Conga to Celebrate Friday

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Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:44 am

Happy Passover dear Twins!

Today is Good Friday for my home.

Passover is a time of reflection and joy. When we emerge from our cocoon Of doubt to fly freely On the wings of faith.

It is spring (except in Australia (fall) for so many things in our lives.
Today have faith in yourself. Yesterday was yesterday and it teaches you so much for your day today.
Today get that internal spring inside yourself and Dance your way through your day today.

Sending you a day of hope and joy!

It is a beginning of an awesome future - spring does that - Each day brings a new beginning and spring brings a new sense of life.

Conga wherever you are!

You are already wonderful! You all are a blessing to me and I hope you see the blessing I see in you. Today you have so much on your shoulders and that can weigh heavy on your day but have a spark inside to know that it is temporary! (it may seem endless but it isn't, it is temporary). you have something really special about yourself - feel that spark - new life, spring, happens every day inside and it should be celebrated no matter how small the spark feels on that moment. You have Got this.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:00 am

I was out all day doing errands and missed picking up my glasses. I think I will throw it to an anti-procrastination day because I was supposed to pick it up 2 months ago :shock: :lol: ! I don't need glasses but at night when it rains, I need them.

Today hoping for me:

BWP: car, purse, check if their any bags in the house that need putting away, wash dog bedding
Zone: bedrooms 15
Project: wallpaper 15
10 minute house blessing.
dejunk 1 thing - nothing big.

I have walleye for dinner tonight.

I also have been vacuuming on first floor when I see a room needs it - as we have shedding dogs and cats

call d friend and d aunt'

Getting my gillies on :D maybe you have flamenco shoes, clogging shoes, ballet shoes or whatever ... have a dancing good time today.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:08 am

It is an Egg-cellent day here. With 2 egg hunts in the next 2 days, my time today has to include prep. I am filling our eggs with money (coins). I don't want to deal with adding candy to the plastic eggs. i don't want to buy it, touch it or encourage others to eat it. I was able to find an Easter bouquet for our kids that didn't contain candy or dye. it is nut based instead. Win-Win!! DS9 is wavering on whether he will hunt eggs this year. He thinks that he is too old and it is just for "babies". The egg hunt age limit is 12 years old so he is well within that. This is where his height works against him. He is taller than most 12-year-olds. Visually he appears to be breaking the age rule to those who don't know his age. I am encouraging DS9 to be a kid as long as possible but won't force him. Regardless of what he decides about hunting eggs, he will help hide eggs at both the community egg hunt tomorrow and the church egg hunt on Sunday.

Today is one-on-one time with DGS21. He is making lunch for us both at his apartment. We will do some deep cleaning and then probably hit a few thrift stores and spend some time at our favorite coffee shop. He tells me every week that our time together is the highlight of his week. I wish he had some close IRL friends. IMHO, everyone needs a buddy (or more) to hang around with. He keeps his walls up and won't respond to those making effort. I am talking to him about it but it is a slow process.
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby CathyS » Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:18 am

Hi everyone!

The trailer was moved last night and dh and his best bud hooked it up to dh's truck. This morning dh took it to Port Colbourne!! Yay!! Now dh can start reclaiming that part of our backyard. He wants to put garden boxes in that space. We have one empty box that dh wants to plant potatoes in this year to see how they go. I think he also wants to try spinach and possibly carrots. I'm not sure.

I have a loaf of bread doing it's thing in the bread machine.

Dh will be trying something with the rats that have made a mess under the shed/woodpile. A neighbor suggested hooking something up to the exhaust of the bike, sticking it down a hole, and then turning on the bike and trying to get them out and shooting them as they come out of the holes. We'll see how that works. I was outside a while ago and one of the big ones was out having breakfast under the bird feeders.

It should be an interesting day. Dh will be busy.

I discovered my Easter gift by mistake last night. Dh needed something in the garage and there was a shelving unit for my mixer. Dh just needs to make a wooden top for the top shelf.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby BookSaver » Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:27 am

Thanks for opening the thread today, blessedw2.

My week started out great but then was thrown into disarray.

Sunday I went to see oldest DSis at her nursing home an hour away. DMom and younger DSis met me there and we had a wonderful visit.
Monday was a good day at work.

Then Tuesday ... sigh. I was supposed to run errands in TheBigCity on Tuesday. Did a bunch of chores before I left the house so I didn't get out to the car until mid-afternoon. My new car, which I haven't even had 2 months yet, WOULD NOT START. :x Grrrr.

I had to have it towed to the dealership. First I asked the tow truck driver to verify that the car wouldn't start, because I didn't want to be accused of imagining it or doing it wrong. He didn't have any luck. Since the tow truck didn't arrive until 5 and the service dept. closes at 5:30, the mechanbic couldn't look at it until Wednesday morning. Service tech also was not able to start the car. Ran several tests. They were finally able to start it with the old-school trick of carburetor spray in the throttle -- but still don't know what caused the problem.

They kept it all day Wednesday and asked if I wanted to leave it overnight so they could try again Thursday morning. I replied that I needed a vehicle to get to work Thursday and since they didn't have a loaner available, they sent a shuttle to fetch me.

The service manager apologized that they couldn't find the reason and said to let them know if I had any further trouble. Well, duh -- yes, you better believe I'll let them know if it doesn't start again!

