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Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:22 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I still remember using this title on my actual moving day from the village to the city!

First day of the first week of the last month.

What deadlines do you have for this month (aside from the obvious one)?

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:23 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm up. Ds was late arriving here due to traffic but is tucked into bed now. With any luck he'll get 3.5 hours of rest.

I have had tea and chocolate and light therapy. Emptied the dish drainer and refilled the radiator pots of water.

I note there's a major snowstorm out my window at the moment. I'm hoping that clears before the long drive at 11:45.

I need to prep for my 11 teleconference with the accountant. This is the first step of her taking over some of my paperwork responsibilities. It is upsetting to have to let go, but less upsetting than the dread of an end of the year deadline that I have been unable to progress since the summer.

If this goes well, and my brain doesn't kick in by mid-Feb, we'll hand more over to her starting with our personal taxes. In the meantime, I'm wondering what other calendar year things I have to be thinking of. Not one of these items takes over 20 minutes but I honestly can't think my way out of a paper bag when it comes to finance stuff. Or more accurately, I'm paralyzed with fear I'll do it wrong and miss the mistakes (I catch my written word mistakes easily, or spell-check catches them, but there isn't anything like that for numbers.) Because of the paralysis, I just don't start. And then things get worse and worse and I get more and more upset because I know procrastination has settled in.

If I'm going to go on any pharmaceutical, it will be for ADD, not depression, since that is the core of so much of my depression.

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:54 am
by blessedw2
I am glad you are able to start working with your accountant now. I understand entirely about the paralysis that you don't want to start. That's actually where I am now. hoping your snow storm cuts down before you head out.

thank you for starting us d kathryn.

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:02 am
by blessedw2
I have had the same paralysis that d kathryn is having. Mine is because I have let certain areas - my desk in the kitchen and just Christmas prep overwhelm me. I keep saying my brain is lying to me. I am trying to use my normal interior joy to help me work a bit of at a time instead of letting my brain tell me I am a failure because I can't ...
I know my brain is telling me I can't do it but I know from experience that at 15 minutes at I time I have done remarkable work before and have gotten out of the mess I have been in.

things that have worked before:
1. don't beat myself up because that confuses the process.
2. plan and keep track of where your time is going
3. don't get stuck on self help anything - videos etc. doing instead of watching is better -
4. enjoy the moment. I haven't been enjoying Christmas yet because I keep seeing what I haven't done instead of whatI have.
5. do my routines early
6. follow my BWP
7. exercise.
8. use my timer and don't go all over the place - have purpose.

So that is my goal this week - today we are driving to downtown Chicago for dd youngers Christmas present ideas.
make dinner early and put in crock pot.

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:49 am
by DeeClutter
I like your list, Blessed. I especially am zoning in on the 'exercise'. Find myself NOT wanting to do it and know that if I'm going to continue to improve it is ALL IMPORTANT! Find myself procrastinating on it a lot -and then the day is gone and it's too late!

Friend of dd's and mine (she's our 'adopted' daughter here) is taking us to see the "King and I" at the Lakeland Center tonight. She wanted to go and her dh didn't so she's buying our tickets. We're treating her to dinner first. I'm just hoping not to get too tired.

DD's been talking about the "Teddy Bear Toss" at the Orlando Solar Bears game on the 21st. Texted me the results of the Hershey Bears hockey team's teddy bear toss last night. They set a new world record of 34,798 bears. Old record was 25,000 set in 2015 by a Calgary Western Conference team. Think their rink only holds about 3,000 so that's a lot of bears per person! So, tell me, if they can count almost 35,000 bears in one evening -why do election ballot recounts take so long? Hmmmm…… :lol:

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:54 am
by Harriet
I got this far early, before interruption :

Kathryn, I will not say to you that I know what you mean. I do understand that when we are already holding so much on our plates, handling everything, down to the bitsy details, and then trouble comes out of the blue ... .. wow.

Our household did not start off

Now, what was I going to say? I think it was that we were all testy this a.m. Dd20 got home at 1:30 or 2 last night - not even sure. She is pressed into strange times to be able to use the 3-D printing facilities at univ. They are a wonderful help to her in comp science but each printing takes so long. She's gone back to it again, wearing a big flannel shirt that looks like she slept in it. She was also editing a video - no idea. Maybe there will be a video of the things she is printing.

I was successful in getting the refrigerator delivery rescheduled for the next day, Wednesday morning. So I can breathe now and know I don't have to be two places at the same time. Ds is going to bring me a couple of the coolers he uses for vacation trips.

HRH said this a.m. that he doesn't want to "jinx" it, but believes that he feels well enough to go to his office for several hours. So if this holds true, it means that days 2, 3 and 4 are the worst ones and we can plan for that each month.

He also felt well enough to sit at my desk and do some resizing work for me on the printing I'll get done later today.

Hi to kittykatt

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:21 pm
by blessedw2
I am glad he felt well enough to be able to sit at your desk and maybe go to his office d Harriet! He is in my prayers daily. Your sweet dd has such an amazing work ethic

Kathryn, I will not say to you that I know what you mean. I do understand that when we are already holding so much on our plates, handling everything, down to the bitsy details, and then trouble comes out of the blue ... .. wow.
I ditto what d harriet said d kathryn

d dee - cheering you on as you you improve daily!
I procrastinate at the exercise a lot - no idea why because I always feel better (emotionally) after I do some fitness.
HOw lucky to go to the King and I - gosh showing my age... I saw it when I was young with Yul Brynner

hello to all

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:21 pm
by blessedw2
Happy Hanukah d Twins!

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:22 pm
by Nancy
Moving kinda slow 2day.journaling & planning and qt done.
Had my breakfast.
Posting from stat bike now to stay limber.
Waving to all. WTG!

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:24 pm
by blessedw2
I timed myself this morning so I wouldn't stagnate - 3:30 min to empty dw, clean sink well 8:60 min, clean counters 6:40 min, fill dishwasher after rinsing recycling bc I didn't do it last night 10:09 min.
vacuumed first floor 10 min.

now to s2s and go downtown - see you soon

hi nancy