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Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:58 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
We did strategy development and discussed tactics on Sunday and Monday. On Tuesday the goal was to have a better day than Monday.

Today, we need to focus on working our plans.

The time spent developing great systems isn't well spent unless we actually spend time working the system.

Harmony is looking forward to working part of her system (while adjusting the rest for her new 'normal.')

Let's work along with her, working the parts of our systems we can do. We aren't all able to do all of our systems, but we are all able to start somewhere. Our systems tell us where to begin.


Begin Working!

Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:01 am
by Harriet
lol! We're having multiple topic starts today. I posted and didn't have a leg to stand on, up in the air! :lol: But parachuted in here to repost. Hi, Kathryn.

Hi, blessed. thanks for the encouragement.

I saw Twins' Mom around here somewhere.

Things on my mind today, because they have been pushed back by either weather, childcare or other deadlines are:

grocery shopping (in the rain - yuck)
decor change that takes muscle

also, I have an invitation out to lunch that's very loose/casual - I wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings if I missed it.

But I was disappointed the last few days about not getting more creative time in. That was the reason for meeting deadlines! So that's on my mind, too.

Time for some extra prioritizing!

Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:05 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm up. Tea and chocolate consumed. The lunge-squats from my workout yesterday have messed up my quads again (although this time, it is only my right leg) so I'm limping along today. I did heat and stretches last night and that might be why my left is OK.

Today's goals are housework (skipped last week due to travel and the week before due to my limited energy and too much activity outside the home, so I've not done it for at least 3 weeks)

I'm also prepping/child-resisting our bedroom for dgs' stay tomorrow night. Since he's sleeping on a mattress on the floor, we'll start with getting the dust bunnies vacuumed up.

I've printed off the order of service for Sunday and will proof that while eating breakfast. I need to work on the sermon today as well.

I'll be using my SHE 'cards' (in Google calendar) as my plan for the day. Unfortunately, I'll be using Monday's cards, then Tuesday's, then Wednesday's.

Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:06 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Sorry, Harriet, I'm guessing I beat you out by a nano-second! You're post never showed up on my screen so while I was writing my second post, you must have posted your first one, then your post on my thread!

Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:12 am
by Harriet
No, it was blessed who posted along with you, Kathryn, and I actually thought Twins' may have been starting one. I was the one who maybe took so long writing :oops: that the start had juggled/settled already in my absence!

I just think it's great that we're all interested in keeping up momentum. *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/*

Time for healthy brunch. I sent apple and peanut butter along with dd today. She is burning the candle at both ends. Have also been advising ds about lots of water and healthy meals while he is sniffling lately. Ddil says she thinks he has "turned a corner" so that's good.

Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:24 am
by Twins' Mom
LOL, I think three of us tried to start the thread this morning! I deleted mine when I saw bw2 had also started. Now hers is gone! And I didn't see Harriet's either!

I jokingly called this "Kitty catching Wednesday" for me. We had rain last night and I worried about the little dear in the storm drain in the rain, that she would get washed away, or that she would be forced out and the neighborhood coyotes would get her. (They probably weren't out in the rain, either, tho.) She came right out for me this morning and I was able to feed her a little of Muffin's food on her front porch. She is very freaked out by the big dogs barking here - one next door to her, Muffin, if I am outside, and two constant barkers next door to me. So I let her people know and they'll try with their front door open and cat food out this afternoon. She will still be hungry, I didn't let her eat much.

Today I need to get groceries and visit dmom. I didn't get to her yesterday in the rain.

Right now:
breakfast and meds
walk the dog
start a load of laundry
make the bed
grocery list and plan for the day

I am thinking that the case study I'm working on now may work. Need to do some more research along the way but it feels promising.

Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:25 am
by blessedw2
hello hello!
hello d kathryn, d twins, d harriet and everyone!

I am supposed to have a plan ???? :D lol just kidding. That's what I am doing today. today I take my d mom to her neck appointment for her fractures
they are the same since last year.

yesterday the bulb planting went well and I stuck to it until all were planted :D
today: leave at 2:30 and home by 6 probably.
I am supposed to go to french but I can't; it will be interesting to see what i can't say next week in french. 8-)
I think I am going to have to insist d mom speak in her mother language to me and dd younger so I can learn the language. She continues to slip into her mother language at times and my fear is that, like my grandfather, she will revert to her mother tongue as she ages.

1. dailies
2. fitness who doesn't have 15 minutes
3. menu plan, dinner cooking in crock pot, money plan, checking, charge card check to see if it is okay, see what's in the freezer and fridge to use.
4. if time allows - something on list for outdoors

5. wishing you a wonderful day

Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:26 am
by blessedw2 my wednesday according to kat. a good one for my paperwork ... jreload=10 diane's day 3 of holiday - today I am looking at my tape and labels and wrapping paper and putting it in one spot in closet

Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:32 am
by blessedw2
bought set of 12 note cards for d brothers wife - her airplane and her business on notecards. And will call the airport she goes to and get a gift card for airplane gas for christmas. My d mom asked for highlander (?) movies and tv show and dvd.found and ordered the 1986 movie and the tv series for d mom.
so my d brother/sis/mom are all done Yay!!! now to pay for it :shock: ;) :D

Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:36 am
by Nancy
Hubby said u tube was down last nite. Glad I saw the ones I like in the morning. I am working on the laundry. Next I need to s2s, and do a PUPA. My desk i s clean. Did my anti p. Task Tues. When I put away the hose I drained in the front yard. Journal & planning done. Have a great day all.