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Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:11 am
by LadyMaverick
I don't know how many have watched Grey Anatomy, but I learned from that show to "Turn up the music and dance it out"

If you're frustrated,
If you're sad,
If you're low on energy
No matter what, just "Turn up the music and dance it out"

Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:20 am
by LadyMaverick
Looking at my schedule for the afternoon, I see there is a conflict. I am supposed to be in two place at the same time. The 2 places are 5 miles apart. I'll have to check with DH to see if he can cover one of them. If he can't, then I'll take DS10 early to his event and leave him while I go pick up DGD7.

2:30p DS10 Piano Lesson
3:45p Get DGD7 from school.
3:45p DS10 4H Meeting
5:00p DGD7 Piano Lesson

The rest of the day will be spent at home doing cards and homeschool.

Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:37 am
by Harriet
Sitting at car place now for hour and a quarter appt to get all maintenance done ahead of weather .

Have my why we sleep book to read.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:47 am
by helia
Ah, you need Hermione's time turner, LadyM.
I've been thinking about you and your family a lot lately, Harriet, with the news re: Florence. I know you'll do everything you can to prepare well beforehand. . . .

T and Th are my more low-key days re: payroll, just 2 hours in the classroom.

It's almost 9 and I'm having a slow morning. I have taken care of the dogs, done some emails, and reclaimed the kitchen. After some qt, I'm going to head out for a jog, either 3 or 4 miles, I haven't decided yet.

My main goals for the day:
- a.m. routine
- Jog
- payroll prep done for today + future days, especially for the class I've developed
- my weekly vacuuming (our house is now split into 3 sections; dh, myself, and M each take a section each week}
- work on church talk
- chip away at smaller items on my brain dump list: fold and put away sheets, 1 snail mail bill, a card to someone
- dinner: pork chops, roasted fingerling potatoes, roasted broccoli
- garbage and recycling to the curb

Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:36 am
by lucylee
Thinking of you and your family, Harriet! Praying the storm doesn’t cause any major problems and power outages and that you can stay in touch with us!

Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:37 am
by lucylee
Oh — why on earth is Lucy up so early???
Phone man woke us up 30 min ago...

Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:39 am
by Twins' Mom
I'm having a slow morning here moving myself back into normalcy. The party was a success, as always. We had torrential rain as services were ending at 12:30 yesterday and I was very upset about not being able to use the backyard. But the rain stopped, some used the patio table which is open after dh dried it off a bit. The covered back and front porches were popular and we had plenty off food.

After everyone left I napped a little while dh was bowling, then walked the dog and visited with dfriend M, and then went to bed early too.

The ddog is impatient so we're walking now.

Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:43 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Waiting to take dh to airport. Was hoping to go coat and boot shopping on the way home but may not. Brain is not doing well at the moment but it took until I wrote that sentence to remember to put on the headphones to cut noise here. That feels a bit better immediately.

He's late leaving by a long shot at the moment so Uber isn't an option. I need the car tomorrow so him taking the car and parking at the airport isn't an option either.

He'll be back on Friday. We have Beethoven's 5th that night. I'm hoping I can cope. More specifically, I'm hoping the other pieces played will work for me. Usually they try something experimental/a-tonal when doing a classic like this. I'll have a look a the program and talk to an usher about my leaving/coming options.

Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:58 am
by DeeClutter
Harriet, wondering about what your dd's plans are ahead of the storm? Praying for safety for everyone in Florence's path.

Sad sign of the times. Our fire department has had to take their ambulance out of service & turned over to commercial service. Just can't get a crew often enough.

I'm putting our cupboards back together this morning. Think everything got dried out. Finally stopped raining at least for now. Also trying to dry out the seat in our car.

Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:12 am
by Nancy
I did worst thing first vacuumed under the couch in the basement. I have done the carpet in the rec. Room. Trash is out. I am working on the basement I need to vacuum the sewing room next then I can bring the vacuum upstairs, to do the main floor. I got the carport swept, after the winds yesterday it was needed but glad I waited for a calmer day. :idea: journal x planning x
I rounded up paper clutter to dining room. Table so happy to report it is less than ten pieces!
Thinking of those on the south storm prepping.

Taking a break will vacuum the other room downstairs then will have some broth.