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Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:16 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Lucylee's description of her grandson inspired this start. I can remember playing with a deck of cards for hours. I have several mini-decks and until the age of smartphones, always carried one in my purse so I had something to amuse myself with, or something with which to play a game with a companion while we waited for a meal to be served. I will try and remember to restart that habit before the end of the day so I always have something for dgs to play with. Thank you for that spark!

Do you know if you are working with a full deck? Is some card in your deck of skills missing? As a kid, the only way I could figure out which card was missing was to sort into suits and then order them.

So if you don't come up with 52 when you count your deck - sort your cards and work on finding that missing skill/habit!

(Hint - check between the cushions on the couch! Even if you don't find your missing habit, you might find a nickle!

Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:19 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Missing draperies is my big challenge of the day.

When we moved here, I bought some shower curtains because they were exactly the right length for our windows. Once we got blinds, I put them away. Loaned them to ds for a bit but they came back when he was done with them. So I just pulled them out, along with the hangers and will have something to put up. Not sure if I'll give them to the family or ask for them back. It is nice having them around, just in case. I have several windows without blinds/curtains because of the privacy up here so I can foresee needing them for temporary drapes in certain situations.

Aside from that, slept OK, am up, having tea, checking email, but need breakfast and to s2s. My clothes are laid out but the bed isn't made.

Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:06 am
by blessedw2
lol - I am not sure if I have ever played with a full deck 8-) :lol:

have a wonderful day d kathryn!

Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:14 am
by blessedw2
I had a rough night sleep. d older dog decided to bark in the middle of the night. ;) I let her out and she started to bark outside. Her loss of hearing is making her a barker - I wonder what she hears ;) :D

yesterday I finished my home blessing but this morning the sunshine beaming into the house (even though it is 21 degrees) showed dog hair and dust everywhere :shock: - how is that possible :?: :shock: :D

My day will depend on everyone else in my home because this is supposed to be family fun day but nothing is planned.
I will have a barbecue I think - dd younger and myself veggie burgers and dh/dd older regular burgers.

wishing you all a wonderful day.

I "might" finish the bathroom door - sanding and painting. kat and ww

saturday Kat

diane in denmark decluttering books

Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:59 am
by Harriet
without time to catch up on posts - 2 days behind as of now but did get through Wed.
Wed evening was difficult (trying church regular Wed thing rotated in homes - never again). Long phone call yesterday as a result of that was discouraging.
Dd38's family arrived safely. We fixed them supper and together watched episodes of The Librarians, which the boys enjoy. dd19 is not here. Don't know that she will be.
Today will be the party for toddlerC. Will go out this a.m. for more groceries.
Again the present from us is lost in the Amazon-promised void. Only until later this afternoon, but still missing the party. Dd38 has a nice one to carry, though. Thankfully, the present from us to be given here with the boys arrived in plenty of time for me to have it nicely wrapped and secretive.

Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:18 am
by blessedw2
d harriet I am sorry the amazon didn't get the present there in time! I have that with one item I recently purchased and it should have come in.
have a wonderful visit with your dd!
You got to Wednesday! You could have not done anything in a month but you got to Wednesday and I think that deserves a wonderful pat on the back (and you have been very busy and sharing of yourself with others!) Well done.

Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:24 am
by blessedw2
Thursday and Friday I did not want to do my morning routine but watched a video and forced myself to s2s even if I didn't want to (my inner brat)
Today was easier. I haven't s2s but I have emptied my dw and refilled it with the left over dishes I couldn't get to last night because I was exhausted.
sink is clean
window over sink needed spritzing and wiping
counters bleached
wood cutting board bleached and scrubbed
threw laundry from last night in dryer
threw in kitchen towels in washing machine as they started to grow.
I know what we are having for dinner
I went through a magazine and got rid of it right away
dogs/cats fed and clean watered again.

need to s2s
need to play or walk dogs
need to swish and swipe - surface
put away one basket from last nights dejunking

grocery store: corn on cob, little tomatoes
drop off dd youngers epi-pen refills if she can't do it today.
take chicken and wine I made last night and strip them down and freeze them.

Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:38 am
by DeeClutter
Speaking of A river, Harriet, I see that they're getting ready to build a distribution center near us up north. Maybe that will speed up some things for us. But so far I don't think I've had an issue. Of course there is a huge center between here and dd's school.

Had a disconcerting moment this morning. Happened to see all the animals in pasture next door looking toward the road (I was on my way to the bathroom). So I looked & there were 2 boys -probably older teens- walking down the road. So I waited for them to walk past here. As they got past our driveway they split and one walked back and down our driveway. Ran and locked the back door then went into dd's bedroom to look out her window for that side of the house. Finally saw them down the street. Had opened the front door and clicked the lock button on our car just to be sure it was locked and to alert them that someone was home here. Probably perfectly innocent, but then there's so much crime down here that one never knows.

Feeling very sorrowful for the Junior hockey team in Canada. Praying for all who have been touched by yet another tragedy.

DD texted that she'd arrived in Estero at 7:58 this morning. Glad to know she's there safe and sound. Think I have to take the responsibility of checking the back door every night -not just some. I went to unlock it this morning to put a can on the back porch and it was already unlocked. Leads me to believe it was never locked all night. Will be here alone tonight. DD decided to get a room and stay and work the hockey tournament tomorrow morning.

Redid the info that I needed to send to dh this morning. Had put together a promissory note with just his and another's signature on it. Decided that to protect myself that we both needed to sign it so it was made out to "and/or". That's all now in the mailbox. I did go check the mailbox after the teens walked by just to make sure it was still there. Color me paranoid. (Not usually).

Need to do the dishes from yesterday and this morning. Next up! :)

Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:44 am
by blessedw2
always better to be safe than sorry d Dee.
glad your dd arrived safe and sound
enjoy your day.

Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:48 am
by blessedw2
my "how's that working for you card" came up today

What didn't work and caused a lot of work all at once: this week I didn't do my 10 minute a day house blessing and I had to do it all at once yesterday so things didn't get out of hand. It does easily for me ;)

What did work: keeping up with my BWP and routines even though on Thursday and Friday my inner stinker fought like crazy not to s2s or do routines. I don't know how many times I said to myself "this is boring", "i'm angry that I have to do this", "I don't wanna" etc. etc.
"I don't want to be grown-up"

staying within points is hard for me. But keep on swimming

dd younger and I are going to run an errand - she wants to plant her seeds inside.
it was 21 degrees this morning and getting the dogs exercise was freezing. :D brrr

I need to empty the dw but first going to plant store.
It's been so cold that the local botanic garden has held off planting the spring plants.
off to the garden store!