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Is it a wet Wednesday where you are?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:16 am
by CathyS

Lucy has rain, rain, rain.

We are expecting rain. Freezing rain. Regular rain. A "mixed precipitation" kind of afternoon.

What wet job can you do today?

Re: Is it a wet Wednesday where you are?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:20 am
by CathyS
I was up before 7. Laundry got transferred from the washer to the dryer. It is now done and put away. Ran the dishwasher. I have a huge pile of pots and pans to do at some point today. Roomba did her job while the dishwasher was going. I washed the floors after that.

Supper tonight will be something simple with eggs by request.

It is currently minus 4 here with the temperature heading for plus 4 by the time we go to bed.

Re: Is it a wet Wednesday where you are?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:34 am
by LadyMaverick
Cathy - YGG!

My wet Wednesday won't involve moisture outside but hopefully plenty of hydration inside for people, dogs, and plants.

Today is our normal Wednesday schedule. Homeschool, public school, lunch out with DS10, YMCA, band class, getting DGD7 from school, elders meeting, homework, the meal with church family and worship services. it is back-to-back activities from 7am to 9pm. By the end of the day, our vehicles will have another 100+ miles on them.

DD came at 7am to get DGD7 ready for school. She was light-hearted and laughing at some silliness as she left for school.

Next up - type elders meeting and get them printed.

Re: Is it a wet Wednesday where you are?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:13 am
by Lynlee
There is a cyclone may or may not come ashore around here at the w/e, or whenever, or off the coast from here at least. Its already caused mayhem in New Caledonia after starting out east of Cairns. High tides of super moon, storm surge have already caused flooding in SE Qld. I guess there will be large amounts of sand taken from beached at the very least. I did read today that the pacific cyclones around E Australia are the most difficult to predict of anywhere, which was why I was surprised some weeks ago at the Fl folk complaining about the predicted path and the actual path being different and this one has already done some loops. The swell is pumping on the beaches.
News article did say the longer they had moved about the more unpredictable they were
Remembering Darwin doing a re-enactment of its ww2 bombing ... It was devastated, people made complacent by the story of it being off the coast, not doing much, then it came in on Christmas Eve at night. That was Tracey visiting Darwin in the early 70s - 74 or 75 I think. Temor Sea formation, but still.

If I'd been good today I would have washed today. I'll see how it looks tomorrow.
I have an appointment tomorrow as well, and library books to return, but that can wait if necessary.

Whoever said we have nasty weather sometimes was right. The north is still finding out how damages it is, state bill will be billions, with millions of cattle killed. The cattle who survived both drought and flood are so shell shocked they need tlc, and many can't be reached by the farmers yet to be taken to the new grass that is near them. Some truckies from Victoria are bringing hay to the far north at about $10,000cost for a load out of pocket, with cost born by those good samaritans, and those farmers who donate the hay as well.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.
I think I've worked out what distressed me most last week as I've dropped my bundle again.

Re: Is it a wet Wednesday where you are?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:44 am
by Twins' Mom
LadyM, your sleet must have melted off?

Lynlee, this bad weather is all around isn't it? Hoping for good sleep and a better day tomorrow for you.

Here, it's not raining now but will start 1 p.m. perhaps, and rain through today at least, with T-storms. We had some storms last night that seemed to last forever - thunder and lightning and rain on and on. Muffin was next to me for awhile.

I had pain overnight - searing shooting pain midnight to one-thirty. Woke dh up several times moaning crying, getting up and down, and took more meds. I had reduced meds dosage for day to 600 mg yesterday where I had taken 800 for Friday-Sat-Sunday-Monday. Two months ago, 100 mg twice a day was enough!

I'm seeing massage therapist today and then therapist later. Going to try to get groceries in between.

I need to s2s, make bed and walk the dog. That will finish a.m. routine, but I'm not sure whether I can brush and floss teeth now.

Re: Is it a wet Wednesday where you are?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:53 am
by Harriet
((Twins')) you're on my heart.

