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Re: Super Sat.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:08 pm
by blessedw2
(((d kathryn))) have you seen a neurologist and tell him how you are feeling since your concussion? ((())) you are doing a lot. Having the concussion, being sick, and getting shingles is huge on your body. ((())) be gentle with yourself.

Re: Super Sat.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:15 pm
by LadyMaverick
Stress is different for everyone. Only the individual person knows what drives them crazy (stresses them).

It is better FOR ME to move around even if it is at a snail pace. Laying in bed when I am awake stresses me. I find my stress level greatly decreases when I spend time outdoors in the sunshine. A bonus is if I have a good book to read. But this is me. These things would not be a stress reducer for other people.

I remember being off work for what seems like a long time when I had shingles. According to my doctor, I was contagious and couldn't be around people. I remember being stuck at home and so bored. And in pain because of the shingles. During that time of my life I was playing video games (river raid, pac man, etc) and reading at least one book a day. I read incredibly fast then - speed reading a book in about an hour. I guess that is how I got through that time. I don't remember much other than the boredom and pain.

Re: Super Sat.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 11:23 am
by Ramblinrose

My migraines have taught me a lot about letting go of things I can’t control. Right now my home needs to be dusted and I have three loads of laundry to fold. I give myself a break when I’m in recovery mode. To fight the pain I have to go into myself and I can’t worry abt the world around me.

Sweetie is a grown man and can take care of himself. I don’t feel Like I have to be responsible for any of his needs. Even when my son was around and I was working I had others who stepped in to help. Stressing abt things only makes the pain work.

In the past when I was working, stress was a large part of my world. Many times I felt like I was raising 90+ kids at a time. Same with some of my co-workers who could be drama queens at times. I learned to set boundaries. I would come into work early cause that my best thinking times and friends would unintentionally stop by to talk and interrupt me. Closed doors didn’t work, so I ended up putts my a note on my door saying...working, come in if it’s an emergency

Dr Phil is fond of saying we teach people how to treat us. I’m a firm believer in that. Stress has taught me to look at a situation and figure out how to work it for my benefit ... when I find myself feeling overwhelmed I breath, take a walk, talk to God, pet my pup, talk to Sweetie, read a book,or get outside.