Monday PWYC

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Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:54 am

“We were never meant to live life accumulating stuff. We were meant to live simply enjoying the experiences of life, the people of life, and the journey of life - not the things of life.”
― Joshua Becker, Simplify: 7 Guiding Principles to Help Anyone Declutter Their Home and Life

I started with Pam and Peggy (now a long time ago), to gain control of my house so that I had more time to enjoy my family and have time outdoors. It is still my goal: "to live simply enjoying the experiences of life, the people of life, and the journey of life"

Sometimes I get a little sidetracked by things I put importance to, but are really not important.

Monday's are my reset days where I can change how I see my week. Mondays are a new beginning to the week; almost like the beginning of the school year for me or the beginning of summer. I just love Mondays! I let the last week go and see a new path ahead. (I haven't gotten off the path yet lol).

How does your week look ahead?
How can you simplify it?
Where are your joy times? do you have any plans for joy?

It's Monday - wake up and enjoy your day!

One of my joys is working through the week with you all! have a wonderful week!!!! Happy Monday :D
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Re: Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:36 am

Howdy howdy!

It is pouring rain today - it looks like an all day type of rain but considering our 6-8" of snow I am a happy camper. :D

I woke up late again :o 8-)

My goals this week - lol, we shall see :D :D :D 8-) 8-)

Monday: heavy work in basement washing shelves after vacuuming
Tuesday: home blessing, have company come to see about sealing basement
Wednesday: bill day, Declutter 15 minutes to one hour - mouse people come
Thursday: Errand day
Friday: Zone work 1 hour
Saturday: Garden if sunny *
Sunday: it me day!*

*I have decided to let go of swish on swipe and vacuuming on Saturday and Sunday (Yes I am a rebel) video by Diane in Denmark about gardening that I thought was interesting.
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Re: Monday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:49 am

How does your week look ahead?

Manic. It is crazy busy, even before you look at adding in corporate year-end work. kon-mari, or housework. Oh, and I'm preaching in 13 days so need to be working on that as well.

How can you simplify it?

I can't. I can only hope to push through it with grace.

Today is 'open' but I have errands to run with the car so will do that starting in the afternoon.

It is sunny today so I'd like to fit in a walk as well, but I just don't know when. Thankfully dinner is obviously going to be leftovers. Probably for the next couple of nights!

Tomorrow I have babysitting in the late morning. Plus it is peak flood day. The river rose another 4" last night but still has another foot to go.

Concert Wednesday morning, play Thursday night, auditing church books Friday, free stuff to dd's to giveaway Friday night (tentative) but that means more Kon-mari should be done by then, up the Valley for a banquet Saturday and we'll probably stay over and attend church Sunday. We need to be home by 3 so we can get our hazardous waste to the drop off in our neighbourhood (you get 2 chances at this per year and we missed the autumn one because we were up the valley.)

Where are your joy times? do you have any plans for joy?

I will enjoy the concert and the play. I may enjoy the time up the valley, not sure. My babysitting is helping with dgs at the dentist, so that is probably not joyful!

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Re: Monday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:51 am

I'm up. And fairly awake. Dh woke me earlier than I thought (6:20 but it was so bright because of the sun forcing its way through the blinds, I thought it was later.)

I've had breakfast, the kitchen is mostly in order, some clothes are laid out for me and I spent ages planning out not just the week but May.

Next up, get s2s and then put all the silver, china and glasses away from the big dinner (I did the serving dishes while my tea steeped.)

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Re: Monday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:00 am

Blessed - Thank you for the thought generating opening. I agree that Mondays are a good place to start again.

Calluses. LadyM, funny how the kids got into such a random subject!

Not really random. I am generating the daily questions from things the kids are curious about. Instead of just coming to me or DH for the answer I want them to research, investigate and learn to prove & present their findings. The callus question was because DS10 asked me what was on the end of his toe. When I looked at it there was a callus! Because in less than 3 months he has outgrown his shoes so his toe is rubbing on the end of his shoe. ARgh! Buying new shoes for DS10 is now on our "buy this" list.

