Keep it Simple Saturday

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Re: Keep it Simple Saturday

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jul 29, 2018 2:02 am

Harriet - I think its hard to get all the village to be available at a similar time. So many families have commitments at specific times, especially this coming week..
Why not have a bingo week? where people can jump in as they are able.

I made 4 new lists of 10 things/rooms/spaces/ tasks, for inside and out, (I have a 10 sided dice) and even did some flyby tasks with a couple of rooms, tasks not normally contemplated last week.
My time-
My Monday (yoga) and Tuesday (tai chi) I am out in the mornings. Every other Monday I have a mad scramble when I get home to prep for cleaner - who mainly does the floors. cleaning up /putting things back is the rest of the day spoken for.
Tuesdays I shop after tai chi class so it can be 12.30 or so before I get home, not really in a hurry to spring into action. That is 10.30pm EasternUS time. I don't really expect company here then.
btw - best thing for me is not to glue myself to computer at 8am,its not really on my horizon.
This Wednesday - if I cared to there is the monthly seniors 'do' at church, and I have an every other week appointment midday on Thursday. I need to be ready for that just after 11.
Friday and Saturday there are online support groups @9.
Sunday is 9am church. I got home at 2.45 after staying down town to wait for a movie. Looked around some stores.
No car means things take longer, the getting there, and home. If I'm not ready in time for the bus, it means walking 30min. No 5 min car trip these days. The bus means 45 min lead time mostly, and sometimes I walk I/l being ready earlier. Inspired by the walking Kathryn does to get places, and to up her step count..
I think my thighs are noticing the difference. The last little bit up the hill to church gets me in the buns.
Today breakfast was when I just got home, as opposed to the snack I had after church.
I'm not sure much else will happen today. Washing dishes would be a sweet thing to do.

Honestly - if I did one bingo/dice thing a day that would be superb for me. Just keeping up with everyday tasks and my washing/ you say laundry/ is a big thing for me.

Today's movie was subtitled Back To Burgandy . I enjoyed it very much.
Last week I say Edie. That was good/ thought provoking, and left me with lots of questions. I want a sequel.

Some days I do go into the pvt FL chat group to get work along side/ cheer each other on company. There can be some US West coast, NZ and Euro people there to hang out with. And a few up very late Eastern US folk.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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