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Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:56 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Blessed: I'm sorry to hear your dd got bumped in the head. Dh went over a speed bump while I was sitting up different in the car and it was shooting pains through my neck and skull. We were in a parking lot so I was just leaning forward to pick up my purse and put my phone in it before getting out of the car. Brains are funny things.

Cathy: they were all within 50km of me (I think Calabogie is only 50 as the crow flies.) And the others were only 10km away. Around here we have no damage at all. The winds were insanely high but with all the windstorms we've had this year, there was nothing old or weak left to come down.

I just signed in to see what was going on with my cell phone account. I'm on prepaid and needed to see how much data I used this past weekend. My phone gave me warnings and then I had override it because I set a personal limit for data each month and I blew past that since my 'month' ends on the 24th. Then the carrier sent me a warning that I was half way through all my prepaid data.

I just checked and that means that since I got my phone number with them I've used half the data I've bought in those 24 or 36 months (I can't remember which.) Even if I'm generous with myself, I have enough data for another 10 months, or 1-2 months if my internet was out and I had to use data most of the time.

In other words, this prepaid system is working fine for me. Data goes on sale every once in a while and I bought 2 GB in August because it was on sale then. The same deal is on now. I'm trying to decide if I should buy more just so I can enjoy my phone more when I'm out. I didn't download podcasts while the power was out so missed that way of getting to bed.

My phone ends up costing me on average under $25 a month but I don't have enough data to do video or post photos. I can text photos for free though. The cheapest plan that gives me texting and talk plus data is $45 a month but gives me more talk than I need and I'd lose my use of the phone in the US. Do I need more data? I don't think so. We had 10GB (100 times what I use on average in a month) in Australia and over that time (about 2 weeks since we had almost no coverage at Uluru) I didn't even use 1GB despite using it for photos and video. I'm just not into using my phone that way.

Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:00 am
by Twins' Mom
I am finished with that last round and upstairs at my desk. I need to do a PUPA up here but that won't be today. DD came by to return my crock pot and I made her walk the dog with me so we could talk and I wasn't just sitting there. But the rain started up and we both got damp. She put her damp shirt on a hanger to take with her to work and put one of my shirts on. I changed shirts and put another one on.

I am going to close down Facebook and get to work!

Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:34 am
by Elizabeth
Good morning! Still not completely recovered, but I think I am improving. Still look 7 months pregnant though. No travels planned aside from my normal commute.

Successful mission on errands and groceries. The latter was more expensive than planned because I got a turkey breast. DD16 will not be camping with her other family this weekend (no internet), so I planned something tasty. I still need one more connector. On returning home, I realized I left the garage door opener in the car in the shop. Very annoying. On passing my bedroom window to open the front door, I realized it is more odiferous than I thought. That means tonight will be extreme catbox cleanup and MBR cleanup.

Things that got done after errands: LOLs except put away, pantry clean and organize (this took only 15 min, it wasn't too bad, just falling out), bills & budget, cat reshuffling.

Tonight's WTF is definitely the stinky MBR! That requires a cat litter purchase. If there is time, I will also get the other connector. DD16 is coming tonight, and I have no idea what she will want/need to do. If she needs the library, I will drop her off and get litter from the nearby pet store. Unlike LadyMaverick, I would like to run the oven to heat the house!

I had no idea gurneys were so expensive!

I recommend a home inspection for Kathryn and anyone else considering a purchase. In TX, banks will not make a loan without one. In NM, sellers don't like it, but with a buyer willing to walk if they don't get one, they do accept it. Of course, buyer pays for it! Only one actually found anything significant - a gas leak affecting the buyers, who were living in the house another 2 months! Needless to say, they fixed it within days. The minor stuff (mostly from changes in code and missing GFIs) was kept for our information. GFIs were installed as DIYs.

Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:39 am
by Nancy
I have done the table things, qt, journaling, morning stuff. Need a few items at the store so that is up later on. 80* in late Sept. Is awesome.
Waving to everyone. H. Was off by noon yesterday so I only have part of a day for my tasks.Traveled to the store and back. Walked the ddog also.

Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:38 pm
by Harmony
My travels today took me to the bank, the drop off bin at library, and church to pick up papers.

This is "squeaky wheel" day here. Multiple phone calls to get things accomplished. Stuff that should have been done weeks ago but people did not do what they said they would do. Ordered things with county office and made sure proper papers were in place for that. Phone call with another fellow resulted in a failed fax communication with him and since I couldn't find any other way of telling him I got his address and sent him a snail mail letter. It never ceases to amaze me that people think they can send a fax at the same time they pick up the same line and talk? One or the other, please!!!

So I am a bit on edge with all this going on around me. So many loose ends around here it feels like I'm all tangled up. All around my squeaky wheel.

Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:42 pm
by bittersweet
Car has been gassed up (there were perhaps half a dozen vehicles there and at least a dozen gas pumps). It would have been more helpful if I could have done my shopping there, too, but the gas bar opens 3.5 hours before the store. :roll: I did stop on the way home to pick up some things from S&feway, since I only want two onions, not 10lbs, and one can on pineapple tidbits, not 8 or 10. :lol: I'll go back over this afternoon to check for fresh muffins, some fruit, and my favourite souvlaki pork chops. All the groceries are put away, another load of dishes washed, and more trash ready to go out. I'm going to take a short break, and then get back at it before I lose my motivation.

Next up:

- finish cleaning cat boxes
- downstairs trash out
- wash back entry floor
- vacuum living room
- clean off patio table

Giggling at the thought of poor Harmony running like mad on a squeaky hamster wheel! :lol:

Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:50 pm
by blessedw2
(((d kathryn - it's awful when your brain on a concussion hits a bump!))) - Your dear brain is new off of a concussion it is so sensitive. Hope your brain heals fast.

hi d kathryn
hi d cathy
hi d dee
hi d b is sweet
hi d d twins
hi d harmony
hi d everyone.

I want so badly to wave high to each of you!!! the kitchen is taking so long. I did 1-1/2 hours and dishes and tons of paperwork - dh just asked me to go to lunch with him and I am going to head out - it means a lot to him.

Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 2:17 pm
by Elizabeth
It's lunchtime. I guess I should try to eat something. Bleah.

Snark Alert!
I hope the x and the other woman have her son on their camping trip this weekend. They won't be able to dump him on DD16. They are expected to stick together and look after each other. This translates to the adults going off by themselves, the son wanting to do nothing but video games, and DD sitting around with him bored out of her skull. I can't afford as many or as nice vacations as they do, but there are NEVER any babysitting duties.

Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:33 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I need to eat lunch.

I made blueberry jam.

I have not had a good rest.

I have less than an hour to do rest, strip and remake bed and eat. Then I'm walking over to the real estate office. Ds will put in his first offer in on a house. He wants a responsible adult with him. He texted me a half dozen questions and I kept saying, "I don't know, ask Ben." Ben is the agent. I haven't bought a house in 28 years. I sold one but that was semi-privately.

The reno he wants to do to the upstairs will cost $20K more than he thought. I saw that and thought "hmmm, disappointing but I still want him to have the house." So I made him answer the question - "Do you still want the house?" and he said yes, he didn't need the bigger space upstairs, that would just be a 'nice to have.' He does need a garage and it costs way less than that.

Elizabeth: there will be a building inspection. And we have all the permit applications (for the house being raised and new electrical and foundation, plus for the addition I'm concerned about because they've hidden the foundation.) I want the addition well inspected because it is newish (therefore hasn't finished settling.)

Off to heat up soup for myself.

Re: Tuesday Travels

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 4:44 pm
by lucylee
I don't think I will be traveling outside my own yard today -- although I did step outside just now to look for the tv satellite man. We lost our satellite signal, and I thought maybe he had arrived without us noticing -- but no, it was just that we were having a huge rainstorm. He is scheduled to arrive in a window of 12-4 this afternoon, so obviously it will be later rather than sooner within that window of time. I don't mind -- I'm just doing laundry.

Blessed -- you inspired me to watch some more of Flylady Kat's videos and I decided last night that I MUST press re-start and go back to the beginning -- getting dressed to shoes FIRST THING. If I do not do that, it creates an unbelievable stumbling block for my entire day. So I made myself a habit tracker for 35 days -- getting me through the entire month of October and the last week of Sept./first few days of Nov. I missed yesterday, but I did manage to do it today.
Kat says do ONE THING until you feel comfortable with it... so that's all I'm worrying about right now.
I WANT to add other things -- 15 min each -- daily, weekly, zone, paperwork -- but right now, I'm just going to concentrate on getting myself up and at 'em each day. Or at least, dressed AS IF I am ready to be " 'at em" -- LOL.
I didn't really accomplish much when I left the bathroom, s2s. I talked to dmom on the phone for over 90 minutes... got two loads of clothes partly done (1 is in the dryer now waiting to be folded, 1 is in the washer waiting on the dryer)... sent msg to beautician, made hair cut appt for next week... put clear nail polish on my fingernails...

UPDATE -- tv man called, ran diagnostic test over phone, says dish alignment & wiring checks out good, he is not coming. (That was fine with me -- we aren't experiencing difficulty -- just called b/c we got a pop up error msg Sunday telling us to call.)

Good luck to Kathryn's ds in the home buying process!

I missed something -- Elizabeth -- where is your dd going to be while the x & wife go camping?

Waving to blessed... (((HUGS))) for blessed's dd...
Waving to Nancy... Cathy... Lynlee... Dee... Twins...

So good to see bsweet posting!

I've been wondering where Lilac is lately...

(((Harmony))) Don't forget to BREATHE...

Oh -- re: a question someone posed earlier, I think blessed? -- YES, my dh gets VERY nervous if he thinks I am in decluttering mode, and deep cleaning makes him a bit anxious... ;) This is why I do so much better re: housework when I am home alone!

DGS will be here in about 20 min... he is spending the night b/c dgd has an eye appt in Big City EARLY tomorrow morning. I guess I should go flip the laundry and get a few things done before he arrives....