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Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:19 am
by Harriet
Do you use the day's TOTHs ("tops" of the hours) to your advantage? Or perhaps both tops and "bottoms" (hour-thirties)?

Maybe you respond to the game aspect of seeing how far you'll have gotten by a BOTH or TOTH.
Or want a CCI (challenge check-in) way of quantifying progress, and joining friends here :idea:

Maybe you are dividing up some hours into FIFTEENS (remembering to take breaks, of course).
Or do your long-range plans benefit from a record of time you spend on a marathon project?

Are you hoping to take control of the time you give to phone chats, tv, computer, etc.?
Ensure that you can carve out time for reading, creativity, exercise?

However you are organizing your hours today, come in and inspire us with it!

Re: Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:49 am
by Harriet
Good morning!

I need to admit that sometimes my first TOTH thought is either that I didn't get enough sleep before a certain TOTH, or that a certain TOTH is approaching and I might as well get up, because now that I know that much, :roll: I won't get any more!

So definitely a priority of hourly planning for me is to get those hours of sleep right. (And maybe avoid glancing at the clock just because I suspect it's close to morning! Sigh! ) Can you tell that's what happened this a.m.? :lol:

Also, note to self: Harriet will you please stop absentmindedly drinking liquids after 7? Take the night pill with supper and stop forgetting it! Put a string on your finger. Life is too short.

My bubble-in cards are helping me think in Fifteens segments these days. I'll notice the potential of a TOTH and think, "hey, I could bubble-in 3 little ovals by then!"

Right now, a TOTH moment for me is dd's departure at 8 - need to plan with her briefly. Then Morning Daily Card and Routines until TOTH 9, when I'll check back! bbl!

lucylee, thank you for the shout-out last night. Part of it sounds like I maybe did give that advice, as in "rescue what means most and let the rest go". But I'm thinking you're also giving me some credit for others' good ideas, since it sorta doesn't sound like me to release much of the written word! I have a tendency to save a LOT that I write, even when it's just checkmarks! Can you email your dmother?

Re: Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:08 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I find not drinking at 8 isn't really helping although I take about an ounce right before bed for my ibuprofen. I seem to wake up and go to the bathroom 3 - 4 hours after bed, whatever time that is. But I get right back to sleep so just accept this. Occasionally there will be a 6 hour stretch but I still wake up and toss and turn a bit during that time, I just don't get up.

I'm up. Was up once in the night, early (only 2.5 hours after lights out) and then woke up at 5 but went back to sleep until 6:20 listening to my radio. Then we put on the room radio and I got up at 7ish.

A much-loved former member of Parliament for here died yesterday so there's an informal wake on the morning radio show. It was not unexpected but frustrating when positive lights are extinguished early in life (he was only 56.) Anyway that was incentive to get out of bed, between John dying, the depressing weather, cabin fever due to the weather, poor health habits due to the weather and concussion symptoms that are reappearing, I'm not in the mood for depressing conversation. Or any conversation for that matter.

I'm on the treadmill now in order to try and work my way out of the depression I feel falling. I have a bad ache in my left calf from a cramp. Normally you'd expect that to work out but it isn't.

I have nothing 'on' for the day but I think I might go to a mall and walk there for a bit. Will invite a cabin fever stuck neighbour if I'm going.

Re: Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:10 am
by DeeClutter
Aaaarrrgggghhhh! Another sleepless night -well almost. I slept a little till about 10:15pm, then was awake & up and down till after 3. I was going to go with dh this morning for his hearing aid appointment. Decided not to even try it. Dh has left for that. Took the water bottles with him as P ublix is just a few doors down from the Hearing Center.

LucyLee, dh worked at EK for the government -it was a separate entity from the rest of K. In fact since he retired it's been sold twice -to ITT and then to H arris. It's still gov't work. When he retired he worked for an agency out of D.C. for several years.
DS-A often asks him, after watching a certain episode on Discovery or the History channel if he was in a certain state. Dh always answers -if I was I wouldn't be able to tell you, all the while denying it. DS swears he sees him in one clip. :lol:

Got up long enough early to take my T-med, now on to my others and breakfast.

