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Re: Get ready... Hey it's Saturday!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:54 pm
by blessedw2
I am down to 2 sailing jackets - 1 load of whites and 1 small load of towels - thrilled
i have 2 other sailing pants in the dryer
presents are wrapped and locked in the car.
car is empty of anything else.
cleaned out back pack
dd older picked up her new rug instead of me doing it during the week.

still finish the process with laundry
make the appetizer I can make today
think serving tray
pull cloths for tomorrow
put away new pint canning jars :D

what needs doing: surface vacuum first floor :shock: it didn't take long - i have been putting this off but it took about 13 minutes or less :| ;)
swish and swipe :arrow:
put away more landry
sailing jackets ready for dd younger to take upstairs. I am done. 8-)
whites are in wash now -
next 1 winter sail jacket and 1 falling apart light weight wind breaker sail jacket (then I am done with all the sailing stuff)
after that throw in towels (small load)

I hit a really tired moment. :|

Re: Get ready... Hey it's Saturday!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:22 pm
by lucylee
Dgs by himself isn’t a lot of trouble — he’s here now. Listen to our conversation:
Me — I’m sorry I didn’t let you come over earlier; I just needed to sleep some more. I feel like I have the flu — but I got my flu shot!
DGS — You might have something similar to the flu. Like smallpox, which is also a virus.

Wasn’t that encouraging? LOL....

Re: Get ready... Hey it's Saturday!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:58 pm
by Nancy
Got a pic today on fb messenger looks like dgd in the hosp. Did a store run. Went to the library. Walked the dog last load of Laundry is dry now. Tried to call Dd but no answer.

Re: Get ready... Hey it's Saturday!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:53 pm
by Harriet
Nancy, yipes! you need more information than that - all that does is cause worry. Hope everything is okay.

lucylee, I'm sorry you are sick. I am glad the percentages don't favor small pox. :shock: The rest you've had should help.

I don't know what or how much to do when faced with decisions about being with other friends/family with sickness going around. I've been a little worried today because the young man's sister is an elementary librarian and has been sick with something her students have had. Yet she still wants to enjoy the planned day with everyone. What if she doesn't realize she's still contagious, or fever re-occurs or whatever. She could get everyone sick, and they go back to respective classes/workplaces.

Ta Das in variety here -
general declutter, some vacuuming, cleaning the vacuum, made it to the mail, kitchen swiping.

Have lost the little shopping bag brought home from the trip. What was mine in it is okay to lose, but a couple items belong to others so it's really bothering me. HRH says not to worry because we never lose anything in our house, we just cover it by mistake. But it's not turning up.

Re: Get ready... Hey it's Saturday!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:21 pm
by Harmony
LOL Harriet! Yep, it's all here someplace.

Lucylee, that is one smart grandson you have. At his age to know smallpox is a virus and symptoms can mimic each other... I wonder how old I was before I figured that out.

Not a great day, but inching along. Figured stuff online in store websites would also be at their brick and mortar places. Nope. After 4 stores, nothing. I did get some groceries (have been trying to get things ahead for Thanksgiving and have been having so much trouble doing that - but that's another rant) and a little tiny silver Christmas Tree and a box of tiny ornaments. Just the size for DGSon's little kitchen table in his apartment. Last year he said he didn't decorate up there at all because he was so homesick and had no money for ornaments anyway, and I felt so bad. Now at least he'll have this to look at.

Get-together at DH's neice's was not today, it is tomorrow. I figured that out before we went out there on the wrong day. :roll:

I don't know why the whole world is enamored with ordering stuff online. I have been hours and hours and hours just finding and ordering 1 thing. Trying to find the right color, finding the right color but the site won't change to the color I want when I click on it, or it's on backorder till Jan 2019; or I have to JOIN the durn site to order from it; or maybe I can pay $19.00 TO GET FREE SHIPPING. Really I don't see the attraction. It certainly didn't save me any time. And reviews were all over the place on every site for like products...when I could even find the reviews and also the very hidden product details... Oh, and of course register and get a password so I can track shipping etc. :roll:

If this thing comes in time and it's right it'll be a miracle.

Gotta run and get the kitchen cleaned up. Lit the candle at the other end just now...

Re: Get ready... Hey it's Saturday!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 10:45 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Harmony: I mostly shop from A-River, Costco or Staples. And Canadian Tire allows me to order online but pick up in store so I know the item I'm going for has already been set aside for me (that store is awful for having sale items in stock.)

Aside from that, I seldom shop online because I'm nervous about setting up accounts all over the place. I did get my face cream from a small company but that's because it can't be bought in Canada any more and is hard to get in the US as well. It isn't "new and improved" so therefore isn't available.

The problem with buying online is the amount of selection. But that is also the advantage.

I'm shopping for a kettle for dd. She'd bought one and took it back because it didn't work the way she expected (she thought it was like my hot water pot but in kettle form.) Today I learned while reading dozens of descriptions, that the kettles don't keep water warm/hot indefinitely (as my hot water pot does) and doesn't have a delayed start (so I wake up to the water already boiled.) That took a couple of hours but so did her buying the kettle and then returning it to the store.

When LadyM ordered the weighted blanket earlier this week, I ordered one from an independent craftsperson because I wanted made in Canada. And she could answer all my questions, saving me time learning about it. I wish I had that for the projector!

Pain level is much better today.

We visited dgs this morning and dropped dd at one of her medical appointments. Then did lunch and a Costco run. I worked on making a first-draft pocket for my new coat (the pockets are too small for packet of Kleenex) but need better coloured material to make the actual pocket from. So that's 2 things I need from a sewing store. Dd needs to get to one too so maybe I can take her some time around an appointment.

Walked to the pub and my leg was pretty unstable for the walk home. So I'm on the floor now. The pub stool was uncomfortable to sit on (I'm still not sitting if I can help it) and so that might have made my leg worse.

Off to bed now.

Re: Get ready... Hey it's Saturday!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:11 am
by Nancy
I texted sil he was at a fb game w dgson we figured if it was serious they would not be there. Still no word. Dson.s dog loved the replacement toy we gave their dog bc my dog chewed up one of thier dog`s toys. Smile. Laundry is done. I raked H bagged up leaves, cleaned up after the dog, missed some and stepped in it had to change shoes. Cooked up meat loaf patties for sandwiches. Learned some more on my pc learning today.