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Re: US Memorial Day, PWYC

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 6:10 pm
by Nancy
I got that Lucy but with out the "I am proud of you" part, still trying to work it out.
Hence my focus on 6 min of success I am currently doing so I can feel more successful, and realize I have more successes than
failures most of the time.

I got the trash emptied out then h. Took it out to the can.
H. Is reparing a drawer in the main bathroom it is fixed now yea!

I took pic. In the garden, posted some on fb.

Re: US Memorial Day, PWYC

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 7:10 pm
by LadyMaverick
DS10 was riding bikes with 3 of his friends when another of his friends stopped by looking for him. I called DS10 on phone but he didn't answer. I looked at the app to see his location and it showed he was at the water park. I was curious if the location app really worked that well so I drove the mile to verify he was there. I found him exactly where app showed. DS10 phone was hidden inside his shoes while he was playing in the water so he didn't hear it. DGD7 played in the water park for about 30 minutes with the boys.

My mouth might need an old person filter applied to it. Words came out without me even thinking about it.
Unknown boy at the water park to DS10 - "Is that your sister?"
DS10 - "Yes"
Unknown boy - "She has an irritating voice! "
DGD7 was right there when he said it. Without knowing it was going to happen, I heard words come out of my mouth to the unknown boy - "You can say kind words or you can say nothing at all! This is my granddaughter you are talking about."
Unknown boy - "Okay" Then he gets on his bike and rides away.
He kept looking back at me as if I was a cranky old lady. I hadn't thought of myself in that category but he might be right. LOL

Re: US Memorial Day, PWYC

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 9:21 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
LadyM: I think of you as a mama bear more than a cranky old lady!

We had a nice time with dd and dgd. She knows us now so is happy to see us, gives us slobbery baby kisses and smiles up a storm.

She was quiet through a long dinner, sitting in the high chair playing with a couple of her mommy's baby toys. One was the Playskool Roly Poly Penguin and she was enthralled with it. The chime inside is very pleasant so the sound didn't detract from dinner at all.

(Here it is: )

Later her mom had a task in my bedroom so I laid dgd on the bed and rocked it (waterbed) and she loved it.

So it was a lovely visit. Extra bonus, I had bought a book for dd and it arrived today so she has it for a few days before dgs returns.

Funny dgs story:

He and his daddy arrived at Nono and Nona's house. They skyped and dgs wanted to see me and Buppa as well (he recognized his mom was at our place.) Nona came in for a moment to say hi and then left to go back to the kitchen.

Dgs: "I come too"
Nona: "No, I have to go into the oven."
<conversation continues between dsil and dd>
Dgs: "What's Nona doing in the oven?"

We cleared up the confusion but I got a really bad case of the giggles at that one!

Re: US Memorial Day, PWYC

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 9:35 pm
by lucylee
Ha! Nancy, ddad didn’t actually tell ME often how proud he was of me — occasionally, yes, but mostly, I got this info from others, and a lot of it after his death.

Great insight here:
An object in motion tends to stay in motion, right?
I have finished decluttering/organizing bedroom.
There are still plenty of vcr tapes that should be discarded, but some I’d like to copy to DVDs. They are all contained behind closed doors in the tv cabinet so I’m not too concerned at the moment.
Probably other things that could be discarded as well, but I’ve opened up a LOT of space already, and everything is behind cabinet doors or in drawers.

Next up, my closet. (Not tonight! LOL)

Re: US Memorial Day, PWYC

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 11:48 pm
by Harriet
Trying to think of other helpful thoughts re: the question of the day.

First, I believe I'd go ahead and purchase a binder or filler if it feels inspiring to you. Why not - what's the worst that could happen. If it's not the value you hoped, it's still encouraging. Or contributes to ideas of your own. It's not as if you are under the mistaken impression a new method is a "magic bullet" to fix all problems. You're just trying something.

I really applaud all the new ideas we're willing to have as experiments. Cards are my constant, the basic, but I enjoy adding other methods of "seeing" a project or season. How can we really see our puzzles unless we look at them from other angles.

General efficiency thought -
Lately, I've benefited again from planning my sorting surfaces. If an area gets out of control, sorting at a different spot is a way to clear not just that area, but your mind as you tackle it. One of the main parts of the clutter, say, on a countertop, is the mental clutter of trying to think how to deal with the various items. Mental clutter is the invisible part, but is causing a struggle and it slows you down. Knowing there's a sorting surface you have given yourself permission to "dump on" is a joy, because it's like an agreeable helper who says, "hey, let me hold all this stuff while you think".

There's disappointment in interruptions. A consistent one that crops up for me is having a few hours to really get onto a project, but being too responsible to stick with it. By that I mean it's often the interruption that is the genuine need. It might be realizing that there's a compelling reason to switch to a different task(s) that will be better for my home. Or maybe, as Sadie says, I'll see that I must think "people things first". My sense of responsibility is often what ruins my best-laid plans. Now, if I were ruthless, the project would be done. I might get compliments. I would look in the mirror and see Ordell Daily. LOL! ;) But, I think I'll stick with the uneven blocks of time (stolen minutes?) that will finally get me to the end of a project.

Re: US Memorial Day, PWYC

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 12:55 am
by lucylee
I just think another “plan” would be more discouraging and overwhelming to me, Harriet. There’s no way I would keep up with the daily tasks so I’d constantly be looking back and carrying over tasks.

I think I’ve about hit my limit with calendars and planners.
In addition to the checklist I described last night, I have a purse calendar, kitchen calendar, and bathroom calendar.
I also have the daily planner I got at Christmas, but it is not really useful. I don’t often need to plan things by the hour; the wall calendar suits my life fine. I think I’m going to quit using the planner.

I do a master “OMM” list WEEKLY, using the calendars and cards.
Now, I’m trying to do a modified bullet journal DAILY and put the Top Three for the day. I can think about that much without getting overwhelmed. :)

I also have my recently created declutter checklist for all areas of the house. I think this will work better than trying to keep up with pre-determined tasks.

So I have the PLAN. I just need help with accepting that I am NEVER going to follow ANY plan perfectly everyday, 24/7, and I have to learn to be okay with that, and quit telling myself c r a p, as MT once told me. ;)