Torn apart Tuesday

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:05 pm

Ok I misread the statement about who is going to hell. Nobody on either side or on this site should be saying anybody is going to hell. None of us have that wisdom. That is biblical.

As far as the Golden Rule thing, that has not been practiced on this site for a long long time.

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby RunKitty » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:18 pm

Agreeing with Harmony. And I researched the child-in-a-cage photo that went viral. It was not difficult to learn that the child was not detained by ICE. He was at a protest, presumably with his parents/guardians.
Hope everyone has a peaceful and productive day.

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:33 pm

This makes me very sad to be put down and slandered for something I didn't do. I have had this done to me for years by my Mother. I do not want or need it to be done by those I thought were my friends.

I do understand this forum was started and supported by Kathryn and Ken. They have the freedom and right to do whatever they want with it. They can turn it into a religious and politic forum if they choose. They can turn it into a hate forum against anyone who doesn't agree with them. It is their choice and I support the freedom that gives them that choice.

It is my choice whether I will stay and listen to those who are spewing hatred.

I chose to put my focus on and live my life doing the best I can with the issues I can do something about.
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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:48 pm

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
OH MY GOODNESS.... Y'all have got me over here having a panic attack. I don't know WHAT I would do without you ladies. PLEASE, let's do not let this issue divide us, here in this once calm haven for all of us. What LadyM just said -- my first thought was -- well, if Kathryn leaves the site, what happens to the site? I don't want to lose YOU, Kathryn, or ANY of you!!!

Re: politics... yes... yes... yes... to all of the above. I am really amazed at my own restraint on FB and here, and IRL... b/c yes... it IS a horrible situation... and yes... we have to enforce laws (and these laws didn't just go on the books yesterday, there are all sorts of news clips of previous presidents of both parties talking about how we are a nation of laws.)

But HERE, in our little PWYC village, I was sooo pleased with the way we all respect each other and concentrated on our own homes and families and supported and encouraged each other. Sometimes you ladies are the ONLY people I can talk to about certain things and you just have no idea how much that has meant to me. I really do care about each and every one of you. I may NEVER, ever get over my fear of ever meeting face-to-face, but I have to be able to talk to y'all.
So my first panicky thought is -- how do we get back in touch if this site goes dark???

In other news... all this makes my worries about dmom sorta fade into the background this morning.
Dmom does sound better and says she feels better.
DH is playing golf, and I am just rejoicing in having the house to myself. I may NOT vacuum or do ANYTHING actually today...
except keep monitoring this page to see if you are all still here. :cry:
I am doing laundry,
and at 4:30 dgd arrives so ds can take dgs to his FIRST t-ball game (it's just a practice game, but as I told dmom, he needs a LOT of practice!)
So, I must s2s -- and shave my legs, b/c I may be brave enough to wear shorts to the game.

Y'all... please... don't leave me out here...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby RunKitty » Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:11 pm

Lucylee, please don't have a panic attack. Hopefully, the village will go back to what it's supposed to be and all will be well.
If not, remember, there is another SHE board. Austin Granny is there and Norma (Sierra) and Helia visit there as well. ... 20ceb32f6d
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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:13 pm


I try not to say anything too political or religious because I have to keep my lips clamped together due to serious disagreements here at home. I also have to watch what I post on FBook because my sometimes not too dh has a much different political view than I do. He rants on FB and he's gotten numerous warnings and he has been banned at least once in the past year due to his political stance on many things. He posts all kinds of things that I hate, but I love the man himself, so I let him do and say what he wants and I don't respond.

That being said, my Prime Minister was told that there is a special place in hell for him, but I don't believe in hell, so there's that.

Today I slept in until after 9. I just went to get some cat food and came home with too much junk food. BUT I did get a block of cheese and a head of lettuce.

Supper tonight is bizarre. Dh doesn't often ask for anything different than me, but tonight he wants penne and pesto. I will have a giant salad.
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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:33 pm

* Taking deep breaths *
Yes, Kitty, thank you for the reminder... Weren't we all over there at one time (sheforums)?
OTOH -- I like this site soooo much better. :D (I think so, anyway -- been a long time since I browsed over there -- but I think we are a much smaller, more "private" group, and I feel like I "know" y'all so much better.)

I do not really pay a LOT of attention to the politics going on around me -- dh does enough for both of us and then some! I can't remember why on earth the remark was made about the Canadian PM -- but of course I do not agree with saying that about ANYONE. As Harmony (I think!) said, that is not for ANYONE to judge, so no one should ever say that about anyone. Shaking my head...
And personally, I have great respect and affection towards our Canadian neighbors.

I have a friend in a marriage like yours, Cathy -- I believe she and her husband are polar opposites on the political spectrum, but they appear to have a wonderful marriage, and she constants "preaches" LOVE on FB -- things like, "Let's just love each other, regardless of whether we agree on every issue or not." I have tried to take that to heart -- when I disagree with someone on FB, or here (which is rarer) I just try to scroll on by and search for something we DO agree on -- b/c there is usually much more we can agree on than disagree about. One of my very dearest friends IRL is also a friend on FB -- she is the one I call my "aunt from another mother" -- my dmom's best friend since kindergarten. When dmom went to rehab to get off Ativan, she was one of the two people I called on the phone outside of my biological aunts. The other was dmom's pastor's wife. Saying all that to say, I love this lady as much as anyone in my family... and I disagree with almost everything she ever posts on FB that remotely relates to politics. She is a thousand times more vocal than I, but I just scroll on by and love her.

I'm not making much progress here but y'all cross your fingers for me -- I must go take a white shirt out of the washer, which had been soaked in Clorox in hopes that the stains would come out.
My next move will be to s2s and then I'll come back and make sure you're all still here! ;) Love you all!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:48 pm

While I am waiting for the decision of the future of this forum. I am going to continue as if I still feel welcomed and accepted even though yall know my many short comings and many faults.

This morning I wrote the things DS9 and the things DGD7 needed to complete before they use screens and play with friends. They are eagerly working on their lists. They think it is a fun challenge. Lol

We are currently at weekly library kid program. The theme this summer is music. There are over 50 kids here which is great attendance for a small town.

I've been coordinating between the pastor and DD this morning. Long story..... I don't have time or energy to do anything else but uust focusing on the many things to give thanks for.
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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:49 pm

Is that the site where someone posts pictures of dancing teapots and all that stuff every day? UGH!! It makes me cringe to see that stuff and I try to avoid it as much as I can.
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Re: Torn apart Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:23 pm

Just putting this out there.

A lot of things feel like they have been ripped away from me in the past couple of months. My sister isn't talking to me for some reason. My very clean friend isn't calling me any more. She used to call me every day and talk for at least an hour or more. Now I feel like this (here) will be the next thing to go. Not fun.
Last edited by CathyS on Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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