Of course, it's a brand new car and even the tow was covered by the warranty. However, that doesn't compensate me for the inconvenience of being stranded without my car for 2 days, tethered to the phone waiting for the mechanic to call.

I had such a nice long drive on Sunday that I was starting to feel better about the purchase, but that feeling disappeared Tuesday. Y'all know how anxious I get about car troubles, and that's magnified now that DMom is starting to need help more often.

Oh well. Hopefully back on track now.
Yesterday was another really good day at work.
I need to go run errands this afternoon. Trying to clean up the kitchen this morning.
I'll do laundry tonight.

I debated whether or not to go somewhere for lunch today, but decided to fix something here at home because I know my food will be healthier. I've managed to avoid eating out all week. I even cooked all our meals at home last weekend, which was unusual, but I'm just tired of the fried food and lack of vegetables at our local restaurants. I really don't count iceberg lettuce as a healthy green! :|

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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:45 am

Good morning! I will be doing a happy dance because it is payday, the bills are paid, and there is still money in my account. Master Card is not completely paid, but has been brought down. LOLs were also done, but not put away. Belly dancers either wear heels (yuck) or go barefoot (one more point in favor of that style).

Tonight, DD16 goes to a play with her other family and Dad wants to redo my bedroom. He is a retired interior designer, so that will work well. He has already concurred with my opinion on where to put the bed and solved the problem of where to put the entertainment center and catbox. Because there is no TV in my entertainment center, only a stereo, it does not have to be lined up with the bed for easy viewing DUH! There is a Good Friday service tonight, so we may end up there as well. DD and I are becoming anti-CEOs. We show up for everything BUT Christmas and Easter!

DD's intestinal biopsy has been rescheduled for Tuesday. While the term "biopsy" strikes fear into people's hearts, the worst case scenario is the inconvenience of a gluten free diet. Because her screening results were quite bad, they expect this test to result in a celiac diagnosis. It would be wonderful if they are wrong, but I am not counting on it. I have no idea where gluten hides, but that is why we have nutritionists. DD is old enough to treat herself on this one. Better to find out BEFORE college.

LadyMaverick: I recommend sending letters to the school as well as a phone call. These go into people's permanent files and can be used to justify raises, promotions, and retentions.

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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:03 am

I am wondering when spring break is here.
Family gathering for us is Sun. @ the buffet.
Yea I do not have to cook or ckean for it.
Found camping & jeep vids to watch w h tonite now for a meal plan.
I will vacuum living room.
Store run is needed at some point.

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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:24 am


Fingers crossed, I’m feeling better which means it’s gonna be desk day for me.

I have a program on my Roku which is called daily burn.. it has exercise programs within it. One of them is a Barr program whch incorporates ballet moves. The classes ... exercise Barr classes are $200 a month and I can do this trial free for a month. I know how good type of workout is as my niece dances for the Pa ballet and is a professional ballerina, so I am excited to try it.

Cathy... contact the city that you live in about your rat problem... they may be able to help you. When I lived in Mobile the country had a rat problem caused by hurricane which drive rats inland. The city had a rat control division which sent workers to my home free of charge. They set traps and also bait that wouldn’t harm other animals... I think it had birth control in it as well.

They came back once a month to fill the feeders and check the traps... they were out of the way and I didn’t knows here they were. Here in Phoenix we have a problem with roof rats... big nasty things. Many people have fruit trees in their yards... lemons, oranges and grapefruit... and these rats thrive on the fruit. They eat the fruit that falls on the ground and also on the trees. It’s a huge problem and the county has a rat control division as well.

Off to start my day...Perry’s on and my coffee cup is empty :D
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:36 am

d lady so happy you are having an Egg-cellent day. Good for you for not having the candy!
Enjoy your one-on-one time with your DGS21. It is a slow process but you are a great support to him and he trusts you. That is so special. It will take time.

Hi d Cathy, yay on getting the trailer out. Mmmm I can smell your bread baking all the way over here!
Good luck getting rid of the rats

hi d BookSaver » glad you had a nice visit with your d sis. So frustrating about the car! Hoping they can figure out the problem without it costing anything. (()) Great job on eating at home. Look at you! Well done!

good morning d Elizabeth yay for your pay day
hope you enjoy your time with your dad!
praying for your dd. dd younger new a girl who was so sick and it was celiac disease and once they removed it from the home and she was aware of what she needed to do she felt so much better. My df's face broke out all the time and she also has celiac and now that she is aware - her skin is beautiful and feels so much better as well. Wishing your dd the absolute best!

hi d nancy - hope you have a wonderful family gathering sunday!.
you can call the local district (school) and they will tell you or look on the calendar at the local district/school regarding spring break. Ours is this week. yay on vacuuming

Hope I didn't miss anyone - waving hello
d lynn hello

oh Rose I see your here - hello
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:42 am

I am having such a tantrum with the little girl in my brain... cranky - I don't wanna's - I have to deal with her today :shock: :roll: 8-) :D

so far: morning routine almost done
dishwasher is on,
cleaned sink (brat in me says "really - again" 8-) I know how to deal with her on that one
counters cleaned and large wood cutting board bleached
laundry in - cat blanket

animal: exercised dogs, let one of the cats outside with me for a bit as she will try to escape all day if I don't let her out with me once a day. (fenced in area and she is a horrible jumper) washing dog bowls, washing cat blanket, gave the dogs meds

I am such a little brat today! 8-) If I wasn't an adult I would stamp my foot :lol:
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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