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Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:54 am
by Harriet
How much do we appreciate all our comforting, efficient utilities? :) Let's hope we awaken today with the help we expect... .. that "water's hot, power's on, the phone just rang and now we're cooking with gas" feeling. :) What is the oddest thing your homemaking would MISS if you were suddenly without a utility?

Happy for blessed, who may have been starting to get warm again a couple hours ago. Warmer family, warmer pets. Whew.

Thinking of lucylee and her dmother.

Welcome, kckgirl.

Glad Twins' is safe after travels.

Glad Sunny and dh had no more difficulty after calling ds.

I'm off soon to another appt with HRH. Gathered another little sewing "kit" for some more handwork while waiting.

Hi to Lynlee, who has turned on her porch light.

Re: Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 7:07 am
by Lynlee
waving back to Harriet and y'all.

today - bus to perio hygienist. Walked about the shops for a bit. bought Chinese for lunch.
my knee was somewhat better, but it deteriorates the more I'm on it and there was a heap of walking to do today, so hoping it will do a reset in the morning. At least it wasn't quite so slow attempting to walk today.
Hygienist gave me a couple of other leads I could follow up re other health matters. tmj/ physio who treats pressure points on back, and bone health.

I need to get busy in the kitchen tonight.

Hoping all on sick parade get some recovery happening. Hugs and prayers.

Re: Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:40 am
by blessedw2
I am electrified with your post d Harriet! At least my mind is but my body still needs a cup of coffee. 8-)
best wishes for your dh and his dr. appointment - saying prayers for healthy kidneys and a good report.

hello d lynlee! praying those leads make you feel so much better especially when you are walking. hope that knee feels better in the morning.
I am always so happy when you can be here!

I see we a blessed with a new member/friend: welcome kckgirl

Wishing you all a wonderful day.

Re: Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:56 am
by blessedw2
my d brother was so sweet - I had talked to him last night - if my power was still off today he would have driven with a generator to help me. He said I should have called him in the morning when this all happened and he would have brought the generator then. very nice of him.

It looks like I didn't do anything yesterday but I was extremely busy all day. I do feel like Nanook of the north :D :lol:

Things I found:
My mothers and fathers teachings really paid off.

my oven - my oven doesn't work without the electric start. the good: we have a gas burner that I could like and I know how to cook with any fire out doors or the fireplace.

my fridge: everything went into the 3 season room and outdoors. I still have chicken stock covered in the snow.

What I realized was a problem: I had a freezer full but was terrified i would loose everything. I was close to tossing it all outside.(I don't know what I would do if it was too warm outside) I should have more canned veggies in case as I had used up my veggies in the fridge.

I missed my washing machine!

I no longer have my camping light - I definitely will buy one of those.

another blessing besides family and it sounds silly:
dd older left her large mirror here and I was able to put it on the table and place candles and flashlights on it to make the kitchen much brighter.

of course the usual: water (1/2 the businesses in the area lost their water)
blankets, food, firewood. creativity

to all thank you for all the good thoughts and blessings!!! wishing you a wonderful day.

Re: Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:02 am
by Harriet
I think the oddest thing that happens to our home when we lose power is that no one can ammuse themselves online, therefore no one gets out of the others' way. Lol. I end up with darling family underfoot. Perhaps the strangest thing I would say I have missed, then, is gaming, and I don't even play.

Have gotten half of my handwork done.

Re: Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:28 am
by DeeClutter
First let me say welcome to Kckgirl! Glad you have joined us. It sounds like you may have been a member some years back? Can you tell us your name then, if so?
she thinks she still has dh's waffle recipe from the old SHE boards. Dh laughed at that, pointing out it was 2-factor authentication!
Kathryn wrote this and I have to go see if that waffle recipe is still around -if not, you may have to repost it, Kckgirl. :D

Glad you have power, Blessedw2. We were without many days back in the 90's when our area had a huge ice storm. Fortunately we had a generator and kept the fridge running. We also had a fireplace & hung sheets over the family room doorway which was quite wide. When we finally got power back dh lent our generator out to friends. They 'shared' it with neighbors. I remember dd making hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies and taking them down the street to the main power lines to all the workers there. Many of those lines/towers were simply toppled by the weight of the ice on the lines. Those guys were so appreciative.

Going over to dbil/dsisil's shortly. Dh is taking dbil to pick up his truck from their repair place. Dsisil used to take him but she doesn't drive any more. Nor would we want her on the road. :shock: Tomorrow morning we're meeting them for breakfast. Dh set 9am which could be a tad early for me but I'll make it.

Slept fairly well last night. But I'd taken a "Rem fresh" before bedtime. It's main ingredient is melatonin. I was up several times during the night for a potty break but I generally went right back to sleep. Maybe...……….. I do feel refreshed this morning.

Dh and dd are going to go walk the puppy tonight about 6. Puppy's trainer is walking a difficult dog and wanted a couple of 'well-behaved' ones to be walking past her. She doesn't react well to other dogs and needs some extra training. Actually dpuppy (Biscuit -named because that's the slang for a hockey puck & they wanted a hockey-related name). This is a 'reverse' household. It's dd that's sports minded -very much so. But then she had brothers who were always into hockey and racing mostly -now lacrosse, racing and hockey. DGS6 is racing micro sprint go karts. As he told his Mom this fall -"I'd rather go racing (instead of trick or treating at our campground). Besides I have racing in my blood!" :lol: He didn't end up racing though and went trick or treating with his nieces. (One niece is 6 months older to the day & the other is 2 years younger.)

Re: Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 11:04 am
by LadyMaverick
I'm off to a good start today. Homeschool is underway.

DMom fell last night. She was banged up but not badly hurt. A cut on her face, a finger that got bent wrong, and overall just shaken up. DMom didn't want to go to ER to get checked out and insisted that she was okay. DNeice is now living with DMom and that has turned out to be a HUGE blessing in so many ways. DNeice helped DMom get up and iced her owie on face. DNeice sat up with DMom for an hour to make sure she was really okay. I'll check with DMom throughout the day to make sure she doesn't have any delayed consequences from the fall.

Re: Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 11:10 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm up.

With no electricity I can't cook. That is the thing I miss the most since all alternatives (camp stove, sterno) are not allowed.

Thankfully after the tornado, dd had power so we would cook there. Still, we lost about $200 of food from the freezer and fridge.

I am up but really slow moving. Was in bed 11 hours but a severe headache woke me up through the night and I couldn't get comfortable. I'm doing my light therapy now, then will get dressed.

Today is hair cut day which means walking and busing day. I'm not looking forward to this. I could take a taxi and might do so. We'll see how I feel after breakfast.

Re: Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:02 pm
by Nancy
I am petrified, watching a vid and typing this. Winds are howling outside hoping it gets the leaves off the tree. It is raining a bit.
It will be colder by the end of the week I need to do a store run. Qt is done. I got on track with a m routine Mon. Glad for that.
Welcome to new member kckgirl!

Re: Electric Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:04 pm
by lucylee
(((LadyM))) You and your dmom, too? Wow.
I wish I had a dniece who would move in with MY dmom... whew...
Headed to the hospital now to see about her.
(If y’all have no idea what’s going on, check last night’s late post.)