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Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:50 am
by Twins' Mom
I'm going for a working Wednesday in the quest to get things "back to normal," whatever that is here at my house.

What is your work today? Is it scheduled rest, catching up on things, hurricane prep, or the usual dailies and weeklies?

Share and we'll work together!

Re: Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:53 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I have a payroll job meeting, time with ds and I'm taking a pillow so I can nap in the car between the two. I've loaded a bag with healthy-ish snacks and have a healthy lunch plan. Dinner is probably leftover pizza and lots of veggies.

So far I'm on time. Now to get myself out the door. I'm wearing a new top I picked up yesterday at WM so I'm feeling 'together'. I have packed a t-shirt in case my autumn top is too warm as we are moving back to summer temps today.

Re: Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:08 am
by Twins' Mom
I saw Harmony's post about ATL getting the hurricane/tropical storm effects and sure enough, at this point looks like we will here also. We have an exceptional power grid here and unlike before, are in the city, not out on a mountain. Although you never, ever can predict what might happen.

I am getting a massage at 11:30 and need to get busy here. I have a full day of things that I've put off and need to be attended to.

The "big rocks" of the day:
-ProGen feedback - three people for last month's assignment (somehow I thought we weren't doing it this month, so I'm late)
-see Mother
-continue getting home/self back to "normal"
-goal setting, I am starting a new Best Self planner in three days....
-several emails to call or follow up, dfriend E, Humana for dmom, and dfriend who will pull records at National Archives for me

Those are probably too many "big rocks" already but I will continue forward with my madness.
-breakfast and meds
-walk the ddog
-start a lol
-email to dfriend E

Re: Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:12 am
by Twins' Mom
Like last week, I'm having trouble remembering what day of the week it is. Yesterday was Monday, right?

Re: Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:17 am
by Nancy
I did some morning stuff working on final prep. For realtor tour. Last load of laundry is in the dryer now. Got the rugs shook out, swept the floors, got the traffic areas and spot mopped, bed is spiffed up. Fighting a cold so not as energetic as some days. Sigh oh well slogging through. I will do another round for 10 min. And then taks a break. H left early, I got up early as well as soon as he left. That helped getting things done before I am fully awake LOL!

Thinking of those about to deal with the storms.

Re: Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:22 am
by helia
I was wondering Twins if you would feel any later effects of the hurricane.
WTG planning for healthy eating today, Kathryn. I hope you're back up to 100% soon. You said one of dh's collaborators was from my neck of the woods. Is he from UMich? At least for dh, funding is not something the U can cut off b/c dh goes out and gets it himself. I'm pleased to see Ken is going to visit the Netherlands! I've driven by Zwolle many times but don't think I've ever been there myself.

I didn't get much done yesterday. It was a tired day. I'm hoping I'll be less tired today. We'll see.
Main Goals:
- finish morning routine
- exercise - might go to the gym, though the weather is gorgeous
- payroll: finish prep and teach 4 hours; work on quiz for Friday
- dinner: tacos and fruit. Easy and quick.
- desk day stuff: 1 card, 1 snail mail bill
- skype with dd20 this evening :)
- if time, do some reading/writing notes for church talk

Re: Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:05 am
by blessedw2
good morning!!!

good morning d twins! thank you for starting us! wishing that the hurricane doesn't bother any of you all!
I am in the same place - getting back to normal. wishing you a great day!

good morning d kathryn! have a great day

good morning d nancy! good luck today on walk through. Hope your cold goes away. have a great day too!

good morning d helia... I love saying that again!
looks like a busy day. Have a great day too!

good morning dear everyone!
wishing you the best.

Re: Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:10 am
by blessedw2
I have been waking up so late! dh always gets up after me and now he is getting up ahead of me :shock: I need to get back to getting up at 7 at the latest again. 8-)

yesterday I felt weak for some reason and had to give into it.

i love d twins Big rocks analogy to work. (I have so many visual rocks around my house right now)

1.I didn't do my evening routine. I made a nice dinner but no clean up.
2. take clean laundry and put it away.
3. get myself out the door for the gym - no excuses that the house needs so much work
4. put suitcases back in closet
5. bathrooms

starting with routines. Morning first

what has become hot spots: my 3 season room - laundry and put away clutter from house before trip :o ;)

Re: Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:18 am
by Ramblinrose

I have a drs appointment this morning so I’m starting my day early. I’m also going to stop at my favorite store on the way home. Before I moved to this home the store was close to my home so this is a special treat for me.

I am working on changing over my closet at the moment. I usually don’t to that till October, but I am going home next week for ten days and it’s fall there and I need warmer clothes. I had my hair colored yesterday and set up a Facial appointment for next Monday.

I am watching the storm. One of my friends who lives in Charleston has left and in Ga. His wife however had to stay as she is the supervisor of the the unit of premmie babies and will stay at the hospital. My best friend lives in the western part of the state so she should be fine.

Off to start my day... waving to y’all.

Re: Working Wednesday

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:36 am
by blessedw2
good morning d rose!