Today's question for them to research and have the answer by bedtime is "Why does our hair get lighter but our skin gets darker during the summer?" I don't know if this is true for all people but for us fair skin blondes & redheads, it is a fact of life. Hum....I can see another question being generated from this discussion

We are taking our final homeschool free day of the month. I am enjoying sitting down with a cup of coffee with my feet up.

DD came this morning to spend time with DGD7 before school. The man DD is living with just left for a 2-month international work-related trip. I'm not sure if this will change the amount of time that DGD7 is with us. I suspect it won't change much.

Breakfast was a success and we enjoyed sitting down eating together. We discussed our plans for the day and upcoming activities. #BabySteppingThisHabit
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:04 am

Hi d lynlee hope you have had a lovely day!

hi d kathryn! you are a busy girl!!!

hi d lady! I love learning through what they are interested in! so cool

have a great day.

heading to the cave... I mean basement
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Re: Monday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:26 am

I think I posted too late for brain cells last evening. It had been a busy day. thanks for correcting me on the "more later", lucylee.

Able to see Kathryn's video, and it is impressive to see the sometimes-spraying water just hitting the underside of the bridge. So Kathryn, of the two similarly shaped buildings in the far right distance, yours is farthest to the right? That's fascinating to have a "cam" and know where you are in relation to it. I hope these high levels don't cause excessive damage - must be so much to think about for officials.

"Cams" are worth a thousand words, for sure. I remember Norma's dedication to the urban cam that focused on the baby birds and nest.

I got my feelings hurt by a stray mention of household clutter yesterday. Just a little over the line, saying our house had clutter and it was probably because we have a cat we were "lucky" and could get away with it, not having mice from it. The kind of marginal thing it's okay for a family to say about themselves, or say as a cat-joke, but not for others to say. They were saying they had mice, btw, so they weren't being holier-than-thou, just not very kind. It made me bristle after a long day of getting 999 things done, you know? Not in a mood to look around for the spots a person with an unknown level of expectations disapproves.

In the spirit of :

One of my joys is working through the week with you all! have a wonderful week!!!!

I will not think about that comment (which would probably make me fold my arms and refuse to declutter at all) but think about you guys working with me and go ahead and do my usual declutter-15 today. And the other 998. ;)

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Re: Monday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:40 am

Best night's sleep I've had in FOREVER! I'm trying a little different format before going to bed & it surely seemed to help last night. According to my F it B it I got over 9 hours & I think it's right. It was a night when the arthritis in my toes didn't seem to bother me and that's a biggee!

Have a long l&&t going for things I want to do today -some are very minor but will add up in the long haul. What I have to do next is go take at least a short walk before it gets any warmer. Editing: Well I at least got a 1,000 steps in but it is getting too warm out there -at least for me to exercise. Rest will have to be laps around inside unless I can get some in outside between the time there gets to be shade & before the mosquitoes come out. I read something on FB today about using J ohnson's creamy baby creamy oil/aloe & vitamins lotion to repel mosquitoes -anyone tried it?
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Monday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:05 am

On the right, in the distance, is a cluster of buildings. Mine is the furthest right, but still in the cluster.

There's another building off by itself. Dh and I couldn't figure out which building it is. I just went onto the balcony and it wasn't upriver or downriver. Then I looked directly across the river and saw it! (In another video I could tell it was a brown building I was looking for.) So that gives you a sense of how wide the river is where I live and how close I am to the province of Quebec.

I've got dressed, tidied the spare bedroom (dd had napped there yesterday), put fresh sheets on my bed, fresh towels in our bathrooms and started the first load of laundry. In theory I'll have 3 today but I'll prioritize. Sheets, then jeans (we went through a lot over the weekend with the sand bags) and then towels. Tomorrow will be underwear.

Next up, clean up from yesterday's dinner (put away the toys as well as the dining room dishes.)

Then I need to make a grocery list so I can be efficient shopping today. If I have any time, I want to make notes from the book I have to return to the library.

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Re: Monday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:29 am

Good morning - it is still morning, right? I have some kind of digestive virus going. It started up last night and I was up and down all night with the "runs." I'm running a slight fever, just over 100 degrees, and feeling wretched. I am going to lie back down now...
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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