Seems strange with dsonil gone to work. He was already hating the politics, but dd told him, "Suck it up, Buttercup". He did say he decided to keep his mouth shut. Hopefully he'll continue that. He is easily disgruntled, but he can't afford to be. He did learn that his health insurance (in 90 days) will only be $35/week. Right now dd is paying over $600/month through school. Then hers is on top of that. So that right there will be nearly a $500 raise/month. She's looking forward to that.

Re: Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:07 am
by Nancy
Ten degrees here thius morning and sunny. Too cold for the bos to start up plant for hubby's work so he is here.
Took 1st meds. Eat breakfast, sweep kit. Journal & planning, and vacuum . Call to make. X
33* is our forecast hi temp. Nope they lowered it rockets 29*
I need a meal plan. Got one.
H needs to start rigs.
One letter out to the post. X
Up to 13* outside now. Posting from stat bike.
Soup & sandwiches here also my meal plan. X
27* today.

Re: Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:18 am
by DeeClutter
7:00 -T-med
8:00 -S2s, meds, made bed, 100 steps
9:00 - Breakfast/coffee, folded dsonil's blanket (nearly daily occurrence), 100 steps, cleaned hot spot (computer desk)
10:00 - Put away dishes in drainer, did dishes from last night/morning, cleaned kitchen counters, cleaned off dining room table, 500 steps
11:00 -did grocery list, 500 steps
12:00 -lunch, 500 steps
1:00 - 500 steps, did up lunch dishes, watched a Hallmark movie
2:00 - 500 steps, found expired debit card, 'chatted online' with bank to once again order my debit card -hopefully they have it right this time.
3:00 - 1,400 steps
4:00 = 1,400 steps

That's my day so far, will add as I go. It is helping me to see just what I do in an hour's time. My aim is to do no less than at least 2 things in an hour -I know that's a low goal, but it keeps me moving.

Re: Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:28 am
by CathyS

Supper tonight will be soup and sandwiches, most likely grilled cheese sandwiches with vegetable soup from a can.

Almost everything was closed around here yesterday, including libraries and local government. which closed at 2 p.m. Not a lot of vehicles driving past on either road that we can see.

We ended the day with a delightful roaring fire in the fireplace. We only lost power once and that was less than a minute. It could have been a lot worse. Dh took a walk around outside last night and went and checked all of our evergreens. They are coated in ice, but no limbs are down. There are some beautiful pictures posted on FB of local wineries and farms. One is right across the street from our house.

My dd's bf texted me this morning looking for my husband. That doesn't happen very often.

Re: Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:34 am
by blessedw2
jumping up and down and waving at you!!! GOOD MORNING!

hope you all have a lovely day! I have to do errands this morning. I just wanted to say hi! :D

Re: Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:44 am
by Twins' Mom
Good morning, all. I think I slept poorly also - a few minutes after lying down I started sneezing and had to turn off my CPAP. Dh woke me once during the night to ask why I wasn't wearing it - I must have been snoring. Woke up several times to toss and turn when my nasal passages were stuffed up.

We are eating out tonight at my suggestion. I have leftover soup/chili from last night for my lunch and later. Dh is going out of town tomorrow afternoon, probably straight from work, for a bowling tournament.

Re: Thursday by the TOTHs

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:45 pm
by LadyMaverick
I slept over 9 hours last night. I have learned that means I will probably have a short night soon. As long as I can maintain my goal of 7-hour nightly sleep average I'm okay with it.

Today is my typical Thursday schedule.
** Homeschool
** Library

DH is visiting with his Mom. DH's sister called DH yesterday complaining that he wasn't doing his part. I am totally staying out of this. I most definitely have an opinion but there is nothing to gain by expressing it. DSIL has no clue what DH is juggling and doesn't care. She only knows her life of no job, no friends and minimum family involvement. BTW....that isn't an opinion. That is fact. >>>insert rolling eyes<<< I'm cutting it mighty close to not expressing an opinion. Humm..... Want to get on my bad side? Complain about my husband. yup. I gotta keep my thoughts to myself. DH is perfectly capable of dealing with his sister with no involvement from me.

DMom called me before 8am this morning to tell how much she is enjoying her new heater. She bragged on everyone (but me) that was involved in this project. Mom is certainly predictable. I am okay with that.

I seem to be cranky and looking at a glass half empty. I suspect it has something to do with my blood sugar being different. Ohs well. Live and learn.

Next up -
** Go to library & YMCA