Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

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Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Jun 22, 2019 8:48 am

Just a topic to celebrate or complain about our corners and the efforts to get there.

Do you have corners that are becoming inaccessible?

Are you sure you know what's over there?

Will it take special equipment if you journey there : maybe a backpack, flashlight, a pickax to be prepared? Do you need a canteen?

Or, have you recently trekked into a corner you haven't seen in a while and emerged with a story to tell?

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Re: Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby CathyS » Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:25 am


Not going into any corners today that I know of.

Gave dh his cards and gifts when I woke up to go to the bathroom at 6. After he opened the cards, I went back to bed. I bought him a sign that says "I like to play in the dirt" and a violet with 3 different colours in it. He was impressed. I gave him the package that came in the mail from his mom yesterday as well. There was a card with 2 gift certificates in it.

Now dh is in the garage working on a rack and pinion looking for the source of a power steering leak.

For breakfast we had some toasted challah that had raisins in it. Very good and lots of raisins.

Dishes are all done and dried in the rack. I just have to turn on the dishwasher at some point in time this afternoon.

Supper by request is fried chicken and scalloped potatoes. No cake, no pie. Jello requested.
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Re: Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:11 am

Have done some swiffering under the china hutch, fridge and stove tried to reach corners with it.
Counters and sinks got some attention as well.
I folded a load of laundry.
S2s in a bit.

I sorted the to go elsewhere pile in the creativity room so glad that I put stuuf
in another room, put away and bagged & boxed up the donations. It feels great to make proserss on the corner!

56* 76* today's temp. Range. Eco load to go today is the plan. It is cold and w no heat bc no piolet lute I have my hoodie on indoors this morning. Thanks for that focus today Harriet!

Waving to you all.
Complete the process is my motto today!
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Jun 22, 2019 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:17 am

hello d harriet
hello d nancy
hello d cathy and
hello dear all!!!!!

My journey - work on the pool which has been put off.
dh has the people from got junk coming - he made the appointment all on his own!
maybe dd older but I have a date to see a group tonight (outside concert)

wishing you all a great day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Jun 22, 2019 11:26 am

The corners will be a light focus today and deep focus tomorrow when we leave.

Already, there's a domino missing and several coloured pencils!

This morning dgd squirmed around and was chewing on dgs's sticker book when we spotted her. Then she had her first successful roll from back to front. Lots of celebrating (plus at least 1/4 of her poops have been in the potty and now she pees each time she's put on it.)

A good start to the day. Good breakfast, then I s2s and dgs and I did up the morning dishes (I pass him the clean dish to rinse under the running water and put in the dish rack.)

Then we went and blew bubbles for a while on the porch, had a wonderful time on the dock (windy today, no bugs there!) and back on the porch to kick the beach ball around.

He's having lunch now and then he'll go for a boat ride with his parents. I will not have time to myself because I'll have dgd to care for.

So I'm rushing back to the cabin a couple of minutes to try and get some packing in or at least reorganizing the car in prep for packing.

Dd's godparents are coming for the afternoon and dinner. That was the only thing that kept dd from giving up on this week. I'm grateful for that since yesterday and today have been precious times for me with dgs.

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Re: Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:09 pm

I'd like to hang out in the quiet corners of the room, actually.

I was to have been in my car on the way to Pittsburgh today and would have missed the pool party to see (other son) Z this afternoon. So I've texted that I'll be there, but that the heat and people may not be comfortable for me so I may not stay. I'd like to drive a separate car from dh so dh can stay and I can leave when I want.
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Re: Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:37 pm

Cathy, is today his birthday, then? Hope it's a happy day.

blessed's journey to the corners of the pool... .. smile!

yes, thinking of so many times game pieces have been found in corners, Kathryn. i believe your dd is the only experimenter with early pottying that I hear from, although pottying isn't exactly the kind of thing discussed that much with grandma types like me. Ddil may hear about it all the time in her more current mommy-circles. Congrats on dgdJ's progress. Also the turning over - that's always so amazing to a little one. They can't believe they did it at first and then it's all they want to do! Soon she'll be traveling when least expected.

Twins', I really like that idea of your own car in case you'd like to just get a big hug from Z and then gracefully make yourself scarce. He will have so many people to entertain. Your dh can deal with all that happily, and tell you about it later.

Nancy, i've got to take my swiffer underneath some furniture, too. i was giggling at your dog eating your green beans before you could pick them.

Dining room corners are the project here. These have too much art supply and medical items temp storage. Hopefully the first can be correctly taken to dd's room and the second can be pared down or get started on the way out. My mother's china hutch is storing meds, as well - we need normalcy!

As family and friends realize that HRH will start to be able to have more company, immunity-wise, we are hearing from many that they want to come here. Obviously, I have mixed feelings. One set of his cousins who have never visited him in their lives suggested yesterday they want to come visit him, so we're getting into real "company" prep while still having a house in health-recuperation mode. Also dd39 needs to hear from me when I could be ready for a family of 6 as houseguests again.

I don't know why but I have been battling fatigue today. It surprised me after watering my outdoor flowers this morning, but it wasn't that hot yet. I hadn't had my breakfast at that time (not at all unusual), and I found that just standing in the kitchen long enough to chop and cook tired me. I thought I slept enough... .. Could this paragraph have to do with the one above it? I don't usually have worry-related or "blues" fatigue and wouldn't think it would start this late in life, lol.

