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Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:19 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Bedroom is started.

First vacuum is done. Windows cleaned well. Floor mopped from bedrooms to front door.

Next up is to carefully remove the drop cloths but I had to change the order.

My lunch is in the oven now so I'll do the drop cloths while I wait.

Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:47 pm
by Nancy
I was up in the nite w a low, slept on the couch the rest of the nite till 8 meds alarm woke me. I have not tried to adjust to the time change like in other years.

I have last load of laundry going now. Trying again to get that current. Noticed I needed to call about an Rx so will wait a bit and the get that.

I am journaling. It is not raining today just cloudy here.

Look up Cotten Eyed Joe clogging dance very interesting grew up aware of this & that kind of music grandparents area was big on it where my sis lives now. Excited to even try a few beginner steps again my knee will tolerate some!

Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:54 pm
by blessedw2
hello again! kat thursday

still in the slow zone but feel like I have accomplished some things

changing every day routines, bwp to a control journal format is working well now for 2 weeks

as well as a list of rooms to hit one room @ 10 minutes (timer in tow) Monday through Friday - easy stuff I check off as I go along

I also have a tab of our zone calendar we use in paper protectors so I know where I need to be in a certain week. (cards are used for all the things that need doing)
I still use cards but I am finding working with the control journal and wipeable paper protection sheets very helpful and easier for me.

paper work done for this morning
figured out what I spent, what I need,
made copies
I still need to fill out a contract for the landscaper today
contact a dr. for dd younger
get paperwork together for mayo clinic
write one of my nephews
order d mom's clogs again
start on boat book
continue french
But not now. later today! :D

yay on your work d kathryn!
glad your plastering is done!

Hi d nancy - can't wait to look at that. have a great day as well.

hi d Elizabeth yay on having a day with your dd! your dd's hair sounds beautiful!!! We have many beautiful red heads in our neighbourhood - So I have a feeling we have a lot of Irish decedents here as well! have a great day

dd youngers class was cancelled bc the teacher though it was this afternoon - dd and I found it rather humorous that she rushed out early - but other people in the group were not as forgiving as we were. It was a comedy of errors and thank goodness dd saw the humour in the whole thing.

Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:50 pm
by Harriet
I love this village.

In considering what to do today, Nancy thinks she might DANCE.

Well, of course she might. :D

Beautiful bulletin board now completed at church, if I do say so myself. I called and another lady with a key was there by herself and said 'come on, while I do my work you can do yours'. Cool. (I don't have a key and am dependent upon finding out if church is open)

I used
Spring Green crepe paper roll and bordered the upcoming offering poster, an event poster and a sign-up sheet that was already there. Wasn't going to do the sign-up sheet, because only the two posters were mailed to me to handle, but decided it looked as if I wasn't honoring it (minister's pet project) like the others, so I just kept on decorating.

Michael's coupon alert - dd19 tells me the art dept at school is buzzing about some possibilities regarding this right now? Just sayin'... .. maybe worth someone's while to see if there are extra good coupons in your area...? Don't know how that works - is it every store everywhere, not sure.

She does need me to come, which is not exactly easy for me, but unavoidable for her if she's really serious about trying to get this job. That's okay, I'm in a good mood now anyway. She and I will go by Michaels on the way home here, and she'll spend the night and figure out some way back tomorrow to friend, to travel to interview.

Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 2:21 pm
by blessedw2
morning routine finally done
lots of worry here at our home right now.
depressed and confused young woman - so difficult for her and very confusing on finding the right thing to do.

morning routine is actually done :D by 1:10 pm
s2s plus perfume
bring dirty laundry down stairs
empty dw
clean sink and counters
toss a load of laundry in (wash, dry, put away warm) - I washed my darks, dh folded towels and put them away
meds me dogs
change animals water bowls (clean) and feed them
paper work list spending
make bed
swipe and swish bathrooms - took 10 minutes for all bathrooms - toss or pick up

Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 2:21 pm
by blessedw2
hi d harriet!

Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 2:26 pm
by LadyMaverick
Taking a break while eating a late lunch. Today has progressed smoothly so far. I am thankful.

today's plan -
7:00 DD arrives to spend time with DGD6 before school
7:30 phone meeting
7:45 Bible
8:00 Math
9:00 English
10:00 Reading
11:00 Science & History
11:30 Lunch & Recess @ public school
12:15 Speech appointment & Volunteering
2:00 Chiropractor appt for DH & DGD9
3:45 pick up DGD6 from school. It is the start of her spring break.....which means she will be here more than usual for the next 10 days.

I had to wonder about Elizabeth DMom's understanding of what her doctor said. My DMom almost never gets the doctor words interpreted correctly. And then she adds her own spin to them. This isn't a new thing. I used to take a tape recording to DMom's doctor visit to prove to her what the doctor actually said. Even with playing the recording for DMom, she will continue to insist that isn't what the doctor said. She prefers her diagnosis over the doctors and there is NOTHING that will convince her that she isn't right.
This week DMom told me what the heart doctor had told her a couple weeks ago (I was sitting next to her during the entire appointment and heard every word the doctor said). I gasp when she told an outrageous untruth. I didn't contradict her but simply looked at her. DMom said, "Well, he may not have meant that but he told us a lie because he didn't even tell us his real name!" >>>>>groan<<<<<< It brought me comfort that DMom did admit (sorta) that she was not telling what the doctor said. And the doctor did introduce himself using a shortened version of his last name. (his last name is an extremely long so he encourages others to just use the first syllable of it).

Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 2:30 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Lost access to the village for a few minutes. Total panic here. A general sql error. We need to update the software running the boards but I'm afraid to touch things because I'm afraid of losing it all.

I have a headache.

I have finished the bedroom. Of course, I will have to redo this all tomorrow after the sanding and painting but at least it is done for now.

I still have the kitchen to clean. I'll do the kitchen windows as well. Again, because everything is moved away from them due to water damage plaster repairs, it means I can easily get in and clean.


Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:19 pm
by lucylee
I'm listening to Flylady's live FB talk right now... talking about all the basic stuff -- s2s, picking up after yourself, using your timer and doing one thing at a time, don't take EVERYTHING out of your closet at once and pile it on the bed (b/c you'll just end up putting them all back in) -- don't take out more than you can put back in an hour.

I need constant motivation like this. I love the links you've posted to the youtube videos, Blessed! That was actually what got me busy the other night when I cleaned the bathrooms. I realized I could do that while I was listening and it was only going to be 15 minutes. It was Dianne in Denmark, and she was cleaning her bathrooms.

Today has been good so far.
I got up, s2s/etc, picked up dgd and took her with me to the allergy doctor. She was sooo good. She was a little scared at first -- I'm sure she thought this was someone else that was going to poke at HER -- but when we convinced her that I was the one getting a shot, she relaxed and sat down beside me and was very nice. She was very interested in looking at my arms, where I got the shots, and the nurse let her pick out a sucker.
Then we treated ourselves to C hick Fil A. ;)

I would have gone to see duncle, but they were not at home when I called, so now we're back home.

I do have things that are not complete --
* send email reminder to retired teacher group
* finish vacuuming bedroom and bath
and probably some other things.

(((Kathryn))) I sure don't envy you the plaster mess. (((BIG HUGS)))

I can't smell anything, apparently! When I pulled up to the window at C hick Fil A, one of the girls there said, "Ohhh, I LOVE that smell!" I said, "What smell???" She said, "Brand new car!" :lol: I wish I could smell it, b/c it's so rare around here. I told her I only get it once every 10 years, and I can't even smell it now!

(((Harriet))) Do your due diligence... shaking my head... If anyone is faithful in doing her "due diligence," it would be you, Harriet!

-email info to dd about where I'm going today in case cousin is an axe murderer

(((Twins))) :lol: I certainly hope your cousin isn't an axe murderer!

