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planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:56 am
by blessedw2
“If you don't know where you are going,
you'll end up someplace else.”

― Yogi Berra

(if this isn't me without my BWP or calendar! :D :lol: :D

-Have you ever had it where, at the end of the day, you think - where in the world did that day go? I wanted to do this and this and this.
Before I first started with Pam and Peggy, my week, month and year and especially holidays were a last minute panic of trying to get everything done at once and feeling bad that I wasn't giving myself or my family the joy I wanted for them. I was always a day late and a penny short... lol I am still a day late and a penny short but not like I was in my young married time. 8-)

- What have you planned ahead to start getting ready for the week? Do you have an Basic Weekly Plan to help keep you on track? Not over-goaling or perfection but a basic plan of things you should do daily to keep above water and things you should do to keep your house a home.

- Do you have baby steps that you are taking for the holidays? You don't want to be overwhelmed by what is supposed to be a joy to you and your family.

-what about you - are you actually taking time to be healthy each day? Are you doing something wonderful for yourself; after all you work hard all day. Be good to you.

Today How can you plan for this coming week and how are you slowly getting ready for the holidays? How are you planning to do what you need (simply) this week?

We do work well together - don't we- you have got this!!!

What is you plan/goal before you end up someplace else you hadn't planned on? Let us help ourselves for a smoother road by thinking ahead and having a plan of action to keep ourselves happy.

Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:11 am
by Nancy
Woke up at five today. Ugh. Did my first bit writing. Have a great day every one. Got eggs boiled and peeled they are cooling ready to devil. It has been raining here this morning. I got the bags hunted up for leaves later when they dry out. Eggs have been deviled. Sun is out now. :mrgreen:

Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:22 am
by blessedw2
this coming week is a busy one!

some things happening that need me to plan ahead

this is last week dd younger will be home until the 19th and the last week of d mom being here bc she heads down south for 6 months. They leave the 12th and dd younger is unpacking do mom and setting her up. She flies down south again after December 2. (we have a christmas play on December 1) and we will get our christmas tree on December 2.

1. Tuesday: ww
2. lunch with d friend on Wednesday
3. once a month sewing group at quilt shop, thursday
and drive downtown to see dd olders new apartment and go out to dinner. bring out her rug she ordered.
4. pick up things,Saturday, ordered for party
5. party Sunday be there early
6. put up Christmas lights
7. Tuesday - I hired cleaning ladies (thank goodness) to come help me so that the holidays ahead will be easier (I am going to be so grateful to these women)
8. put all things yard related in one spot (cover with tarp) - I am not bringing iron outdoor furniture in this year bc they need painting next spring. I also need to empty the water out of the fire pit and move the pool ladder to where it belongs in winter.
9. cover small amount wood as it is soaked and needs to dry out.
10. order dh's gift. I keep asking him to give me the link and he says he will but it has been two weeks. He is very particular to what he likes 8-)

ready to start the day! i had a sporadic night sleep and I hope tonight I get a good night sleep. :D

today: cooking - dd older is here and is going to make some things ahead (for dinner) ahead as she does not know how to cook. She never had an interest and she said in her younger days frozen burritos were okay but now she wants real and health food. :D I am trying out the appetizers I want to try for next week - we are having a tasting for dinner tonight and all of us are voting on what we should bring to the party - there will be 50 people.

Wishing you all a great day!

Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:22 am
by blessedw2
good morning d nancy!

Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 11:15 am
by DeeClutter
My schedule is anything but ambitious today. I'm tired so will let my body rest as it wants to. DGD23's bridal shower is this morning but I just don't feel that I'm up to going yet. Have texted with her this morning.

Dh is going to A T & T shortly. His phone (new first of August) completely went bonkers last night. I've never been so frustrated trying to get it to work right. "Voice Assist" somehow has been activated and the whole phone will not work. He can't answer a call. He got one this morning and can't bring it up to see who it was -at least for a phone #. Hope they can figure it out at service. They don't open until 11.

Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 11:19 am
by Twins' Mom
Good morning, bw2 and Nancy! I woke up feeling rested, but not wanting to go out of the house today, not surprisingly!

I need to do planning for the week - busy week coming up with several evening social occasions. I need to be sure to get plenty of rest and "me" time.

Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:00 pm
by DeeClutter
Do get the rest, Twins -especially with lots of 'social' time ahead. Know what you mean.

Dh has gone to try to get his phone fixed. :roll: It was way beyond my expertise for sure. Just praying it's 'fixable'. Would hate to think he needs a new one already.

Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:09 pm
by blessedw2
hello hello d dee and d twins!!!
it's good that your body gets the rest it needs!!! wonderful
how wonderful for your dgd23 to be having a baby! lovely I hope she has a lovely time at her shower. It's okay not to go if your tired. They want you happy and well!

I hope your dh's phone gets fixed fast!

Good morning d twins I am glad you are feeling rested!!!

Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:14 pm
by blessedw2
set up the week - it will work and if not that's okay bc life happens.

My errands are listed for Monday this week instead of Thursday.
I know I will be too stressed out if I put it to Thursday as the party is the weekend.

dh standing near the back door... are you going to let the dog in because she is going to get wet? mmmm ;) thank goodness I am kind (95% of the time 8-) ). I asked him to let her in since he was right there (nicely!) :shock: :D

so far.
by l*st for today is done
checked this weeks calendar
bills don't need doing until Wednesday
I wrote 2 cards and put a stamp on them.
have a list of what I need to cook.
printed my weekly control check off for Monday through sunday. (dailies)
my card file is spiffy
I know what I am cooking.

Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:15 pm
by blessedw2
quote of the day for me today: lol, me and my quotes :lol:
“You can't plow a field simply by turning it over in your mind.”

― Gordon B. Hinckley

all the quotes are from planning: good reads