Friday Friendship

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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:31 pm

I survived two hours of the noise and lights. DS10 loved it. He was totally engrossed in doing all the activities with his friends. They were so active (climbing, running, jumping, etc) that they were covered in sweat most of the time. ANYway, it is over with and I won't be sad if I never go back there. I have a headache and my ears have this weird roaring sound happening even though I'm now in a quiet environment. ` The good outcome of this experience is DS10 made another homeschool friend. One by one, we are meeting other homeschool boys his age that lives in this area. All but one of them have their own phone so they do a lot of texting with each other. I monitor the texting conversations and I know the other Mom's do too. DS10 is frequently asking how to spell words so all this texting does have an educational purpose. THAT's my story and I'm sticking with it. LOL

DGD7 is here for the 4th time this week. DD dropped her off to stay with Papa while I was gone. DGD7 will spend the night.

On my way home from town, I dropped some items DMom requested at her home. Move Free, 120 slices of cheese (for her dogs), and a gallon of ice cream. I feel bad that I can't stay at DMom's home until she gets tired of talking every time I go there. DMom will talk NON-STOP for a couple hours before she gets tired of talking. Last week our phone company lost a cell tower and it was causing all kinds of weird phone problems. During a phone conversation with DMom, my phone became unable to talk. I could hear DMOM talking but for some reason, anything I said was muted. DMom talked for 28 minutes before she noticed. REALLY! DH and I were listening to DMom and I kept trying to talk to her. I was hollering into the phone MOM! MOM! MOM, CAN YOU HEAR ME?? Nope, DMom couldn't hear anything I said. DMom just kept on talking without a pause. DH and I looked at each other in panic at first but we decided she was fine. I thought about hanging up the phone but that felt rude so I just kept listening to her. She just kept on talking and talking. Eventually, DH & I busted out laughing at the absurdity of it. It wasn't really funny but laughter seemed to help us deal with it.

Must check out BOSCH. Thanks RR for the suggestion!
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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Nancy » Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:47 pm

The grass is cut and dinner is over. s2slippers has happened. Doc mentioned farmers mkt. I have news for him this is the last of it, plus the fruit stand is closed, I can go to the orchard by the trading post, not organic. H did eat a plum with dinner. Asked for another I cautioned against it bc of the bathroom effect they have. I watered the yard.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:06 pm

BTW: dd got herself a Roomba. I'll report on her experience with it in a few months. What she doesn't know is that I was going to get her one for Christmas. At least I haven't already bought it. On the other hand, now I have to think of something else to get her!

I made the reservation. We had our dinner and now I should clean up because it is time for bed.

I wasted the whole evening but there was another dustup in the Facebook group for the building. I'm seriously thinking of throwing it to the wolves and seeing if it survives on its own. Really people, state your opinion, don't call out others by name, just because they don't agree with your opinion. And this isn't about politics, this is about the a/c not working in the other building. There was a general attack on the maintenance of the building which morphed into an attack on the staff which then morphed into naming others as being defenders of management when all they were saying was perhaps the staff weren't the issue.

In this case, we all knew the chiller was going, you could hear it squeaking a block away for the past month, but 'nothing was done.' Perhaps something was done - perhaps decided to keep it running instead of shutting it down and waiting for the specialist to come out to diagnose the problem and then order parts. We don't know the full story but that's a possibility and given we just ended another 12 day long heat wave, that would be the right decision even if it failed in the middle of the night on day 11.

Tonight, the low will be 41 so a lack of a/c will not be an issue. The high today was 72 so I have jeans and a sweater on at the moment. And I'm looking forward to another good sleep under the covers with an extra blanket. Monday the high was 100. Our refugees are having a hard time with the swings. They'd like weather they can anticipate for, not unbearable one day and too cool the next. Hah!

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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Lynlee » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:56 am

looked around at things dbro has set out for his sale.
generations of bits and pieces.
Tmodelford remnants anyone?
and the rest. The old horse drawn plough that was our plaything.
he says he is his own best customer with a long bench of keeps.
He has plans for the unsold. It will be a lot of scrap metal.
He had put aside a name plate from a new Austin ute that came home from hospital with me.
And brought out an aerial photo of our farm house and surrounds taken once upon a time, when some guy had an idea to fly about taking photos, then hawk them farm to farm. I have no idea where I'll put that.

Said no to the rusty cream cans that my sisters are both taking one of.

I didn't get time alone with Mum as dsisil was always there for the times I was there for morning tea and lunch, and a while later as dbro went back, someone wanted access to see the biggest tractor. It looks good sitting there with the oversize plough. Who is to know that is where it just happened to stop.

. Another time to see DMum perhaps. Overall, talk was general and good.
I had thought of walking on the old farm up to the creek and swimming hole we used to use, but that was not to happen as the day unfolded. I'll just need to take that walk in my memory.
I took a heap of photos.
(At times I used to go up near there lie down and watch clouds and the flying insects until I was ready to face the fray again. Butterflies and dragonflies flying overhead could change my day around.)
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