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Re: ditto - transitions (d harriet's)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:45 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Twins: This afternoon I was thinking about how you lost your sister not long ago, as well. Plus your mother in the nursing home. So many transitions in addition to the ones you'd expect (the kids coming back from school and moving into adulthood, for instance.)

Dinner is done and it is my turn to clean up. Dh has conference calls tonight and tomorrow morning and the big blockchain presentation tomorrow night. I can't decide if I'm going with him or not. It is not too technical (I edited the executive summary for him) so I shouldn't be too bored. I really should go to stay on top of this project (which has the potential to really take off) but I have so much to do, I really should stay home and be productive.

I'll decide at some point tomorrow.

First things first, dishes and weekly kitchen chores.

Re: ditto - transitions (d harriet's)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 9:38 pm
by blessedw2
((())) d twins

Re: ditto - transitions (d harriet's)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 9:53 pm
by blessedw2
i love hearing about your work and you work with your church dkathryn!

hi d elizabeth - so frustrating to find bugs on the reports

hi d book lots of hours but u still had time for visiting and working on ur d moms house - wonderful

hi d nancy so happy it was a sunny today

hi d lucy - i think you do great!
yay on ur ta da
my mom took those meds
ill ask her

hello all - slept bc pain is getting the better of me - took tylonel and feel better - i will insist on an x ray tomorrow or if i have to stop by the er if my HMO dr -grrr hmo --- won't do something - dh wanted to keep his drs and i had to join him on the HMO
i would love a PPO like dds
dinner dishes are washing themselves

Re: ditto - transitions (d harriet's)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:09 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Kitchen is cleaned up.

This has been a very successful day as far as housework does. A complete house blessing. Plus I got walking in.

On the other hand, I barely did anything else (except respond to the request to do a graveside service in May.) My email was out of hand (remember, I'm attempting in-box zero at the moment) and so I delete 63 emails. I have a few more I could easily process but I'm tired so think I might head to bed and start fresh tomorrow.

Dd has a kijiji sale she's trying to complete and the person was to drop things off here tomorrow morning but it is unclear.

Before bed, I will at least complete going through the mess on my desk. Looking around, all paperwork is currently on my desk (not on the table or kitchen counter or the surface next to the door) so I should at least organize it so I can tackle it in the morning.

Re: ditto - transitions (d harriet's)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:44 pm
by Lynlee
Prayers for all of us in transition to whatever is next.

Monday = yoga and help agency
Tuesday = suddern rush to dishes and clear a section of table before over 65 assessment.
over 65 assessment needed to transition to different funding.
Wednesday = tai chi. heap to learn today. 18 - 24 moves.
I shared with instructors shoulder injury problem last time I was learning, and senior instructor noticed how I hike up my shoulder to do repel the monkey. So I realise I have 45degree arm sideways movement without the shoulder getting on board. My arms out action became really low. Maybe it will improve, or not.
Another bit my brain had trouble understanding was moving her arms. Eventually - its anti clockwise.
one set w continuing students - Much easier surrounded by people who know what they are doing.
bus to pharmacy, groceries.
Bought some rope and over cupboard door hooks for a clothes line over the tub - to shower screen..
home by taxi. things away. lunch

Heavy rain at times. ? Do I want to get bus back to town to see movie? LadyBird finishes today.

Re: ditto - transitions (d harriet's)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:05 am
by lucylee
Dh was right about this being an all day thing... and we still didn’t get back to town in time to take care of insurance and tag. So ANOTHER busy day tomorrow!
But we are very pleased with our purchase!

Glad to be home. We’re both exhausted.

Re: ditto - transitions (d harriet's)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:54 am
by Harriet
I don't know why blessed gives me title credit when her second post is so profound! :) Got more out of that than the first post.

Elizabeth, how is your dmother doing now?

This seems to be a thinking/pensive day in the village. I did come in earlier and attempted a post about the study I taught today. and then later tried it again. lol. third time may be the charm.

Study went well, but after I was seated and we were finishing up, a difficult time I didn't know about, that had happened Sunday in SS, spilled over into our group and caused argument. And I felt badly that I was so unprepared for that I couldn't think of the right things to say fast enough to help anybody through it. Our leader was able to change the subject. I was grateful to her, and no one showed obvious anger after that but I'm sure some left mad.