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Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:14 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
The holiday time is distracting with extra meals out, travel, entertaining guests, businesses on holiday hours so not everything is done in a timely manner, and general disruptions to routine.

Perhaps a day focusing on tidying up loose ends would be a good thing:

Make sure the important bills are paid

Deal with the leftovers in the fridge

Restock the fridge!

Putting away decorations

Opening and dealing with the stack of mail

Finding a place for everything that came into your home this season so things can be put away

Mount Washmore

Cleaning out email in-box

Many of us would prefer to set up new systems at this point but that can be a distraction - whatever system you use, working the system is the most important part of it.

So, if you've been avoiding looking at your to-do list, today may be a good day to glance down and make sure there aren't any loose ends that need tidying up.

Re: Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:22 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I still have about 1/5 of the Christmas decorations to put away and furniture to rearrange.

And about 70% of my weekly house blessing (supposed to be done on Monday) left to do.

I did get the bedrooms vacuumed last night so they are no longer a stress to me.

I have a pretty strong deadline, everything has to be finished up by Jan 7 in the evening. Even so, there's the threat that at any time I may have drop everything and refocus on dgs, dd and a new baby.

I'm babysitting tomorrow morning so today is my last day to get the apartment back into shape.

As a reward for all my hard work, I'm going to watch a few more episodes of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. If you have Netflix, I think I recommend it. Of course, for those of you with cable tv, you have probably watched other shows with similar focus on HGTV. But I don't have access to those shows so am enjoying this one.

I'm also enjoying the Declutter 365 15 minutes a day challenge. I printed off the calendar and have been doing that as well. Today's challenge is to declutter small kitchen appliances: https://www.home-storage-solutions-101. ... ances.html

Re: Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:09 am
by helia
Good morning friends! I'll be less chatty today and more on topic. :D
I'll have to try that Marie Kondo show, Kathryn.

My stomach seems to be better, so that will help my motivation to be productive today.

We had J 5yo last night. The kids did activities with her, like reading books or making a mermaid tail sleeping bag for her stuffed penguin (that would be dd20's activity with her). I made chocolate fondue, which everyone enjoyed! I wonder how many pounds I've gained over this holiday? :?

I may need to chauffeur kids to a movie this morning. We'll see.

Main Goals for Thursday:
1. Progress on desk piles - mainly payroll files but other things are in there as well. I've gotten 1.5 piles done out of 4.
2. Go for a jog? I'm hoping I can fit this in but this may not happen.
3. Progress on SK prep -- perhaps another errand or 2, wrapping
4. Escape Room, out 2:15 - 4-ish
5. Dinner for 7 adults: Dh is making a new recipe, so I'll be the sous chef tonight.

So far, I have:
- taken care of the dogs: fed, watered, meds
- tea
- checked email and web sites
- kitchen is about 1/3 reclaimed; it takes much longer with so many people in the house

- some qt
- s2s and self care
- back exercises

Re: Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:35 am
by LadyMaverick
We have about 3" of snow on the ground with big flakes still falling. The kids are excited and are outside playing in it. The dogs don't like the snow. Schools and many of the businesses are closed. DH had a doctor appointment this morning and I was taking DMom to a doctor appointment this afternoon, but both of the doctor offices are closed so the appointments have both been rescheduled.

I need a big dose of motivation. I would love to go back to bed.

Re: Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:48 am
by Twins' Mom
I can't believe I can lose a Fitbit so quickly and not find it for hours. Dh helped look for it when he got in, I finally found it at bedtime when I checked the wastebasket in our bathroom. I think it fell off when I went to the bathroom and freakishly ended up in the wastebasket. So I was at 6200 when it quit for the day.

I am actually achy this a.m. from all I did yesterday, and I had some back spasms before bedtime. But it's so nice to get up to a house that looks good, though.

I have a meeting at temple today at 1:30 and need to get groceries, visit dmom and go to CVS for a script. Supper is black bean pasta and chicken parm, made with chickpea breadcrumbs.

-breakfast and meds
-get dressed, wash up
-walk the dog
-start a lol
-get rid of 10 pieces of paper in my stack, find written script I need for today

Snow day, LadyM! Treat yourself?

Re: Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:13 am
by blessedw2 diane beginning.

I WILL be back to wish you all a wonderful day!!! hello cheering you all on!

Re: Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:39 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Helia: Escape Room! Have an amazing time! I loved the one I did.

Twins: just think how many steps you got searching for the fitbit!

I'm done breakfast and s2s. Not in that order. I decided I had to s2s before eating breakfast since I intended to watch an episode while I ate. I also tidied up the bedroom and the laundry is started for the day (2 loads today.)

Dd will be calling later for a chat. She is at the midwife right now.

I have a selection of things to do. All are donwannas.

No more episodes until Christmas is put away and the living room and dining rooms are vacuumed.

Re: Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:45 am
by Ramblinrose
Morning y’all ...

Kathryn...when I decluttered my kitchen I got rid of all unused small appliances. And because I don’t like clutter on my counter I only have a small coffee machine, a water tower with a water filter and a decorative jar with my cooking utensils in it. And I’m about to buy a new toaster for bread so the old one will go in my give away pile.

I haven’t been feeling my best for several days and after my ears started hurting yesterday afternoon realized I had a sinus infection. Fortunately I have some left over antibiotics from the last one I had and immediately started taking them. Then when I went to bed I told myself I was going to sleep as long as needs this morning.

I slept till 8 and got up just in time for Perry. Not a 100% this morning but at least my ears aren’t hurting.

I have about 30 minutes worth of Christmas put always. Everything is collected in one place so all I need to do is put them on n the closet where I keep my seasonal things.

I do have a small bit of laundry to fold and then depending how I feel may make a grocery run.

Off to watch Perry and waiting for my meds kick in. I have a sinus headache, but it’s not to bad, just annoying. Enjoy your day:D

Re: Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:06 pm
by Nancy
Up on time. Journal H planning done.
Groc. List revamped :roll:
A m meds done.
Not much else done.
I need to put painted stones in the rig to get them out of here.
Also need to toss 10 pieces of paper and continue with zone work in creativity room.
Windy here today rains expected.
Hydration reminder.
Waving to all!

Re: Tidying Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:06 pm
by LadyMaverick
chickpea breadcrumbs

I didn't know this existed! One of the items on my "buy this" list is panko. I can't get it local easily so I was preparing to order it online in bulk. I don't know why I didn't research an alternative. It never crossed my mind. I am always learning new things here!

I am a bit overwhelmed with a couple of family things that have happened in the last few days and I need time to process them. I stumbled upon the fact that we have another Great Grandchild. DGS23 now has 4 children under the age of 5. All of the children have different Mothers. I could write volumes with my thoughts and opinion about this.

I'm still waffling between taking a snow day or getting another day of homeschool done. I like ticking those days off and seeing the end get closer. If we do homeschool it would only be 2 hours (holiday schedule) and we could mark Day #102 off. Then we would only have 78 more days to do and mark 5th grade completed.