Took cantaloupe to the chickens, who are both fine and even laying again now, so that household is back to normal, lol. I'm glad. HRH didn't need the depressing thought of losing an animal right now. He needs an even keel. And it helps that it was his "cantaloupe cure" that seems to have worked.

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Re: Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby lucylee » Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:04 pm

(((Harriet))) -- thinking about all those (potential) guests talking "we're going to come see you" would be enough to make ME tired, that's for certain!

(((Twins))) -- continuing to hold you in my heart. Taking your own car to the pool party is an excellent idea!

I am also battling fatigue today for no real reason -- Fitbit says I slept 8 hours. (But Fitbit thinks I was asleep while watching The Alamo on tv, and I was for part of the time, but definitely not all of the time.)

I had a really busy day yesterday -- dmom and I went to the funeral for ddad's aunt, and I am glad we did, because again, as far as I could tell, we were the only ones from my ddad's family there. Duncle had talked to another aunt earlier and explained that they couldn't come because duncle is having a major problem with dizziness -- medication is on its way but he has not started it yet -- and none of us have talked to my daunt, whom duncle says "Is about like Willie Nelson, always 'on the road again.'" LOL...
So anyway -- dmom and I stayed for the service and sat with ddad's aunt, who is a sister-in-law to the aunt who passed away, who was married to my paternal dgfather's half-brother. I know that sounds complicated, but dmom and I both thought a lot of this lady, even though we rarely saw her, especially since my grandparents passed away, but I'm so glad we went. She and her husband were actually about my ddad's age. My dgf was the third of -- I believe -- nine children, and the youngest of those was the same age as my ddad.

Then we went to
* H obby L obby
* A cademy sporting goods
* seafood place
* D ollar T ree and
* F oodland.

Before picking up dmom, I stopped at the drug store and dropped off rx's... before coming home I stopped to pick them up... driving dh's UN-air conditioned truck... (Dmom and I went in her car!)
and after we ate supper, I s/s the kitchen & I went back to town (in the air conditioned SUV) and cashed a check and went by the convenience store for no-caffeine drinks b/c dh was out and the gumbo we had for supper was VERY spicy and we were both very thirsty.
I did take a short nap last night after supper, but I'm still worn out. And today is full too:

* In about 30 minutes we are going to a town festival/fund raiser on our courthouse square. DS and friends are playing music. That will only last about an hour or so, and I am very interested in seeing some of the arts/crafts up there. Then I hope I can come home and get a nap before
* Both dgrands arrive for the evening. Only dgs will spend the night, but ds is taking ddil to a concert tonight and we'll have both of them for most of the evening.

And tomorrow, I am planning/thinking about planning to go to church with dmom tomorrow night. She is singing a solo and I know she is very nervous about it, because it has been quite a while since she sang in church.

AND dh wants me to invite dmom to accompany us to the Grand Ole Opry in July. EEEK! Travel anxiety! OTOH, the chances are slim and none that she will commit to going. First, she wouldn't even commit to the Frankie Valli concert an hour away... and second, this would keep her out past midnight on a Saturday night... so... very unlikely.

I doubt I'll see any corners of any rooms today, but I must share that ddil sent me before & after pics last night of her efforts with dgd's help ;) of reorganizing dgd's room and the play area of their den.
And ddil put a video on FB of dgs reading his nightly chapter of The Wizard of Oz to her. So sweet.
They aren't being raised by wolves after all. :lol: ;)
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby CathyS » Sat Jun 22, 2019 2:36 pm

Harriet yes, it's his birthday. Also known as the day we must not celebrate. He hates being the center of attention so much that he has left gatherings very abruptly if he gets put in a spotlight. We do it very low key. I didn't even call or text my dd to remind her. He didn't want me to. Aw, well.... each to his own. He is now napping.

I am heading out to knitting.
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Re: Journey to the Corners of the Room Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:30 pm

Quietly wishing Happy Birthday to CathyS DH!

Do you have corners that are becoming inaccessible? 

I have to guard against this happening. It can happen so easily if I'm not doing consistent PUPA's. Keeping things out of the corners only works for me if there is a place for everything and everything is in its place.

I am one tired lady, but happily so. I took 3 Grandkids with me early this morning to meet family & friends. We gathered at the house that Grandpa built located on the wildlife refuge. The volunteers that have experience removing graffiti had everything organized and made it seem easy. We worked together for a couple of hours and got the job done. We painted several coats of Elephant Snot over the graffiti then waited 30 minutes and the graffiti was easily rinsed off with water. That product is amazing!!

I enjoyed spending time with Grandkids, DBro, cousins, nieces, and nephews. I enjoyed seeing the many structures that Grandpa built and listening to the stories. I can't say that I enjoyed hiking through the knee-deep grass that has an abundance of snakes and ticks, but that is part of the experience.

I had everyone strip off their clothes and did a tick check when we got home. Thankfully we didn't find any ticks but I have that Eek feeling on my skin and keep thinking I can feel things crawling on me.

DS10 has 2 friends here playing. DGD8 is playing with dolls in her room. DH is doing a 12 hour shift with his DMom.
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