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Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:37 pm
by Twins' Mom
I have to say, my motivation is pretty low now. Add to my tah dahs that I folded two loads of laundry. One is in dryer.

I am going to get into bed for a little while. The rain is starting.

Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 1:40 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Twins: chronic pain is exhausting. You'll have a lot of catching up to do in the sleep/rest department before you'll be back to normal. Treat yourself well.

I finally got moving on the tasks at hand. I was distracted after tea and ended up polishing a small pile of silver! Honestly, it sort of made sense to do so, I was moving a small letter opener from dh's office to the dining table pen set case and it was silver so needed polishing. As long as I had to do it, I did a number of other items.

I'm s2s and I dried/styled my hair so it looks OK (didn't straighten it because I hate to use two heat devices on my hair in a day.) My bathroom is clean. I ate breakfast. I've started a load of laundry. I vacuumed the living/dining and kitchen. Went into the office and discovered dh is on a call (unscheduled.) My activity then came to a crashing halt.

There's not need for that, I could work on the kitchen chores but I had a plan that got shot down and so I had a snack instead.

I'll go do the kitchen now, while listening to podcasts. There's a ton of political news here in the past 48 hours so the commentary is interesting.

Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 1:49 pm
by Harmony
Everybody sounds productive today.

Me too. Got a couple things done I'd been procrastinating on. Got an online order done. Awful company, had to go back to the form maybe 6 times and got stopped several times to do the I'm not a robot picture and that timed out the order. Twice. Sheesh!

Yesterday's laundry brought back in and another one hung. Working on some pre-soak things now.

Went to bank and gas station. Made a phone call I'd been putting off. That went ok. Why do I worry about these things?

Nagging pain I had all yesterday and all evening went away. Odd place in my back along the side. Never had one there before. Glad that seems to be gone.

Turkey soup for dinner, need to get that going.

Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:58 pm
by LadyMaverick
DS10 and I have worked over 2 hours in his room. It is most definitely in the "it gets worst before it gets better" mode. I enlisted the help of DH to move the large heavy wooden toy box out of the room. It is now located in the fun room where we are temporarily moving all the furniture. DS10 has reached the age that he isn't playing with "little boy" toys that he has used for several years. It is time to turn those little boy toys loose. DS10 has so many good memories of playing with those toys that he doesn't want to get rid of them. We are constantly discussing this.

DMom called and said she was given a new baseball type hat (insurance agent gave her) and she wanted to give the hat to DS10. I told DMom that we had just went through all DS10 hats and agreed to keep one hat for each day of the week (7 hats). DS10 doesn't even wear hats so this is a lot of hats for something that isn't used. ANYway, it was like pulling teeth to get DS10 to pick which 7 hats he wanted to keep. I told DMom that DS10 would have to agonize over which hat to get rid of if she gave him another hat. I reminded DMom that DS10 doesn't even like to wear hats. Please give the hat to someone else that will use it. She said she would give the hat to another great-grandson. Sometimes I feel like its a constant battle to not be swallowed up by STUFF. We take bags of stuff out of the house and it comes in faster than we can take it out.

Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:06 pm
by DeeClutter
Supper sounds good, Harmony.
got stopped several times to do the I'm not a robot picture and that timed out the order
Oh, I HATE that, Harmony. Seems like you can never get it quite right. Don't mind the ones that just have to click on "I'm not a robot", but the pictures! :shock: :?

Just went out to get the mail. There was plenty since no mail yesterday. DD got "her copy" of a magazine that she's gotten for at least 2 years "E lle". I looked and see that it goes until September of 2020. It's something she's never subscribed to and it goes right from the mailbox to the recycling bin. She's never been able to figure out where it came from or why. And it's not a small magazine -it's heavy! Think I'll have her research it tonight and see if we can get it stopped. It's just more 'junk mail' for here, but a very big junk mail. :?

I made a big pot of our cabbage soup on Sunday. Dh and I had it for lunch and probably dd will join us in some for dinner. I'll add something else with it or my BS will drop too low in the night. Means we have to find something for dsonil for dinner. Wonder if dd bought hamburgers yesterday. He'd be happy with that grilled -doesn't do cabbage -along with a LOT of other things. :roll: Some things would be okay but he has a very elongated list. Makes cooking hard. He did, however, really like the chili I made a couple of weeks ago. DD had picked up 'fire roasted tomatoes' by mistake and that must have made the difference. He's raved about it ever since. Won't eat anything that has stewed tomatoes in it. So we will make the same "mistake" the next time we make it. ;)

We take bags of stuff out of the house and it comes in faster than we can take it out.
Oh, yes!

Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:29 pm
by Twins' Mom
Just lost a post.

Kathryn, I've been feeling depressed also and I know I don't go from depressed to not depressed when the pain stops, too. It's only been a week that I've been in extreme pain but before that I was feeling queasy all the time from the meds. And the almost constant rain hasn't been helpful either.

I can't focus on anything. Just lost a post, dd just called me and for some reason it came on my iPad, not new phone? :shock: So confused anyway. I'm with Harmony on those "not a robot" letters.

I took out chicken to thaw and thought I'd pound it thin and make chicken parm but just realized I don't have tomato sauce. I could make some from diced tomatoes and tomato paste but this is getting so complicated and my head is fuzzy. Trying to figure out what else would be easy... :roll: Maybe I'll order a pizza?

I think I got phone set up. Then for some reason dd called me and the call came through my iPad. I'm so confused.

I'm going to scan some of the paper that's stacked up here. Maybe I can get rid of or take care of some of it.

Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:35 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I did the weekly kitchen chores and then had lunch. Then I hung up the laundry to dry. While doing that, dh appeared and announced he's off the conference calls so I got the office vacuumed. I still have to dust everything but the bedroom wing.

Dh commented that the new shelves look great where I put them. I made it clear they are temporarily in that location! They are earning their keep by holding up a desk lamp connected to the room's light switch. I just got rid of an ugly 'no joy' floor lamp and will buy another one once I need to, but for now, my unused desk lamp in the office will serve nicely.

I'm now back at the computer to figure out why my SHE calendar to-do list on my computer is different than on my tablet. The tablet one has items that have been deleted from the other one. Except this is a single calendar and they have been synced therefore they should show the same stuff. It isn't a big deal that my computer calendar is missing "make bed, tidy room" because that's a habit and I don't need reminding. But some days it is nice to check off a pile of stuff!

Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:41 pm
by LadyMaverick
Twins - maybe it is the way your DD called you? DGS21 just called me through FB messenger. He usually calls using my phone number but this time he used a different way. The call was a bit strange because it was in an app that I usually don't use for phone calls.

I put 18 eggs in the Instant Pot this morning. They have finished cooling now and are waiting for me to peel them. I'm going to make them all into deviled eggs. Some will stay here and some will be taken to the church potluck meal.

My lunch was the biggest salad I could fit on my plate. I got quite creative seeing how tall I could stack it. It had 2 colors of cabbage (green & purple), multiple kinds of baby lettuce including a double handful of lettuce leaves that I picked from a container garden this morning, rotel tomatoes were used because I'm tired of store-bought tomatoes. Those tomatoes look so good that they make me think they will taste good but they have no flavor. I am looking forward to "real" tomatoes fresh from the garden.

The weather people got it right. Sleet is coming down. The school administrators made the right call to cancel school. Many of the bus routes are over 50 miles on country roads. It would be very hazardous for the school buses to be driving on the ice.

Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:41 pm
by LadyMaverick
DH received his pay for doing jury duty. It was a grand total of $175. That is compensation for a week of "work". Two of those days were past 6pm. The last day was until 2am. I figure up the hourly wage he "earned" and it came to $3.37! Needless to say, those who serve on jury duty aren't doing it for the pay.

The deviled eggs are finished. I'm not sure how long they will last here. I started with 36 deviled eggs and there are a half dozen gone already. Food disappears around growing kids like crazy.

More progress made on DS10 room. We still have a long way to go.

I took DGD7 to her home to spend some time with DD. DD worked last night and is sleeping today. DGD7 took her tablet and will spend a few hours snuggling with DD while she sleeps. I fed DGD7 before taking her so she is good to go for a few hours.

Re: Tah Dah Tuesday

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:45 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
LadyM: I bet the pay didn't cover gas and parking, let alone lunch each day.

I was to drop dh off at a meeting and then run errands but I'm too tired and want to at least finish up the dusting so the weekly house-blessing is done.

I have an errand to run today so will do that combined with dinner out. Dh has picked a nice place for later this week but for tonight it will be fast food because he has conference calls tonight.