Lately every finish seems like it was a big deal.

Every finish IS a big deal, Harriet!!!

(((blessed))) (((blessed's dd)))

what has been working - timer and only doing 10 minutes a day on home blessing, 10-15 on project, and if busy only 15 minutes in zone. Also dejunking one thing a day has been good for me.

I MUST remember this, blessed!!!
I need to look for "unconscious clutter," too/

So much WISDOM here today!!!

Possibly Chron's, Elizabeth? (For your dmom's diagnosis?) Of course, I'm relating to my own experience with my own dmom... but even Chron's isn't usually a constant life-sentence, is it? In dmom's case, she has experienced remission multiple times and then flare-ups return. She's actually having trouble right now with flare-up, probably caused by stress of (1) pain from her foot and (2) anxiety re: surgery on her foot.

Nancy, I imagine the time change is a problem for insulin schedules. I had never thought about that before! Hope you have no more problems now that you've had a few days for your body to get back on track.

* sigh *
Called duncle -- returning (for the second time) his call earlier this week. He called one morning BEFORE 8:00 A.M. :shock: I didn't even answer the phone.
He left a message that he had a book he had told me about, that I wanted to read, and he would bring it to me the next chance he got.
So today, I called him to see if he was home, was going to go by there while I was out earlier.
They weren't home, but called me just a minute ago... first he said, "We'll run up there right now."
Hooray, I'm thinking, no more 8:00 a.m. phone calls, dh won't be bothered, etc...
Then he calls right back -- "Lucy, Daunt says she has to get her hair done tomorrow, we'll bring it in the morning when she comes to the beauty shop."
Oh me. I asked what time her appt is, and he said 9:00 a.m.... and I asked if they would wait till she got through and he said yes... but I don't feel confident about that. He may show up after dropping her off.
I know 9:00 a.m. is NOT early for 99% of the world, but around here, on Elvis Standard Time... sheesh. DH will be thrilled with this news. :roll:

I have a problem with this 15 min. thing, when it's a job that clearly takes a lot more than 15 minutes and requires more than a feather dust in the way of tools. Vacuuming is one of those things, but it's not as bad as some tasks.
For example...
Steam cleaning the toilets. I like that little steam cleaner I have, and it does seem like it does a better job than just brushing with the toilet brush and swish/swiping.
OTOH -- it's kinda messy, and it takes a lot more than 15 minutes, and once I get the steam cleaner out, I feel I have to get all the baths done.

And it is sooo easy to get sidetracked by the computer.
Of course, since I started typing this, I've had dgd back and forth, plus the phone calls, but I'm looking at the clock and I see, I had plenty of time to vacuum the bath & bedroom before time to pick up dgs... but now... not so much.
* sheesh * :oops:

Re: Try Again Thursday

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 4:16 pm
by Harriet
Amused to tell you all that my car has become the flying carpet for not only dd, but friends who are asking if I could please take them with us to the not-too-far-from-univ Michaels! Then I'll carry them back. I remember when I posted here that it was better to be the Mom with the truck than the cool Mom. :lol: Of course these won't be big things but car-sized art supplies/school supplies.

Evidently today's coupons relate to some of the students' assignments due soon. I looked at them myself and printed out a couple for me. Yes, I printed them out, even with dd assuring me by email she can "just pull it up on your phone". Fine, but this way I will do my own thing with a normal coupon, no tech-savvy needed. I own an internal combustion engine, but still enjoy operating in the no-brainer age of the Flintstonemobile.

Oh, hey - maybe I can find something more for my bulletin board... .. it may be my singular bright spot on Sun. :| I would like a large header that says "spring".

blessed, you know your household is on my heart.

((Kathryn)) sorry you had a cyber-scare

lucylee, thanks for the nice long post, so we'll know you are well and feeling like yourself. ;) Yes, agreed that brief spurts of work time don't always match the equipment.