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Re: Wednesday for the Win!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:47 pm
by LadyMaverick
This morning took a turn I didn't see coming. DMom asked if I would go to doctor office and fill out her paperwork (DMom can't write due to her shaking). I thought that would only take an hour or so.......but three hours later it was finally done. That took all my "free" time while DS9 and DGD7 was at VBS plus another hour. That meant I was an hour late for meeting with DD so DGD7 could see her Mom for the first time in 2 weeks. It all turned out okay. DD understood that DMom takes priority.

I drove 2 hours and 15 minutes so DGD7 could spend 2 minutes with her Mom. Most of the time we were there, DGD7 was running and playing and only stopped long enough to give DD hugs twice. ANYWAY. I tried.

I am reeling from the news DD gave me. More in J&C

I picked up food on the way home. Things are moving so fast that I am struggling to keep food ready to eat at home.

I have 20 minutes of down time before getting the kids ready for their program tonight. They are excited to be "on stage" and have their 15 seconds of fame. :)

Re: Wednesday for the Win!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:30 pm
by blessedw2
I have to go to a meeting but I did want to say hi! so hi!

Re: Wednesday for the Win!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:32 pm
by blessedw2
made dinner (it is cooking in my instant pot - first time using it so I shall see - I have used a pressure cooker which made a noise and this doesn't . I am not sure if it actually cooked dinner. Everything is cleaned up and rinsed floor again. kitchen table is clean. (not everything in its place but like things together for further filing and adding up).

Re: Wednesday for the Win!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:18 pm
by Harriet
helia! have a great day!

A glitch in my plans turned into a great idea.

dd19 had a dental cleaning this a.m. and I was NOT going with her since she would be meeting the young man at his work lunchtime and eating together. Those plans fell through anyway, and HRH nagged me to go with her, since our dentist is in a very urban area, somewhat unfamiliar driving for her.

I grabbed books and my ongoing spiral notebook to work on my study lesson, which I did get to while I waited.

Rather than head straight home, though, she used her GPS and got us over to a remarkable Asian Market, to which her college friends introduced her. Asian markets are no longer small ! Even older ones that used to be no bigger than a convenience store are expanding into supermarkets now.

Wow. Just wow. Have never experienced anything like that. It was as though I myself were an impressionable newcomer in a country and for the first time encountered a true supermarket. It was vast :shock: as big as any "super" we have, but 85 to 90 percent of the things available to buy were completely unknown to me. The produce - a lot I've only heard about or seen photos. The middle aisles were exotic. In the frozen section for the first time I found uncooked spring rolls as tightly wrapped as those a Thai friend keeps in her freezer (except she rolls her own with tedious care). I can't wait to see if the air fryer works for them.

Elizabeth, I wish you had been there, because there were so many Sa-Te/sa-tay and peanut sauce options it was overwhelming. Somewhere there, I'm sure there must have been some help for a homemade chicken-on-a-stick meal for you and dd. And in general, we saw a lot of sauces of all kinds that were labeled gluten free. Definitely see if there's an Asian market in your area and check it out. Prices were very reasonable on most everything.

I did have some written-language barriers. But I found that sometimes if the packaging was confusing, the store's price labels beneath would have lots of English info. Well-stocked in the way of what I'd call Russian or Slavic foods, also some Turkish.

We got Chinese mantou (steamed buns with filling) at the restaurant area for brunch; cabbage/mushroom for me, teriyaki for her and taro (bun is purple like the taro) for dessert. I am definitely dragging HRH back there sometime. I will say that I might take an insulated container next time, since the time to drive home is significant. But today on a overcast morning, we were fine.

Re: Wednesday for the Win!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:06 pm
by Sunny
Good evening everyone. The weather here has been hot and humid the last few days. No rain today.

Happy Birthday Helia!

I was up early this morning about 45 min. before the alarm. My dcousin had called me two weeks ago and we were to meet for a visit last Wed., which we postponed until today. I had to be ready to leave home about 11 a.m. and wanted to get as much daily routine done as I could. Started in the bedroom and got the bed made, some clean clothes put away, bathrooms cleaned, all the floors swept and the kitchen floor mopped. Changed my clothes and was out by 11.

We had lunch at a Greek restaurant near her home, then we walked through a new to the area food store called Lucky's. It reminded me of a Whole Foods, but not as expensive. They have an attached cafe'. The groceries are made mostly from the United States, they have their own butcher. None of the foods were name brands that we are all used to in regular grocery stores. Dcousin had never been in a Five and Below, so we went there, also in the same shopping center. She brought a few toys for her dgd3. We talked the whole time, catching up on her dfamily and how my dh and dsons/dfamilys are doing. I didn't get home till 5:30 pm, but it was a good visit.

Harriet, the Asian market sounds interesting. Dd#3 told me they were getting a Publix in their area in VA.

Dh's new glasses arrived in the mail (ordered from the Vet.Adm.) last week and we took them to Sam's Club optical dept. for adjusting. They are really nice people there.

Time to let the ddog out and settle down for the evening.

Re: Wednesday for the Win!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:49 pm
by LadyMaverick
It has been a long LONG day, but I am still smiling from a moment that happened. I am smiling because I survived it without dying of embarrassment. LOL

We stopped at gas station on our trip to fill up, go to bathroom and get a drink. We were standing in line with about a half dozen strangers to pay for our drinks when DGD7 announced: "Boys don't have nipples".

I was clueless about what she was talking about. I thought to myself.....maybe she is saying ripples. Like ripples in potato chips?

I asked DGD7 "What do you mean?"

She announced, "Boys don't have nipples". then she paused and I must have had a confused look on my face because she continued "Only girls have nipples to feed babies" as she put her hands on her chest.

O.K.A.Y. This will go down as ONE OF THOSE MOMENTS that happen when your raising children. It was definitely not the topic of conversation that I expected to have in the middle of a gas station surrounded by strangers.

Re: Wednesday for the Win!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:01 pm
by lucylee
Oh my, LadyM! You never know WHAT a child is going to say!

Re: Wednesday for the Win!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:07 pm
by lucylee
Happy birthday, helia!

We had dgs’s birthday (skating) party tonight. He had a ball! About a dozen kids showed up, I guess, some whom dgs doesn’t really know, but the parents are friends, and it was really nice for him. Sooo glad this went well.

Re: Wednesday for the Win!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:01 am
by Nancy
I have gotten the photos to dil she took tne o es I forgot to take for fathers day bbq for dson to look at. She brought boxes so I can use em for decluttering. Or packing away things, the bigger ones I will set out in tne shop for when the hens leave. I can box up photos and label them. Boxes help dishes not to slide around in the car trunk. Plus I said I would set aside art stuff for dgd.

I can do this a box or bag a day and the clutter goes away.

I need to prune the rose bushes in the morning when it is cool, and wash sheets tomorrow.

The deck is peaceful, grape vines have leafed out and I have a grape design on the table cloth using the lawn chair I cleaned up after declutteting the other one that was wooden.