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Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:59 pm
by Lilac
Harriet, dh received a letter from the IRS notifying him that his social security number was used on a job application. When I seen that in the stack of mail, I instantly knew it wasn't going to be good news. Never expected what it was about.

Woke up low and confused today. I came awake planning our menu for our Christmas Eve family get together. I hope that I was dreaming about that and that I am not losing the last of my marbles. Christmas 2018 we celebrated on Christmas night. We alternate because the boys are with their dad, every other week and so we have it when dd2 has them. Dh was confused when I am asking about what month was it. Usually if I wake up low, I am not confused.

Been a slug so far this am. Guess I better shower, so I can go pick up the RX and a few grocery sale items.

Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:30 pm
by blessedw2
quick hi. I hope i will be able to say hello individually. I just need to get the things on my l*st that have fallen between the cracks done.

bathrooms are cleaned but not all the way good deep down clean but still clean. I am blowing those things, in their own little bubble, to next zone period!
dishes emptied when I woke up, the few dishes from last night in the dw now. I am trying to not say anything to dh to put his dishes in the dw. but I think I am going to have to ask him nicely to do it. He is getting used to it.

he had said he cleaned the bathroom he uses. oh my it was awful. I don't go into it every day. I need to. I don't see how he can't see how bad he makes it daily. At least he is wiping out his sink and I am grateful for his kind nature to do that. he is dirty underneath. it reminds me of his dearest mom. She had everything put away but that clean underneath was not there. her house looked clean - all put away. dh is the same. he keeps things but they are all put away.

I thought this time he cleaned it.. he said he did... he is not seeing how really bad it was. i have to accept that. So my goal is to swish and swipe and wash the floor daily(not perfect) without a word because he doesn't see it or it bothers him too much to see he messes it daily. I think he sees it, because he seems grossed out by it and says he will do it but obviously it bothers him and needs to ignore it.

now to vacuum the first floor - another routine I put off.

wishing you all an amazing day, evening and night!!! wishing you the best.

Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:59 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I need to return home and get going on the day.

My errands are done and I am chilling at a coffee shop instead of going home.

I did not get an ironing board. WM only had small ones and Costco did not have any at all. They only have one online and I didn't like it. I will just pull out my old one for today. There's a lot of ironing to do. Months worth.

Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:42 pm
by Nancy
Back from my first couple of errands had lunch at home.

Later on h took Cate of the business. I met him downto an we went out for a sandwich. I stopped at the thrift shop found some pjs in teal anbd purple plaid excited foir am to get done in the dryer.

Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:34 pm
by CathyS
Hi everyone!

The weather people have been telling us that we are in for "up to" 10 inches AKA 25 centimeters. We have toilet paper, bread and milk. We also have enough firewood to burn wood for a month. Snowplow and snow blower are ready and waiting. Dh put new tires on the Snowplow/ATV last week.

I did one load of laundry already and it's all put away. Floors are done. Very few dishes to do. They are all in the sink having some spa time with hot water and bubbles. We are going out tonight because dh has a shave and haircut appointment at 6:30. I will be having Greek food at the food court. Dh will join me for Thai food when his shave and haircut are done.

Dh got home from work early today. We are both having a hot cup of tea and dh will most likely close his eyes for a while before we leave.

Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:46 pm
by blessedw2
hello d harriet, d kathryn, d cathy, d nancy, d lilac, d harmony, d dee, d lucy, and d all.

I am hitting the I don't wanna's so I will focus in on what I have planned.
laundry routine done
morning routine done
overthinking menu plan
I plan on cooking this afternoon ww enchilada soup, freeze the chicken, freeze the wendy's chili,
I need to buy fish for tomorrow (maybe)

I have in the fridge smoked salmon that I have to use.

Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:10 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Cathy: looks like we'll get half what you are getting. Good thing, dh is flying out on Sunday.

I'm home but not productive. Actually, I'm considering a nap. Maybe I'll push myself to do one month and then go nap. I did put everything away that I brought into the house. And my computer case back where it belongs.

Trying to keep with the tidying up.

Spent 40 minutes researching ironing boards. Harriet must be shaking her head! The one that fits my criteria is $150 - $200 (depending on the source) and only available online. Which means the return will be awkward if it doesn't meet my expectations. Reviews are pretty good. There's one for a lot less at Canadian Tire but the reviews are awful and include a picture of failed welds. I've eliminated Costco, WM, Canadian Tire, Solutions (the organizer store since that's where I got my grocery cart and my ironing board hanger), BBB, and I can't get The Bay's website to load. I also looked at Wayfair (an online home supply company) which has the same one I'm considering from Amazon but for a bit more money. I'd rather buy from Amazon, a known quantity. I've put two on my wish list and asked a question (the weight is unclear, they list both 15 and 20 lbs - it has wheels so I just have to lift it onto my holder, but it may weigh too much for that and I have no other place to store it.)

Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:49 pm
by lucylee
On our way to College Town.

Dgs is drawing maps and telling us all about it. Every. Single. Sentence. Ends with “okay?”
I tell you what... if this is a tic, it is much more worrisome than hair pulling...

Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:50 pm
by lucylee
It’s been going on for quite a while, not something that just started, btw.

Re: First Friday of the Week

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:09 pm
by Lynlee
First and last Saturday here.
tmeds, bfst started, rdgs and response, LOL on, bfst eaten.
made a list
I'll take some SupMeds I keep forgetting now.
Then its Hang out the washing.

I'm glad Kathryn only has one Friday this week.