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Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:32 am
by Twins' Mom
I'm still in working mode, Wanna get it done!

Re: Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:22 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Today is church audit.

I'll work on the service/sermon as well.

Ds is here doing laundry but we are past the visiting time so I'll eat my breakfast now. He decided he didn't want a big breakfast.

I'm s2s because he was coming over early. Yet, all I've done homemaking-wise is make my bed and empty the dishwasher.

Re: Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:24 am
by Twins' Mom
I'm missing bw2, who reported on a trip in J&C.

I have already been dipping into the genealogy report I was working on yesterday instead of working on a.m. routine.

I need a trip to the grocery today. Also am supposed to have a "headshot" photo done late this afternoon or early evening, altho I'm not sure what time or what to wear. [sidetracked] looked at photos online at APG site to get an idea of what women wear and what I want....[/sidetracked] Also texted photographer re: outside photo and supposed to rain today?

Trying to get on track....
-breakfast and meds
-walk ddog
-get dressed, wash up, brush teeth
-try to figure out what to wear for photo?
-make the bed

Re: Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:32 am
by LadyMaverick
Yes! I have several things I wanna get done today!

I like the repetition of cleaning the 5 company ready rooms each day. I look at each of the rooms before I start and find myself thinking there is nothing to clean but once I get started I always find something. Then I wonder to myself "how did I not see that dirt?"

DGS21 asked if he could eat lunch with me today because he woke up late and didn't have time to fix his lunch. It would be easier & cheaper for him to buy something to eat near his work, but he is committed to staying with his eating plan. He has lost close to 40 lbs now by eating the way I do.

Re: Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:37 am
by Nancy
Sunny happy belated anniversary wishes to you both!

Pushing the pause button on the dig out, for groc. Shopping & knitting group today.

H. Was giving me grief over 2 trips to town well I had news for him I cannot get this place decluttered and stay home hello donstions need to be taken down to make room for the next load!

Laundry is going and I will deal with the linnen closet next round. X

More laundry going now.

Re: Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:14 am
by Harmony
Hello. I've done about most of what I can do today already.

Some dailies done, my LOL hung up, another spinning in cold water right now. Desk is ok.

I went out and moved all the flat things we had stored beside the hot water tank. I swept the garage as best I could and got rid of the leaves that have been blowing in from the arbor. Don't ever put an arbor for vines near any door. We get leaves on the front porch and in the garage.

In the what next department: our hot water tank gave up the ghost yesterday. Sprang a leak somewhere at the bottom and started a puddle out there in the garage. I wanted to drain it so 50 gallons would not slowly leak out but DH wanted a hot shower last night so he said not until after his shower. :roll: After that bit of conversation, I did not ask him if he drained it yet. Must have, puddle is dried up. He bought new tank and pan this time (we didn't have a pan under the old one). Waiting for our plumber to come help install.

Old one lasted 11 years, so I guess that is about the life span of them. It was just a couple years less than we had the one in the old house we had to replace the day of the house inspection.

Looking at my calendar last night. I think we missed saying happy anniversary to Sunny and DH on the 10th of June. So happy belated anniversary!

Re: Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:35 am
by Twins' Mom
Oy. All I've done is to have breakfast, take meds and stress over what to wear for photo. I don't wear professional fancy clothes anymore. Have been texting with dd. She's upset because their electric bill is so high, and I'm sending photos. Photographer also said since today is overcase whatever time works for me is okay and that stresses me because I think it will take me forever to shower, dry my hair and look decent today with makeup.

I need to go walk the ddog.

Re: Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:41 am
by Nancy
I need to put the sewing room back together and do upstairs home blessing. I have been doing PUPA and clutter check, it seems to be helping yea!

Re: Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:05 am
by Twins' Mom
DD is going to come over, I think and help me. I haven't heard back from photographer.

My head hurts.

-Make the bed
-finish kitchen clean up
-brush teeth (I will s2s later so I can put on makeup fresh and dry my hair nicely)

Re: Wednesday Wanna Get it Done!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:11 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Back home from the audit. That was easy (excellent treasurer for the charge books) and we had a nice lunch after and a visit.

Before leaving to do the audit, I got most of the service done for Sunday (just have to locate accompaniment music for each of the hymns) and found I had created a file for sermon sparks while I was in Toronto. Even better, the spark I had matched with the sermon title I came up with this morning after rereading the scripture passage so I'm in sync with my 4 weeks ago self!

I also had time to do a quick silver clean (hot water, washing soda and salt) of the silver pieces my sister had given me. Some pieces were black so that wasn't enough and I pulled out the polish and got it all done and counter cleaned up but I still have to rewash the items to get the polish off. I also did the candelabra while all the items were out so it will look good for the showing of the apartment tomorrow.

Next up: kitchen chores including the washing up.

Ds is asleep here now. He did several loads of laundry while trying to stay awake for a meeting. He met with a business development consulting firm about what steps he should take to set up his wood and leather working side business. I'm fascinated that he's taking this so far but he's identified it as what he wants to do. With his regular job, it is a job not a career so he will have to have something else to get fulfillment and he's decided this is it. I just wish my father had lived long enough to see this. (And that we had his tools and my grandfather's tools to give to ds.)