Time-Sensitive Tuesday

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:04 pm

Oh, I'm very pleased, Kathryn - whatever we find out when we time a thing, it gives "intel" :D for the next time,
Better than wondering! Cooking is an area that can be a time mystery for me - hard for my particular brainpower/experience to estimate. PLUS it is an additional "need to know" for me recently since I've noticed that having too much pure standing time in the kitchen is a downer, (possibly causing a few aches?). I need changes of occupation!

Desk Day chores I seem to be able to estimate well. (again - at what are you experienced? :roll: )
So far, I've learned that it takes 20 minutes to do one regular Desk Day chore, about the same for another, and when I run out of return address labels it only takes 10 mins to create new ones, from going to find the doc on computer to putting the finished ones away in their place. That affirms my decision :idea: not to get utility ones custom-printed any more.

helia, I'm so sorry you hurt. Do you think the cold weather has anything to do with it - tensing up, maybe? My fav breakfast is a fruit-full oatmeal that takes some thawing and chopping but is so worth it. I like a decaf coffee with that these days and almond creamer. It's the meal with which I take any supplements like my garlic capsules, etc.

Dsecondbil is coming by to visit with HRH. He's bringing something - I'm certain it's food and almost as certain that if his brother thinks it's a great treat, HRH shouldn't have it. I have to turn into the police, I imagine. :(

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:09 pm

Good morning everyone! I did get the report back together that I broke yesterday and checked it in. I got one of the thank you notes done. The second one is the one I just need to sit down and do! The last animal org thank you took all of 5 minutes to write. Add a little time to print, but that is the easy part. I should do it while DD16 does homework tonight. I also need to find some paperwork for tomorrow, install an antenna, and set trash out. The church meeting resulted in homework. I am still having problems with my overdue Christmas crochet. My goal is to have it out the door by end of Jan.

This morning, I arranged the repair of the door for Wed, Jan 23. I will get in late to work, but stay later so as not to lose time off.

In answer to LadyMaverick's question of yesterday, I am 54. I had DD when I was 37 (just like my grandmother and my same age cousin). My parents were 26 (mom) and 28 (dad) when I came along. DD wants to be at least 30 when she has her first child. We tend to be very late on dad's side, many have fertility troubles. No one has ever known a great grand parent.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:27 pm

LadyM: dd used to shower and change her clothes when she got home from the daycare centre while doing her practicum for her course.

She shared that with me after I got the first cold from dgsM2. Now I tend to wash hands and face when I get back from being at her house if dgsM2 is sniffly and I also take a vitamin C immediately and an extra dose of B-Complex before bed that night. I've avoided his last cold by doing that.

Since being so sick, I'm finding myself washing hands when I get home more often than not because I'm afraid of getting sick again. Of course, wearing gloves here is the norm except when inside so if I'm just out for a walk I don't bother but if I went to the grocery store, then I do because I had my gloves off while pushing the cart (although if the cart has been out in the parking lot, gloves stay on until it warms up and probably bacteria was killed in the cold.) The apartment door handles and all the elevator buttons are cleaned daily here. I can't stand the smell of the cleaner but at least it is being done.

The last few days my knees have been very sore, to the point that standing up from sitting became a long process while I waited to make sure I could stand. Yesterday I commented to dh that I know I have been doing the light therapy but I could feel depression feelings coming on.

Today I discovered that I forgot my morning vitamins Sunday and Monday. That means half the glucosamine as usual and no mega-dose of vitamin D. Well, that's proof the handfuls of vitamins I take do make me run more smoothly!

Around the apartment I've made a bit more progress. I got the rest of the apartment vacuumed. Started the dusting but the mess is holding me back so I'll set that aside and focus on papers for a bit.

The mess in the front hall caused me to do more KonMari-ing. I sorted through my chest of cloth bags. My dad had made me a newspaper chest many years ago, custom designed for my needs. Now we use it for cloth bags but it was always messy because we were pawing through them to find the right size/weight.

