Sunday Reflecting

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Re: Sunday Reflecting

Postby lucylee » Sun May 06, 2018 10:42 pm

I did some of that last night, in spite of my worries that I was truly manic-depressive.
Got my weekly master list on paper, although there will be changes, I am sure.
Exercise & routines -- now that the stomach virus has gone away, (and the lost 4 pounds are rapidly returning) -- I must make these my priorities:
Exercise & routines.

Today, however has just been busy busy busy...
DDIL did not go to church, so after worship service, I took dh home & went back to get dgs from Sunday School
Lunch, cleaned up kitchen, did allergy shots
Took dgs home
Bought dmom's groceries
Delivered them to her, opened her mail, took out the trash, got med dispensers for next week
Came home
Read the paper
Took a nap
Awakened to dh's cousin on the phone, news re: other dcousin's health is not good
During that phone call a third dcousin of dh's called coincidentally, and we shared that news with him
Multiple talks & texts w/ddil
Emptied dishwasher w/dh
Went to eat supper
Went to Wmart
Dmom called, could I please bring her some cough drops & Tums, which she forgot on the first grocery trip
Home, put away groceries
Delivered those items to dmom, second trip, approx 30 min round trip, shaking my head, wishing she would move out here to her house 2 miles from my door...

Tomorrow, dmom & I are supposed to meet w/dbil (but dmom's health may make her cancel that) AND dh has agreed to keep the dgrands while ds & ddil go out to eat w/a couple visiting from out of town -- only they are meeting about 2 hours away from here, so we will have the dgrands till late... and then (in addition to the possible times ds teaches lessons which conflict w/ddil's work schedule) --
Tuesday, I will likely have to take dgs to school -- but then should have most of the day free. Possibly. Could be that I have to pick him up, or I might end up going to nursing home singing w/ds & dh.
Wednesday, likely will keep dgd during lunch hour, and then church Wed. night...
Thursday, I have nothing planned but dh has a haircut at 1:30...
and Friday, looks like ds is going to be home and perhaps we will have that day free!
I need to get ironing done this week, and I need to schedule my own wellness check-up & mammogram... but time IS tight. I don't know when to schedule either one of those. I would also like to vacuum this week... and multiple other things that are swimming around in my head -- but I do have them on paper and will do the best I can. :roll:
Tomorrow is another day.

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