A Class Act on Saturday

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A Class Act on Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:41 am

"A person who excels or succeeds with impressive style or ability."

is a " class act " , says the Free Dictionary.

Sounds like ya'll to me.

Do tell... .. how are you going to be sure you are a Class Act today? Or maybe plan your Class Act for the weekend, or remaining days of April? Or beyond?

I sometimes think of this phrase as meaning a sort of rising above the low-minded drivel we all have to slog through to get to a "high road" of being the better person we've decided to be. So it was interesting to me that the dictionary was specific that this phrase is about a person. (I had wondered if the meaning could be - I don't know - even a circus act or airplane stunts or dog training act or something.) But no, the phrase came from being impressed with someONE. Interesting.

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:57 am

I don't feel like I can claim to be a class act, but I do totally agree that I would apply that description to ya'll.

I feel more like a duck or swan.....on surface everything is calm but underneath there is constant chaos and action.

Yesterday I made a list for today of places to go and actions to accomplish. Now to implement my plan.

I asked DS10 and DGD7 if they wanted to go with me. Their answer was "NO, we want to stay here". DH immediately volunteered to watch them and friends while they play. I guess I am flying solo today.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:11 am

You are definitely a class act to me d harriet and is everyone else here!!!

I feel like a turtle a lot of the time - (once in a while I am even like a snapping turtle 8-) ).

we all have to slog through to get to a "high road" of being the better person we've decided to be.

loved this d Harriet!

d lady - your world is so busy! You are definitely a class act as well! Think about how many balls in the air you have going at one time. You do it with grace and work hard to keep the family, home and everyone going. pretty cool on my books!
Enjoy the errand time on your own.. stop off and get some ice tea or coffee for yourself!

hello all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:13 am

we are waiting for the snow storm.

today I "have" to finish my morning routine to the end.
I am not sure what today will be. I had originally planned on a garden day but that will not happen :D

I think I will make this a what ever I want day. I will still do work but nothing pressing.

have a lovely day.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:23 am

The new prediction is our high for the day will be 50% higher than previous prediction. It will be 3*C instead of 2*C.

And it is very grey. Surprise!

Edited to add: They couldn't get the temp right, even 2 hours ahead. They are now calling for a high of 4* and it is actually 5*. So that's 150% higher than the original forecast. This isn't even a good mistake, the higher the temps, the higher the water will rise.

The river rose overnight to the island sea wall is now breached. And the parking lot beside the river (also closed yesterday afternoon) is now fully flooded, along with the field. It is pretty impressive and we are nowhere near the predicted peak, there's at least another foot of water to come.

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:36 am

Will I be a class act today? Not likely. We'll see.

I've pulled out all the paintings and I'll KonMari them today. I will not pull the ones on the walls down (except the seasonal ones) and put them in one spot. I did that before I moved and feel walking from room to room is sufficient. There's one in my bedroom that I could live without but it sparks joy for dh so is where he sees it multiple times a day and I only see it when I put away his laundry. The bedroom paintings are all permanent, no seasonal ones there and they all spark joy. We have some batiks to be mounted and then hung over the bed, but I feel like that shouldn't be my job. I OK'd having them, I found a location for them, I even cleaned them once, but it is dh who is buying them so I feel he should do the mounting. I will take responsibility for the place mats he brings, and the material he buys (3 patterns, maybe 18 yards?) and come up with uses for that, including any sewing involved, but something has to be his job since he's the person bringing them home.

I'm also hoping to Kon-mari the table linens today since I have to set the table for tomorrow's dinner.

Then there are all the paperwork items still on my list from yesterday (when I did nothing) and we'll go fill sandbags for an hour or so.

I had lights out by 11, slept 3 hours, peed, slept 3 hours, peed, slept 3 hours. Then I lay quietly in bed listening to the flood coverage with earphones until dh woke up 30 minutes later. So, physically, I had a good rest. I've done tea, chocolate and light therapy, but don't feel positive at all. They are forecasting sun tomorrow and Monday but that means nothing. Still, if it comes to pass, that will be the first pair of days of sun we've had in almost a month. Of course, then it goes back to cloud and rain for the next 4 days. And the temperatures will be cool to cold.

I'm to go up the Valley next Saturday night for a banquet and when we booked it I assumed my depression would have lifted because the weather couldn't possibly still be bad. I was looking forward to a happy time, now it is just another thing I have to do. The forecast is not good. It is hard to look forward to things, even pleasant things, when so depressed. The drive up will 100 minutes of grey. There's also flooding between here and there but the town is fine and Trans-Canada highway is open between here and there (it closes shortly after the town and has been closed a week so far.)

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:45 am

Wow, Kathryn. I was impressed by water's rise yesterday. Now I'm bewildered! Thinking of your community.

Some finishes:

Morning Daily Card
helping my frantic roommate get ready for her date ;)
- (how long do fav jeans take to wash/dry? Etc.)
Extra check needed for payroll tomorrow - done

The new mattress delivered yesterday SEEMS to be a hit with HRH, who has not yet awakened at 10:30. :? Purring along on his 9th or 10th hour of sleep? This could be just what the dr (me) ordered. When I can get him to do what I tell him ( :| ) things sometimes get better, although I admit I can be as stubborn as he over things that would be best for ME, sometimes. We almost balance in "I Told You So" rights, I guess. (but I win)

Contemplation on class act concept - film at 11.

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:22 am

She said sarcisticly... "he is a real class act ..."

I am up slept in till half past seven. H. Is still having tummy issues h will have more soup. So my meal plans are up in the air.
No grilling bc of the winds in the forecast. Also no pizza today. I need a plan.
We need lawn mower fuel so I can finish mowing.

I have some sewing I could do bags to seam up.
Breakfast dishes done.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Apr 27, 2019 12:17 pm

hello d harriet (so cute about your dd)
so happy your dh is loving the new mattress!
Contemplation on class act concept - film at 11.
this made me giggle!

Hi d kathryn
I definitely think you are a class act as well (like all of the wonderful women here!)
yay on your kon marie work!
I hope tonight you have a lovely night sleep.
praying for everyone in the flooding zones and praying you get your much needed sunshine soon.

d nancy hope your dh feels better soon!
Happy day to you!

It is snowing away here again and it is sticking.

I have a lot of the lazy's today or maybe it is the stubborn "I don't wanna's"
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Apr 27, 2019 1:20 pm

Paintings are Kon-mari'd and the summer paintings are up. The joy/no-joy is easy with them. As I unwrapped each one (the off-season are stored in bubble wrap), I had a sense of delight seeing almost all the paintings.

There were two out of circulation due to loss of wall space that I slipped back in a new spot. And one that has been out of circulation because of the no-joy bit. We had one mounted in the closet that dh uses for his work bench so we pulled that out and it will be up in the dining room this year. It is quite dark, of an old farm truck. There's another by the same artist of a tractor that is loose and goes up in a shadow box in the living room. I put velcro on the back and swap those out monthly most of the year. When I spotted it, the joy flutter happened so I'm hoping the truck will bring the same reaction.

There's one 'good' one we'll take to Nova Scotia to the gallery that deals with that artist and either sell it to them or hopefully trade for a painting we saw last summer by another artist we have a lot of.

I reminded dh about the batiks being his task.

We had snow a while ago but just flurries.

I can see a lot of people working on sand bags so they don't need more help. The city truck is there too. I think I'll go out for my lunch and groceries and bank. Then come back and maybe work on the linens.

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