Oh, Cathy. :| Oh, my, how do I even tell you. We have more than the beginning of a moat. Sleet and a moat. Without an end to precip in sight until Monday and they already say it rains Wednesday. Ugh. I talked to the hens a good bit last evening, chat, chat, chatter, because for today I don't know how late they may get to see an open door, or for how short a time. The cold will improve. So glad I got the cans done last evening, though my fingers were not so happy about it.

Dd stayed overnight with her friend K at school in her dorm room, partially to avoid road conditions and partially so they could continue into the night using the equipment in the lab, where they can swipe their IDs and pay a modest fee for time, and it's usually available after hours. They could be each other's walking partners in the night. Last heard from her at midnight, still at it.

I know we don't have the conditions here that others fight. Cathy, BookSaver, Kathryn, RunKitty for instance - Dee's family. Missing someone who's shivering, no doubt. blessed? hope that power is staying on this time. I suppose lucylee's is out? And Lynlee, good gracious, what struggles - ya'll must feel so sad with the news for animals. Yes, good samaritans.

Re: Is it a wet Wednesday where you are?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:01 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
We'll get Cathy's weather starting this evening and through the night.

I have an early start tomorrow, meeting dd either at her house or at the hospital. DgdJ0 has a routine hip ultrasound (all breech babies get this to make sure the hips are developing OK.) Originally, I was going to drive her, wait at a coffee shop elsewhere to save parking costs and then we'd go out. But the hospital says it will take up to 2 hours depending on how overloaded they are so we'll pay for parking and I'll keep dd company.

Dh needs the car by 1 p.m. which is tight timing, so I'm thinking I'll have him drop me at the hospital in the morning and then have dd drop me at a bus to get home.

I got up early and tidied the bedroom, and folded all of dh's sweater drawer (which turned out to be 1/3 socks which were hidden under all the sweaters.) Made my tea and then dressed before tea and chocolate. I've had breakfast now and have been at the computer an hour but have done nothing but surf.

We have interesting changing views due to the fog on the river so I keep getting distracted by that. While we were in a fog bank I started to ignore it, only to have dh call to me to look out the window because of a unique view to the west as the fog bank rolled by us (nothing in the foreground but miles away was visible.) We've been here over 4.5 years and we're still distracted by the views almost daily.

Having a White Wed. Here

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:15 am
by Nancy
Snow has piled up to 5" to 6" here this morning.
Hubby is having a snow day doing the firt rou d of snow removal.
Glad I got to sleep in for a bit.
Having coffee now.
Took a m meds.

Re: Is it a wet Wednesday where you are?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:24 am
by Ramblinrose

Our wet rain won’t show up till tomorrow. The storms start on the west coast and move east so we get the storms first. Temps this morning was 31*. Very strange for this time of the year. Those who follow me on FB know I usually have my sunflowers planted by now. Can’t even plant them yet as the ground is too cold. Hope to do that next week. I’ve never planted this late in the year as I usually have them in the ground by the the first of Feb. However with all this rain the wildflowers should be magnificent this year! I see hiking in my future.

My dear friend is suppose to visit this weekend so we can go to a art festival. However she lives in what we call the high country...6,000+ elevation and two hours away... and her area is expecting 2 feet of snow. Btw, this storm will be traveling east so those in its path have more interesting weather to come.

I never got to work on my desk yesterday. My stomach kicked in and I ended up watching a movie with Sweetie. Not sure what’s up with my stomach but I’m not too happy abt it. Will be eating rice and applesauce for the next few days to see if I can get it to calm down.

Sorry you’re dealing with pain Twins. If there’s anyone who understands how it can wear you down and make you feel blue it’s me. Even thought it doesn’t feel like it, you just have to remember to ride through it knowing it will eventually pass even though it doesn’t feel like it. Try not to worry and keep your life as simple as possible to you feel better. For me stress only makes mine worse.

Off to start my day. Ate my rice hot cereal and am ready for my decaf herbal tea. I’m dressed and bed is made. Footprints were removed last night, kitchen is clean and dinner is left over festival chicken.

Re: Is it a wet Wednesday where you are?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 12:26 pm
by blessedw2
dearest twins. I am praying hard for this flair to stop!!! (you are in my prayers)! so much love to you!