits from the trip to enter as well although, the more I think about it, the more I'm tempted to enter them on a spreadsheet instead in AU$, then enter in the C$ amount when the statement comes, and reconcile to the spreadsheet instead of Quicken. Then I could put in a single entry in Quicken for Vacation expense. Hmmmm, that will save me time when it comes time to reconcile and I've been using a spreadsheet so much this week, my fingers are getting fast at entering numbers.

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