Today I folded them all and placed them in the box so I can see which one I'm pulling out. I didn't bother to do the 'sparks joy' bit because, after all these are grocery bags! There are some that do spark joy though and I don't use them often because they are precious to me. Those include my SHE bag from the Cleveland conference; one my mom bought me back in 1985 before people were using reusable bags but I was on an earth-mother kick; one I spent real money on because I loved the message and graphics on it; an insulated one from Whole Foods bought while in California; and some pretty ones given out as advertising.

Now, I can grab a precious one when I know it will be gently used. And not have to paw through anymore to get the right size/shape for other times.

I also put a box under the cedar chest in the front hall (my dumping zone) and put my purse on it. It is easy to slide in and out but if this is to be permanent, I'll put felt on the bottom of the box. The purse is now out of sight but quick to grab when leaving. That's a better option than the front hall closet which would be the first place a thief would look for my purse. We don't lock our front door often and contractors are in and out of here all the time so I should have set this up years ago.

I'm having a too-long break at the moment because I'm tired out. On the other hand, aside from papers, the apartment looks great!

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:10 pm

the ta da and the truth.. 8-)
last night while making dinner I emptied the fridge bc I had some groceries to put away. I left it there - :shock: ;)
I had bags, bottles with old food in it etc. -
I made dinner and didn't clean up after myself last night: dishes, veggie shavings, spoons forks etc.
other things were left on the counter and went and watched tv and looked at my computer. :roll:
I was too lazy last night to empty the clean dishes I had done after making dinner and from the days use of dishes.

so today I used my 2 timers - one set for an hour and the other set for 5 minute increments.
the 5 minutes helps me not feel so bad while I am working
the kitchen - with washing out all the containers, recycling, emptying the dw and turning it on again
because I put it off - the job took me 50 minutes! But I got the work in the kitchen done. I know that putting it off made today harder. I want to do my home blessing but I have to leave in an hour - so trying to finish my morning routine.

I swish and swiped the powder room. a ta da
I listed my spending from yesterday. a ta da
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:23 pm

hi d kathryn! during cold season we do the same - lots of hand washing. I also spray the door handles and light switches daily - including my purse handle and my car wheel. i got so sick one year and have had pneumonia many times that I work hard to be super careful.
it doesn't mean we won't get sick but it makes me feel like i am fighting the battle :D

I hope your knees feel better!!!
good for you for decluttering!

hello d Elizabeth!
wonderful that you fixed the report
yay on getting the repair in place to get it done

Hi d harriet!
cooking is something i don't estimate well...especially knowing I have to clean it afterward. ;) :D
I hope you don't have to become the food police. you may need to head him off at the pass.

hi d lady! ((((sweet dgd7))))
I am so happy he and you enjoyed giggles this morning while homeschooling! so fun.
Glad you are symptom free today

d Cathy - thinking of both you and dh!

hello d nancy - yay on getting up on time.
enjoy your day!

hi d Helia! so glad you could come in here today!
Hope your back feels better fast.. ooooo that hurts!!! fast healing!!!!
I see you have a free day Wednesday - how awesome is that!
cheering you on as you work through your day

hi d lilac I can't go back any farther than d helia. Saying hello to all of you!!!!

RAH RAH RAH - cheering you on *\o/*

I have to leave for a hair cut in 45 minutes. I am tempted to finish the swish and swipe but I think I will do paperwork instead. first toss the first load of laundry in. I usually do that first thing but I have been in that lazy daisy mode in the am.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:54 pm

I leave in 70 minutes to get dsgM2.

I've avoided paperwork except for filing one thing and doing dh's pension thing.

On the other hand, I listened to dh loose it because the hired programmer on a project he's working on has not been implementing the spec. For a second time. He lost 6 weeks doing it his way and had to go back and do things according to the specs. Now he's done it again. Dh doesn't normally yell. I had to send the super away (routine smoke alarm check) because he was yelling on the phone.

It annoys me to because dh is working for free and potential piece of the profits which will be non-existent if they don't get to market. Actually, dh has invested real money (not just time) in order to hire programmers and this one is a loose-cannon. I feel sorry for dh but he's in an interesting position of putting up with this because if dh walks away the project fails and we lose $$$$$. But if he stays, the project will likely fail as well. This is why I tell him to never put real money into his projects.

