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Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 6:17 pm
by LadyMaverick
We spent 5 hours at Denver Museum today and feel like we only looked about a fourth of it. The Dead Sea Scroll exhibit was totally worth it. I'm glad we did it.

We are heading east from Denver now and will get a hotel in about an hour or so. We need to decide what happens next. Nebraska? Or home? It is weighing heavy on my mind that DGD6 is with DMom. DMom has called me twice today. DMom is overwhelmed.

Elizabeth - I normally have a structured schedule planned by the hour. I wanted to take a break from scheduling while on vacation. I like having a plan and scheduling so it didn't take me long to miss it. :)


Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 7:57 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Babystep progress.

I've filed a government form online.
I've made up the list of things I have to do.

I've discovered I prefer crossing off to making a check next to a completed item.

I've thought of a task to delegate to dh before he leaves.

I've opened up the bookkeeping software and updated the last exchange rate.

All baby steps but better than doing nothing.

I'll work for 15 more minutes and then I'll move to the treadmill. I really want to make 10K steps today and am within range for that if I spent 20 - 30 minutes on the treadmill.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 8:10 pm
by LadyMaverick
We are settled into our room for the night in Burlington CO.

I had an idea pop into my head to visit DS43 in Arkansas tomorrow . I need to check if they are home this weekend first and then make some PLANS.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 8:42 pm
by blessedw2
I am having a hard time just doing the clean up for tonight.
I am struggling with I don't want to: empty the dishwasher
I don't want to put away the laundry I did today -I have a basket of laundry in the family room with me (clean laundry), I have a load of dry towels
I have a messy floor from salad making
I have a car full of errand stuff done to be put away

commitment to myself - I have to remember this.
One baby step at a time - thanks for the reminder d kathryn.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:05 pm
by Ramblinrose

I get like that especially when I have a migraine like today.

Here’s what works for me when I get like you. I stop THINKING abt what I needed to do... sound weird I know.

I saw my front door area needs to be scrubbed this morning. Instead of thinking abt it I just got my broom, pitcher filled of hot water and soap and did it. I just walked through the motions... easy to do cause my head was hurting.

Same with my morning kitchen and a couple of other things I needed to do before I had to lay down. I’ve been looking at some stuff I needs to do outside with my flower pots for several day and instead of looking at them this morning I just did it.

I find thinking abt what I should be doing just makes it harder to do. You know you have laundry to put away so walk over to the basket and don’t think just do.

I bet it will take you less time to empty the dishwasher than the time it takes you to think abt it.

This is how I am getting my evening routines done before I go to bed. :D


Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:28 pm
by Ramblinrose
Question for y’all who have g-children.

What are you called? Though I’m not one yet my kids are working on making it happen. Both my son and new to me daughter come from divorced families which means their children will have 4!!! Grandmothers.

I don’t want to be granny cause one of the moms is already called that and Nana is what we called my mil...she was one of a kind.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:39 pm
by blessedw2
d rose - that's a good idea! I am going to try that when I feel this way!
Yay on your work and your focus! thank you again.

I realized from you that I was making it a bigger thing than I should. I emptied the dishes and cleaned up from dinner. Sink is cleaned. It didn't take long at all. I will do the same with the clean laundry.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:44 pm
by Nancy
Dinner is done. I did the rock delivery. Walked the dog. Spiffed up the kitchen a bit. Laundry is going now.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:45 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Rosie: I wanted to be Nana. My mom was Nana and my grandmothers were Nana (although my maternal one didn't want that name because it was the name of the dog in Peter Pan!)

On the other hand, dh wanted to be Grandpa.

Our kids had Grandma and Grandpa (paternal) and Nana and Granddaddy (maternal.) Except Grandpa was Poppa to all the other cousins and Granddaddy was Grandanny because that's what dd called him when she was really little and then chose to keep that name for him even when she could say it properly and informed her Nana that he was Grandanny and that was that.

Obviously, Grandpa and Nana was just plain wrong. They go together like oil and water to our ears. So, taking our cue from dd who named her own grandfather, we decided to let dgs figure it out for himself. I would refer to myself as Grandma some times and Nana other times. He started with Nana a few months ago. For Grandpa, he's settled on Boppa a couple of weeks after he mastered Nana. Dh is pleased with that.

So, in a way, we let him choose. He was always going to have a Nonna and Nonno on the other side.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:46 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
One month of the bank statements were reconciled.

I walked enough to get 10K steps.

I put the dishes in the dishwasher except the roasting pan which is soaking.

More babysteps.