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Re: Fleet of Foot on Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 8:13 pm
by LadyMaverick
I like to scan items as I take them from the shelf & put them into my cart. I can instantly verify the correct price rang up. But best of all, I like having a digital copy of my purchases. If I need to return something I don't need to look for the paper receipt. Also, I never stand in line. I just hit pay on my phone and walk out the door.

Today was a great day. This morning homeschool was a solid 4 hours and highly productive. This afternoon was beautiful weather so the kids spent all afternoon playing outside. DGD7 finally was able to conquer riding bike without training wheels. She was soooo happy and pleased with herself. During the late afternoon, I left the kids with DH and went to the YMCA all by myself. What a treat! I am so out of shape that I couldn't do everything that I had hoped. But I'm not going to stress about it and just start where I am. I pushed myself today and will see how my body responds to it. My goal is to make consistent incremental improvements.

It has been years since I have gone to the gym and I don't know what to put in my gym bag. I guess I can just keep discovering things as I go along that need to be in it, but it sure feels a bit frustrating to be so clueless. Today I discovered that I need to add headphones, shower shoes (flip/flops), and water bottles. One water bottle isn't enough.

Re: Fleet of Foot on Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 8:23 pm
by LadyMaverick
Awhile back C2C shared on another SHE site about ordering melamine foam instead of buying the Mr Clean magic erasers. I decided to give it a try. I got 100 foam sponges for under $6. I have used them and can't tell the difference. The only downside that I see to them instead of the store bought ones is that It did take a couple weeks to receive the order.

Re: Fleet of Foot on Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:50 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
LadyM: thanks for that tip. I swear by Mr. Clean magic erasers and am always looking for a deal on them.

I'm about to head to bed. I'm hoping I'll have a good sleep tonight after doing so much today.

We got everything I went for at Costco except the porch Christmas greens display. I really wanted that to finish off my balcony. Either they were sold out or they never had them this year. I can buy one at any grocery store but their quality is always way better and often for less. I will buy another giant poinsettia but after my party next week because there's no room for it when there's a crowd here.

Once home, I put things back to right in the kitchen and living room. Had ds come in while we were gone, it would have looked like I was rushed to the hospital having fallen off a ladder since nothing was put away, furniture was all out of place and two step stools were set up (one in the living room, one in the kitchen.)

My right shoulder is sore, I suspect from washing windows. That's a very foreign movement for me! On the other hand, my left arm doesn't seem sore at all despite getting the shot yesterday.

I'm enjoying looking over at my Christmas lights. It is very calming and hopeful.

Re: Fleet of Foot on Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:24 pm
by Nancy
I am ok at for the most part but when I sit do an to pee it the seat hits that spot that is the most sore.

Pizza to nite. Dgd helped put up the creche.
I had a journal and sketch book for her to use and we watched a hot to bujo video.
She painted a rock also took some I had done to hide.
She had fun.
It was a half day of school today.