I should be sorting papers instead of posting so away I go. At least I'd like to get everything organized enough that the piles will fit on my desk.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:24 pm

I have to admit I do not know how much time my individual jobs take. I pretty much know when to start cooking, like the chicken takes 45 minutes, I need to start by 4:15 to be done by 5. If DH isn't home I'll make his plate and put it in the warm temp oven with foil over it. Then I can get mine and get prep dishes washed and leftovers stowed in the refrigerator without waiting.

I pretty much know how long it takes me to heat up my mug of coffee in the morning, and while that's happening I wipe counters or load dishes in washer.

I never know how long the desk will take me. I start there and work till it's finished or something interrupts me or I need a break. I will break to load the washer with next load of clothes, or hang a load up. I gotta keep my brain focused on what I'm trying to do so I'll go back to the original task. DH can't do this, he gets sidetracked. I guess many of you get sidetracked too.

Today I was cleaning up current stuff at my desk then I was to move on to the one project there not done yet. DH called from county office that they hadn't received our certificate from our insurance co (that I paid 12/20/18) so I had to stop and send an email, make 2 phone calls, talk with DH twice. And when that was resolved I had to make copies, put in the binder for that and organize and make copies of stuff in the license binder. All done and in order now. A new plan for that in my head.

So I never did get back to that project. I had to go move trucks with DH and we got delayed at 1st spot where we took care of a problem; brought one truck home and helped unload it...

Wouldn't do me much good to figure out how much time each thing took when I have a day like today (frequently this happens). If I worked 9-5 then I had a block of time consistently here it'd be easier to plan. But then I wouldn't have the flexibility to do things as I want when I can...

I used to get very frustrated because I couldn't ever plan what I wanted to do. I still get frustrated but not as much.

Had lunch. Sorted mail. Shredded some. Hardest part for me is getting started all over again when I get interrupted like I did today. Will I get back to it??? Thinking...

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:40 pm

On our way to DD's now. Paperwork is tidied and tasks I unearthed are noted in my planner so I don't lose sight of them.

Lots of stacks, still, but the chairs are cleared off and I will be able to dust all but my desktop.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Jan 15, 2019 6:41 pm


Thank you Lady M. Dh's Dr. appointment is in 20 minutes. It is 5 minutes away. Feel very scared. I will update when we get home.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:22 pm

Thinking of you two, Cathy.

I did at least "head him off at the pass" as far as showing how unhappy I was, blessed! Our front door was locked and he knocked and I just looked down at the drive-through bags, through the window panes, without unlocking. He said (through the panes of glass) "He's never denied me anything I wanted to eat and I can't deny him." NOT the point - so HRH is generous, so what? Then as I let him in he said, "Just once won't hurt him". NOT true. And HRH was laughing and saying if it wasn't for him and dstepson and (someone else - don't remember) he'd never get any of his old favorites. THIS seemingly got through to dbil. "So more people than just me do this?" Um... .. duh, thought I. And not one of you on my good list when you do it, either. Dbil's a great guy, just in denial on many health issues and he himself in his 50s and needing to stop the "what we can get away with" belief system.

Thankfully, HRH was just finishing a meal and was judicious with his enjoyment of treats, especially since I sat right down in front of them. Sigh.

Errands were up next for me, to PO, to bank and to pharmacy 1.

On the way home, I nearly witnessed a wreck, so I fretted when I got home about calling the school about their bus drivers. Ultimately I did call because it was the right thing to do. The first in a line of 4 school bus drivers pulled out onto the road causing the car in front of me to have to STAND on the brakes. Just a sense of entitlement, I guess, that a school bus doesn't have to care about the rules of the road. That car's license plate was from out of state, which doesn't necessarily mean they've not driven by the school many times, but does at least mean there's a good chance they haven't. Gratefully, I also got stopped in time and so did the car behind me. But the whole line of 4 buses waiting just kept traveling, right on each other's bumpers, since they had the chance then, and not one stopped at their stop sign.

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