"I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

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"I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:41 am

"I see you and I will have a plan for you"."put it in a bubble and blow it away" Kat of A better life with Kat. (put the item on a list - than a place "on your calendar" - you "can't do it all at once or you will burn out".

I have learned (over and over again -lol - my thick skull (my brain ) is to blame :lol: )
that I can't do it all at once or even in a year.

Are you letting your perfectionist in you, lead you into a fib that you can do it all?
Simplify your thoughts on paper. You will get to it eventually and your life is a joy and worth living instead of trying to do it all.

I know I have been there - and continue to go off the path because my brain sees everything that "needs" 8-) (oh that silly brain of mine) doing.

We all have times where we all ebb and flow through our work. Sometimes we have times where we can engulf ourselves in our work. (and that's wonderful). But Normal day in and day out needs us to follow the path of simplicity so we don't burn out.

In your house or yard where is it that you can say "I see you and I have a plan for you"
Blow it away in a bubble (me it's on paper) so it doesn't stress you out today.
Remember you can't do it all.
(that's someone else's voice)

Simple routines and steps still lead you to the top of the mountain.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:51 am

I would love if we had a book discussion area for all the wonderful organizing books, help books. I have read Atomic habits and it was fascinating.

“When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that last blow that did it—but all that had gone before.”
― James Clear, Atomic Habits

We have had pouring rain but it is still beautiful. Cloudy and no sun but peaceful.
I was driving down the road the other day and I could smell fresh cut hay... nothing better! What a joy that was!

I have to go to d mom's house and fix her computer - now that will be funny 8-) why she thinks I know what I am doing.
I didn't declutter on Tuesday as I was out but that's okay - I moved it forward.

Dd younger comes home tomorrow (we are supposed to have super wind so I hope she can still come in)
I have to stop by the bank
do bills again/letters - I couldn't get much done yesterday
phone calls

today will be put away day
work on 3 season room a bit. 15 minutes
do rest of laundry in basket. yay.

have a great day everyone!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:55 am

Good morning! Blessed, I'll look into a book area.

Today's list is brewing. My tea, on the other hand, is steeped and it is just warm enough to have on the balcony. I have the house phone with me too, awaiting Dh's call. He's late.

Had trouble getting to sleep but did and then the breeze moving the blinds woke me at 3. It was cool enough I could close windows and therefore blinds, plus my door, making the room very dark. Wisely, I set an alarm. I easily slept through my normal waking around 5 and woke just minutes before the alarm.

Dd emails a lot very late at night so I will add those items to my packing list.

But first I will enjoy the birdsong. The forecast was for a horrible day. But I can still see some blue sky and enjoy watching the river flow by.

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:13 am

your view sounds lovely d kathryn... enjoy the birds singing to you while you have your tea!
hope you have a deep peaceful sleep tonight!!!
have a great day.

I am off to do my dailies. ta ta!! enjoy your day everyone
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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:32 am

Dh finally called. I remembered to tell him I have proof our bedroom floor is sloped. We have a water bed and it is easy for me to get out it from my side, but I'm really struggling on his side.

Water finds level which means it has gathered on my side and I'm higher than dh. We'll take a look at the bed because his side also creaks so it is possible the base is loose and lower on that side than mine, but it is more likely a sloping floor issue. The slope is pronounced in the foyer leading to the living room. Which is disconcerting to people afraid of heights because it feels like you are gathering steam the closer you get to the windows since you are walking 'downhill'!

Now is time for me to get dressed and load the car. I need to leave in an hour or less. Even though I'm going counter-flow, I want to leave some time between rush hour and my leaving time since the first portion of my trip to the highway is shared by Quebec residents driving to their jobs here in Ontario.

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby CathyS » Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:51 am


Garbage and recycling are at the end of the driveway. Of course I put them out in the pouring rain and now it isn't raining. I have all of the small garbage cans from various locations soaking with hot water and dish soap.

Dh and I added a nice seating area at the side of our driveway that is beside the house. There is a wooden bench with black rod iron accents. Then we added a small glass top table that has black metal around it. Then I added a black cast iron chair beside that. On Tuesday night we bought a huge hanging basket of white petunias. (Our bricks are white-ish) Last night we were out for a drive and on the way home we passed someone with a roadside stand selling begonias. We got a large red one to bring home to set on the table. Dh also put a large leafed tropical plant behind the table. It looks so nice and inviting. There are road side stands all over the Niagara region for various things. Flowers in the spring and vegetables and fruit all summer and fall.

