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Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 10:13 am
by Harriet
Is there something you're right in the middle of, this week? :) Hope it's going the way you planned!

Re: Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 10:41 am
by Twins' Mom
Thanks for starting us out Harriet.

I am stuck here at home this a.m. waiting for a Fedex delivery for dd, but I have to leave around 12:30. We'll try again tomorrow if they try to deliver while I'm out, or I'll go online and indicate I'll pick it up. This was kind of dropped on me. :?

I'm going to try to get a.m. routine done and be ready to head out to see dmom if Fed Ex gets here this a.m.

Re: Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:02 am
by BookSaver
Good morning, villagers ~
I remembered to restart the dryer this morning so clothes for work are both clean AND dry. :)
I put a can of sweetened condensed milk on the kitchen counter to remind me to make fudge after I get home from work tonight.
Must keep moving, post & run!
Hope y'all have a good day.

Re: Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:45 am
by Twins' Mom
I have laundry washing and now need to walk the dog. I hope I can get around the block without failing in my job of waiting for Fedex. If we don't get it today, I'll go online and indicate I'll pick the package up tomorrow. I don't know why she doesn't have it delivered to her office or apartment, where there is an office to accept packages.

I need to walk the dog now.

Re: Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:51 am
by Ramblinrose

I have the next 12 days mapped out with things to do, including today.

My cookbooks should be finished by the weekend. Yesterday took the most time as I am not the most computer savey person in the world. The recipes had to fit a certain size and it took me awhile to figure it out.

Today Sweetie is taking me to the jewelers for my Christmas present. He is having a solitaire diamond from his moms diamond ring made into a necklace for me. I am excited abt that.

He’s also told me to call the cleaning girls to come... so I could enjoy a clean home for the holidays, another present for me. I like the way he thinks.

My Christmas shopping has been done for several weeks now and I mailed my stuff this past Monday. I will need to mail out my moms Christmas cookbooks for her so I see a PO visit in my near futudependingbon re. And I am having friends over a week from Sunday dinner.... Hi Norma... for lasagna and homemade cheese cake, a promise I made at Thanksgiving. Then on Christmas Day Sweeties sister and husband are coming for dinner, depending on how she feels when she gets up that morning. She’s just finished another round of chemo so she can’t be around people. That’s why it will be just the 4 of us.

Will finish up my Christmas cards this weekend and do my grocery shopping next Thursday...I also have several lunches planned with friends next week to celebrate the holiday season.

Off to start my day... enjoy yours!

Re: Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:16 pm
by Harmony
I am still in the thick of sewing projects and am determined to get those utility bags done today and off my mind. All I've done so far is clean off the dining room table and wipe it down, ready to begin.

I've filed a whole bunch of stuff from recent months. It's been sitting around in the tickler file, annoying me every time I look at it.

We brought in the "picture" and put it over the mantel last evening. I am surprised how beautiful it turned out. The frame is the perfect color to go with the colors in the picture. We made it from rough-sawn cedar with polyurethane over. DH wants to leave it up all year...which he always says about the tree too.... but then it wouldn't be special for the holidays. So I said how about November and December and part of January until I undecorate. Unless we get right up close to it we can't even see it started out as a jigsaw puzzle!

Re: Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:25 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm finally s2s. But I also did a round of physio. One of my stretch bands broke. It doesn't affect the way I use it (surprisingly) but I could tell something was up because I can't usually pull it as far as I was pulling it (it is attached to a suitcase shoulder strap and I use it to pull my foot back onto my butt in order to stretch my thigh muscles.)

We need to go out in a bit to pick up the Christmas newsletters. It is right next to a bulk food store (and I need sugar) and the bank, so I'm going along to get those errands run.

I'm still feeling delicate/woozy so I will stay in the rest of the day and rest until the play this evening. That we take the car to, so I won't have to worry about the energy for the bus.

I will cut my extra magnesium out of my night-time vitamins. I've already eliminated one extra pill (3 extra were recommended by the doctor for my brain healing but I get some with my calcium pill so only added 2.) I'll leave in the Omega 3 and melatonin. I really find myself relying on the melatonin to sleep these days. What happens is I'll be lying in bed, wondering why I'm not tired and then realize I failed to take my pills. I will start cutting that back a bit in the next week or so. I had started that just before I got sick and needed it to return to sleep more easily between being woken by pain.

Wooziness is also a sign I'm doing too much which is why it will be a quiet afternoon. I babysit tomorrow and proposed an outing for dgs on Tuesday (no need for me to babysit that day but I want to do fun things with him too, not just babysit at his house.)

Re: Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:35 pm
by LadyMaverick
I am doing my best to not get really sick. My chest & head are still congested and my voice comes and goes. However, I am encouraged that I have no fever so I remain hopeful that my immune system is strong enough to fight it off.

DGD7 stayed at her home last night. I am hopeful that DD will establish new routines with DGD7. DSIL is now in xDSIL status since they filed for divorce this week.

Homeschool is underway. Having routines make it doable even when I'm not feeling my best.

Re: Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:15 pm
by Twins' Mom
Dd's computer just turned up so I was able to sign and accept it for her. Too late to visit dmom now, she will be eating lunch but I can go by later after my therapy appt if I am up to it. And I don't have to hang around tomorrow waiting for it.

Re: Thursday in the Thick of it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:49 pm
by Nancy
I am regrouping today had a low when I got up this morning. Got a project finished yesterday, yea me hot pad completed for dd.
Sheets in the washer now need to be dried . I need to get on the stat bike next.
I have been setting up goals info. Omm [on my mind ]stuff for the new year.
Trying to get these last ones ready to mail for dsis I did up brown as we were talking about a coffee theme for kitchens.
I am getting ready to start more puppets for Easter prizes for the rock hunt.