Satisfying Saturday

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Satisfying Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Aug 25, 2018 8:16 am

What are you doing today that is satisfying to you?
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:42 am

One thing I HAVE to do is get to the post office before noon. Have 1 pair of capris I need to send back to A river today. They have a new (at least to me) program of trying things on and sending them back if they don't fit. There's no billing until 7 days after the clothing arrives -unless it's sent back. Looks like an easy process to send back.

Been trying to get up early enough for dh to use the bed to lie down to do part of his exercise program for his shoulder. Think he gets out of this bulky sling in 2 weeks and then a regular sling for several weeks. Gave him one piece of advice from experience. Put that sling on even after you don't have to wear it if you're going out where there's groups of people. It's almost a protector against someone slapping you on the back/shoulder. Ask me how I know this. :roll: But being male I doubt he'll do it once he's allowed out of it.

Tomorrow we have a 'company' family picnic at dcampowner's home. He also has a truck repair business in front of the campground. First he's ever had one that we know of.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:57 am

Woke up way early saw hubby off to work. Playing with my planner. Got two drawers cleaned out. Yea only 2 more to do. Dump load later on. It will be great to get that stuff out of here. Watching how to fit happy planner in a ring bound binder.Do not think I will do that but is great how gals tweak this systems. Deviled egg is satisfying. Knowing I did cooking last nite! Need to put the memory card in this tablet have not taken pics with it yet. I need to get on to the dailies.

Got the tool drawer decluttered, back yard picked up, & rounded up trash to the utility trailer and brought up the trash can. Satisfying work.

Having fall like temps here this week.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:31 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:12 am

I am finding it very satisfying to be able to sit down and put my feet up. I had a good night sleep but I am feeling zapped of energy. I slept for 9 hours which is EXCELLENT for me. I was up a few times during the night but fell back to sleep each time without a problem. it's not normal for me to have low energy so I wonder if I am fighting off a bug/virus.

The heat index today is supposed to be 101 F. That means DS10 and DGD7 will be using the swimming pool to stay cool while burning up some excess energy.

I've laid out some frozen sausage & hamburger meat to thaw. DS10 has requested meatloaf and I want to bake some bread. I'll put the instant pot and bread maker on the back deck so they won't heat the house up.
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:31 am

I am so bummed (I sound so cool 8-) well at least from the 80's/90's) that I missed Conga Friday!!!

hello d lady!
hello d dee!
hello d nancy!

hello d everyone!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:32 am

today: I could run away :D and just have fun but I will do my home blessing and Clutter check Cha Cha.
first with morning routines.
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:25 am

I missed conga too, blessed. I'd gone out to vote, stopped at library book part (their extra rooms are where early voting is) and got books, stopped at supermarket, came home and got my bank stuff I'd forgotten, and made that trip to take care of it. Ate lunch and became really ill so that was my day.

I know what it was, too much fiber the days before caught up with me. I am better today so I am catching up around here.

Bills / checks to the mail and paid online.
LOL hung up, 1 other one folded up and put away; 2nd LOL hanging up now.
DW run. Dailies all done.

So voting was interesting. I talked to 2 of the candidates' representatives out in the parking lot under the trees. Asked the gals inside why there were no times listed on the websites just dates and she swore it was there. Checked and showed me after I voted how they'd changed the page and forgot to put the time on! They called their office and alerted them. Said I deserved a 2nd sticker for that!

DGS did not register, has decided he'd register in his college town instead. I see signs that he is beginning to make the transition to his new residence as home in his thinking, even though he was still coming home every holiday and all summer. I suspect he will be driving the other direction instead of coming home a lot because his girlfriend is now at college West instead of SouthEast where home is. Fun to watch them grow up. He's changing jobs and will not have as much time off as before for traveling back, either, but he is doing it so he'll have more money. Good thinking.

It is really hot and humid today. DCousin wrote that she's tired of summer and the monsoons where she lives in Arizona.

LadyM, sad story about DGD and puppy. I'm thinking as she grows up she will look back on her times with you as the favorable times in her life.

Ok, going to try some breakfast and hope that settles well before I start anything else.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:53 am

hi d harmony!

only a quick hi bc I got rabbit holed. but I did get my flights
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby helia » Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:07 pm

I'm very satisfied that today is Saturday. Last week was super jam-packed. This next week will be too, but maybe I'll have a little respite this weekend. Though, the weekend is busy as well -- but a different busy.

It was raining here this morning so I haven't gone for my jog yet. It's gray but not raining right now, so jogging is next. Then, we are going to take dd20 to the airport around 1:30. She's flying back to NYC. :( Her classes start on Monday. Then, dh and I are meeting friends for dinner downtown at 5:15 pm. Maybe I can fit in some laundry and house care around these outings?

Tomorrow will be church and then a quick lunch at friends' (S2's home) and then our small group is going to go see a matinee of Crazy Rich Asians together. Most of our small group is Asian, so they're interested in it. In fact, dh and I are the only non-Asian couple in this small group -- though S2 is Caucasian and S2's dh is 1/2 Vietnamese 1/2 Caucasian. S2 and I read the book with our book club in June, so I'm curious how closely it will follow the story line, which I both liked and also found a bit tiresome, kind of like when I read too much Jane Austen at 1 time. . . . . Then, the C family (also part of this small group and going to the movie) usually comes over for dinner on Sunday evenings. SO . . . . tomorrow will also be busy. I need to call my parents; I'll see if I can fit that in tomorrow afternoon.

I'm currently procrastinating my jog -- but I need to go so I can be present to take dd20 to the airport.

Have a great day all!

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby helia » Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:09 pm

Where are you flying to, blessed?

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