Dh and I went to pick up some furniture from a friend who wanted it donated to the same place we donated some of his other furniture a few weeks ago. Dh parked the truck in the garage for overnight because the furniture is all wood and very nice. I need to take it over to the thrift store this morning, but it is still raining out. Dh has my car. I would like to be able to go to knitting at 10:30 but I can't take the truck back to dh and switch vehicles until I can get it unloaded. Ugh... I hope the rain lets up.

Supper tonight will be left over potatoes from last night along with toast and eggs, most likely an omelette so I can use up the red pepper pieces.

Dishwasher has finished, so I need to unload it.

Cat was walking around yelling at me this morning. I decided to go in and make the bed as soon as she started yelling. As soon as I placed the last blanket on the bed, she jumped on to the bed and curled up between our pillows and immediately closed her eyes. I had not even straightened the blanket, but I will do that later this afternoon when she wakes up.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:27 am

Ddog has gotten in the habit of waking me, this morning just a few minutes before the alarm went off. I've been piddling around since then. I'm coughing this a.m. and feeling throat congestion - yesterday I felt sinuses and ears. I'm not sure at this point whether it's allergy or sinuses but I'll see dmom with a mask today. Yesterday's rest was good for me and I slept well last night.

Today my plans are to get some stuff done here at home, see dmom and take it easy a little more.

I really admire Kathryn's Konmari efforts. I'd like to face it and do the same but I just feel overwhelmed. Interesting, I'm not sure I've had many times in recent years that I haven't felt overwhelmed, from children/working to temple prez to taking care of dsis to mother and her care and emptying and selling her house and then the last winter with Trigeminal Neuralgia pain. And I'm still trying to write portfolio and exercise/walk and eat well and maintain the house and marriage. We've been in this house for 7 years next month and I've never properly got it sorted out and our belongings downsized to match it. I was still working and dkids were in college when we moved here, and then they were here again for 2+ years. OY, that sheds some light on the issue.

And I was away May 25 to 2 June, then spent several days getting ready for out of town presentation, then had a super busy day last Thurs doing presentation and baseball game for dh, then last Friday off, then this last crisis with dmom hit.

I need to s2s before anything else because I stink. I was sweating like crazy yesterday every time i slept.

OMM for today, I don't know what I"ll get done but some can roll over to another day, time or whatever
-a.m. routine at a minimum
-dead head geraniums and trim up basil
-trim azaleas
-groceries (I've not pondered on a grocery list and I've been letting dh go to pick up a few needed things so it's crazy)
-some shopping needed for dmom to help with immediate needs
-Best buy charge that I need to see if I can get reversed?
-front porch changes for summer
-eye ck up + new glasses
-hearing ck up
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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:37 am

Before I forget to do it: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELIZABETH! May you have a bright and wonderful day!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:42 am

This cold is still trying to hang on -or maybe it's rampant allergies at this point. Pollen is very high and the cotton (from cottonwood trees) has been flying non-stop for over a week.

DD had us over for dinner last night -a noodle & spinach dish from an envelope, grilled barbecued chicken, broccoli & Caesar salad. All was yummy. She'd bought a bottle of bourbon barbq sauce at A ldi's & it was very good. If you sniffed it (in the bottle) you could definitely smell the molasses.

Got my 10,000 steps in yesterday -just. It was having to push a bit to do it. So why is my weight up this morning? Think I must have snacked a little -that's all it takes.

Cool & quite breezy out this morning. Guess I'll try to get a lot of my steps in inside today. May have dh let me into Boulder Hall later to do some laps. Just can't walk in the wind -can't breathe.

I'm just l&&ting one thing at a time today, Blessed. And does all add up as in chipping the rock. Loved your start!

EDITING: Okay, think I'll need prayer on this one! Just had a call from L akeland R egional H ospital. According to them they want me to set up a payment plan for the time I was in the hospital for my heart attack (5/11-5/14). Only $83,000 and this is after insurance. Something HAS to be wrong! She says hopefully. If this were true (and we still have the stay from 5/16-5/17) then we would be giving up for sure.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jun 13, 2019 11:02 am

(((Dee))) I can't imagine the hospital getting everything settled from health insurance and Medicare that quickly. Something sounds off. Receiving a phone call like that makes scamming coming to mind.


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** Personal AM
** Drink & food prep
** front porch
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