From Friday springs the weekend!

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Re: From Friday springs the weekend!

Postby lucylee » Sat Jun 15, 2019 1:47 am

Praying for you, LordM, and both your dmoms!

After Round One with Don Wanna, I claimed my victory and dh and I went for our Friday ride. Had such a good time — we went to the river, where I spent sooo much time in my childhood. Pretty good way to remember my ddad as Father’s Day approaches, actually. It was probably his favorite spot in the world. Just had a nice day.
Came home, cooked supper, s/s kitchen.

Then... I went to the skating rink to see if I could get it booked for dgs’ birthday party. They are the most frustrating place EVER! Last year, I believe ddil had trouble with them too! She has sent texts and left voice mail; I have sent texts and left voice mail, and now I have gone in person!!!
Person in charge tonight said she would text the manager, who had the booking calendar with her, and the manager would get back to me.
So far nothing!!!

If it were for me, personally, I’d say to heck with it, but dgs wants a skating party and here in Tiny Town, this is the only choice. —- sheesh —-
Maybe tomorrow there will be some sort of reply.

More good news though, proving ds is usually right that things generally work out:
Dgs’ practice game was cancelled today and there is a possibility of rain Mon and Tues. So dgs may not miss any of his games!
Also, dgd has an appt next week with the pre-k people for evaluation — to see if she has any “delays” from Juvenile Arthritis that would qualify her as a special needs student. Kinda doubtful, but now that we know pre-k is only two days a week, it’s not such a big deal. We expect she will at least qualify for speech therapy, and that is the main thing we notice as a delay.

Hope you all have a good Saturday!
Tomorrow is another day.

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