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Re: First Friday In February

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:15 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
She likes me to play with her hair

That just triggered a lovely memory! My sister used to do that for me. I seem to recall she would read a book while doing it and it was a way to keep little-me quiet so she could read (I was 12 years younger so a pest.)

Dinner is over. I said I'd do the cleanup since dh cooked. He offered so I could keep working but I'm at an impasse so getting up from the couch is probably a good idea.

Re: First Friday In February

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:48 pm
by Harriet
I realize dstepson could be an exception, but he, ds and ddolder have always been very fond of each other, definitely began to love each other like brothers and sister very early in our blended family. I noticed the other day that he and dstepdil have photos of ds and ddolder's children not just displayed, but even on their fridge. When HRH and I started dating, of course, he was a teen, and happy to find out his Dad didn't hover over him so much when we were dating. He was like, "good. go. have fun, kids", lol. There had been a long lack of companionship for HRH, though.

In LM's dgd's case right now, a lot has been happening. Slow changes would be easiest for her to understand, I'm sure.

Grocery trip was a lot of help. Spaghetti this evening was delish. Pet chores accomplished today and dd has Tobias manicured.

I have some work to do to tonight to get ready for church, but it's minor.

Working on my 5x5 for tomorrow.

Lynlee, I like the idea of a checklist of food resisted! I remember the "a slob comes clean" site. I have always found that a sorting surface is a key. I can be productive in organization to the extent I have a sorting surface ready, and of a helpful size. If nothing large enough is available where I need it, I do better carrying things elsewhere, just so there is a sorting place.

Re: First Friday In February

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:20 pm
by Twins' Mom
Another memory here: my older cousin lived some with my maternal grandparents and can tell me things I don’t remember or never knew. She told me once that they used to argue like the dickens, but every night he would sit down and she would put her head in his lap and he would stroke her hair. I mentioned that to dmom the other day and she remembered that, I think.

Re: First Friday In February

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:41 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
First draft of the sermon is finished.

Cleaning up the kitchen was a good move. Aside from getting the kitchen cleaned up, I had enough swirling in my head when I sat down with my cup of tea after that I wrote up the missing 1/3 of the sermon on the back of envelopes waiting to be opened on the dining table (I wanted to work in the dark by candlelight and indirect light from the kitchen until the thoughts were captured.) '

Then I grabbed my computer and finished the work in the dining room instead of my desk because dh was watching a movie in the living room.

I consulted with the RA board and we'll do a dessert night next Wednesday. So that's all set and someone has been assigned the task of informing the group home.

Re: First Friday In February

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:51 pm
by LadyMaverick
It is almost 10pm and DH is still not home. I started wondering if he was still in court or if he was wrecked on the side of the road somewhere. So I started calling phone numbers at the courthouse and the first dozen or so went unanswered. Then I started calling Judge phone numbers and hit the right number. A lady assured me that DH is fine. The jurors have been in deliberation for hours. I asked if DH had been given something to eat (diabetic) and he has. So I guess there is no need for me to worry. DH will get here when he gets here.

Re: First Friday In February

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 12:04 am
by Lynlee
good job Kathryn.
I'm glad it all came together - it sounds inspired!.

Harriet - It sounds like dss was glad have more stability in his life, and a happier father was part of that..
Agreeing - sometimes taking things somewhere else helps the job along, so long as they aren't just abandoned there and become a new clutter drift ozzing and collecting friends as it waits.
I know I've seen videos of Noni putting all the things from a drawer into a sorting box, then seeing what goes back in the drawer and what takes a walk away - to bin, donate, or a better home within the home.
Food resisted headings are GF, DF. SF etc (gluten, dairy, sugar and the rest. No its not a given though it remains the aim.)

I went and looked at the fishtank that progressed to pot plant holder. I sorted some water bulb things - that need a wash or disappearing and have a dusty arrangement of them in a pot now. The win was removing a dead pot, and taking it outside to see if it will agree to nourish a poor piece of broken zygocactus. Its been soaking in a repurposed dog bowl to get the potting mix back to thinking about nurturing again.

Dishes are washed.

We did get a shower this morning, but the sun came out and sheets are on the line.
I called into flyers chat to get focused.

Going to take a break now. away away from the computer.I've taken a breakfree time from a certain game website. There is a checklist for that too.

(((LadyM and DH)))