Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

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Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:35 am

"Opportunities Abound :D for challenges, encouragement and inspiration in our Monthly threads. New ones popping up, or ongoing. Check them out!"

thank you dear Harriet!

How will you look at your day?
Share your adventure in the threads.

wishing you all wonderful day.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:43 am

today: I know what I have to do.

pick up d aunt and take her to the store and to lunch.

what I want to do: work outside
What I need to do: dailies

its 50 degrees her and getting darker. It was supposed to be sunny all day... The weather has its own agenda. 8-)
I woke at 7 even though I had been a bit awake since the birds started singing.

have a great day
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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:48 am

I have to do my morning med regimne, breakfast, store run is today.
I took pic. Of new blooms at sunrise to post on fb, and yard progress.
Waving to all of you have a great start off to your week.

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:53 am

the picture sounds beautiful!

Good morning d nancy! I hope you have a lovely day!

I have to start on my morning routine and continue watering outside even though it looks like rain.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:51 am

I was up at 7:30 - I set the clock for then and slept until the alarm went off. Dh says I coughed a lot last night. I do remember coughing some but not all night...

As usual, I've spent time in front of the computer altho I have done some straightening along. The dcleaning lady was here on Friday so the only damage since then is what dd has done.

The goals for the day are:
-8K steps/stretch/ck bp (Stretching is much needed after the drive home yesterday)
-reclaim house, put away stuff, do laundry, get life back to normal, whatever that is
-work on presentation for Thursday! Eek! I gotta get this ready!

Right now I need to change clothes and walk the sweet dog, then s2s and go to grocery. Dd left us with no eggs and little milk so I've not made good breakfast choices.
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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby CathyS » Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:01 am


Woke up really early and sat with dh before he went to work. Went back to bed and slept some more. Woke up and just laid in bed listening to the peace and quiet of my neighbourhood. A couple of school buses and a couple of farm vehicles. No music, no talking, no horns honking. Just delightful and no stress.

Supper tonight is pork chops and cauliflower. Don't know what else. We have the remains of a watermelon to enjoy.

No Monday morning knitting for me today. One woman is away at her sister's and another is staying home to work in her garden. I will see the gardener this afternoon.

When I was on FB earlier, every page that irked me got unfollowed. It felt good.
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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:32 am

When Robert Kuhn, a severe weather meteorologist with Environment Canada, arrived at work Sunday evening, he looked back at the day’s weather data and saw nothing that would indicate an impending tornado.

“It wasn’t a classic environment,” he said. It was warm but not too hot, and the wind was “nothing to write home about.” Looking at the data, he might have thought strong thunderstorms, possibly approaching severe, and maybe some hail. “But I don’t have any indication at this point where – oh, I’ve got to go to a tornado warning or tornado watch now and see what happens.”

When dd and I were texting after the warning, we were both in sunshine. I could see dark clouds, she couldn't see any more clouds than we had all day. There were no warnings or watches from the weather service (I'm not saying no tornado warning, I'm saying NO weather warnings at all, even for strong thunder storms, just the daily, you might get a thunder storm warning and I had already heard thunder a few hours before.)

You have to remember we aren't getting a lot of sun here. Saturday was supposed to be sunny but the first sunshine we got all weekend happened when the thunderstorms formed (it was as if they gathered all the overcast into solid clouds.) So many people were out walking or biking when the tornado hit.

There was little if any rain involved. Only winds out of nowhere.

To add insult to injury, Ottawa never received an emergency alert. The alert went out on the basis of tiny Gatineau Airport (the city across the river of Ottawa) spotting the tornado from their tower. They called it in to Environment Canada but by the time the alert went out, the tornado was long gone and causing havoc south of Ottawa. I know the alert was for Gatineau even though the wording says "in the mobile coverage area" because the wording is in French first, then English. Warnings for Ottawa are English first, then French.

I've been complaining all year that forecasters can't predict the weather even 3 hours in advance now. I've literally stopped listening to the weather person on the radio because the information is useless. But this useless information is coming from our government weather forecaster not some air-headed 'weather reporter'.

So with absolutely no accurate weather reporting, leaving home on foot even when it is sunny, is now a very dangerous activity.

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:40 am

I have to head out soon. much love to all of you!

hi d twins, hi d kathryn, hi d cathy as well!

most of the front has been watered, the back is watered.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:45 am

I'm up.

If you haven't already guessed, I'm grumpy.

I've dumped all my travel accessories on the spare bed (after stripping it so the sheets will get cleaned.) It is quite a small pile. I culled greatly when we moved, but I also went through stuff last spring and gave away excess flight comfort kits to people from our local Buy Nothing Group.

This time I'll go through it with 'spark joy' as the criteria, not, "could it be useful sometime."

I lost my camera battery charger so there's a bit of a mess here I have to clean up (pulling out the contents of anything computer related.) Found it in the camera case. Found the camera case on the kitchen table. (Sooooo out of place!) I'm glad because I was getting low on battery and want to take before and after photos.

My second Konmari of the day will be linens. I've done table linens but still have towels and sheets to do. This goes well with travel because I found 5 (!) pillow cases in one of the travel bins. It sort-of makes sense since I travel with a pillow and use a bright coloured pillow case so hotel staff know it is mine and not theirs. I also travel with just a pillow case in my carry-on, so I can stuff a sweater, travel blanket, or my inflatable neck support into it to be cooler and more comfortable during a flight. I'm thinking I don't need 5 cases in the travel stuff, 3 will do (on long trips I take 2.)

I've just finished my breakfast so I'll get dressed now and then strip the sheets off my bed since the guest sheets are just finishing up in the dryer. I need to rearrange my bedding for while dh is away since his weighted blanket gets in my way. I'm debating putting the heavy duvets back on. I took them (and the fleece blanket) off when the heat was on because the room was so hot. But now that the heat is off and it is going down to under 40* each night, I'm putting a fleece blanket over me and using my heating pad every night.

It is grey and windy today. I really don't want to do my light therapy in June but then again I've never done it in April or May so why the heck not? I'm obviously pretty depressed by the weather still. As I said, the only sunshine we've had this month came with a tornado, so getting natural light therapy isn't a safe choice.

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:28 am

I hope today is a lovely day for you d kathryn. being grumpy is not a bad thing! I use the power of the cranky (dh is not as amused by that lol).

emptied out the car,
powder room is done
everything is watered.
i have to get dressed and head out.
I figured I will do some errands while I am out with d aunt (if I can).
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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