Wednesday Write It PWYC

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Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 27, 2019 10:01 am

I find it most interesting to see how many are successfully using a written daily notepad, BuJo, list, etc. The science shows our brain works differently when we write things.

I need all the help I can get. Bring on the writing tools!
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Re: Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 27, 2019 10:10 am

I did better on my timing with early morning walking but I still need to tweak it a bit. I finished my walk before the sunrise but I need to be back home about 10 minutes earlier than I arrived this morning. There are absolutely no extra minutes in the 7:00am - 7:45am schedule on school days so if I am late from my walk then DGD8 will be counted tardy at school. Since our state grades the school on absentees/tardy of the student it is considered to be a HUGE bad mark to be tardy. ANYway, I either have to get my timing correct for an early morning walk or I can not do it.

I continue to tweak SHE cards and test the new format. I'm liking it so far and the change has improved my productivity.
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Re: Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 27, 2019 10:29 am

I got out my sewing planner. Now that I am sewing I need to use it, that would be great for a log it is a disc bound planner.
I got my spiritual planner up to date last evening, it is also a disc bound planner.
I have a travelers note book that I am logging my info. For my meds. Just a running list each day with time first,
then I put #, or med. / Meal or whatever.
I do a daily diary as well.

Up early hear the coffee brewing h had an early day.
Goal - sweep & mop kit. & dining room. X

I posted a bujo. Page layout that is done from the other day, some days I put Daily chores where OMM is on this one.

Next up -
Start laundry x
Fill bobbin x.
Move leaves x.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:52 am

Paper for me. At the moment my desk is surrounded by papers and books. Dh glanced at the pile and said, "I see you are planning which hymns to sing while taking the bus!" (An open hymnbook on top of the system-wide transit map.

I'm in fairly high discomfort. Have decided to just keep taking pain killers all day because I can't slow down.

I've finished the first draft of all my December services and sent the bulletin and advent liturgy to the secretary. Everything is printed off as well and I will meet with the worship planner from the church to confirm it all after our singing this afternoon. Coincidentally, it is in the same town as the church.

Then on to ds's for our first event of the season, the Holiday Train. He's cooking dinner for all of us. I'm bringing pickles and milk to drink (he's allergic to milk.)

I sent dd a text saying my back was fully out and she was not to allow me to pick up the kids. A text came back saying, "Can she still read books?" So dgs understands I'm limited and is sussing out the extent!

I need to get packed up now. I'm dressed and have just finished breakfast. It is freezing rain out so we are leaving an hour to drive the 35 minutes. Dh is on a call at the moment. The rain should stop our drive to ds's (about an hour from where we are singing) and definitely before the holiday train tonight. I do have to remember to bring a change of clothes, though, because I'm dressed to perform at the moment.

(In case you don't know what a holiday train is, here's a short video: )

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Re: Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:04 pm

wishing everyone a wonderful day!!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby CathyS » Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:22 pm


Our area has been getting updated reports of extremely high winds for the past 48 hours. Not much wind here right now. I have a pajama day planned any way. I have bread being made in the kitchen and it should be ready before 12. I also made jello this morning so dh can have it for dessert tonight. He's been asking for it for the past couple of nights.

No idea what we will have for supper tonight. Dh doesn't want any more potatoes or cabbage for a while. He doesn't want pasta tonight either. I think I might make pierogies, seeing as we unearthed 2 partial packages last night in the large freezer.

It is overcast hear and I thought I heard rain on the roof. Hard to tell as I have the cd player on the first time in moths and it's working extremely well. The last time I used it, it would play a cd for less than 20 seconds, then switch to another one after taking it's time about deciding which one to pick. I always put it on random selection, because there are 199 cds on there that I like. Dh insisted on putting 1 in that I don't enjoy because it always makes me cry. Trying to remember which one... Bobby Goldsboro maybe. I was thinking yesterday that I should load all of my Christmas cds in at the very end, from slot 190 to 200. Mannheim Steamroller, etc.
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Re: Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:03 pm

On our way now. The freezing rain is over but it is still raining hard.

I am a mess. Writing things down doesn't help if you don't do them. This is a several hundred dollar mistake. All because I didn't do something when it was first on my to do list and then I lost track of the date. The money I will make from the preaching won't fully offset this. (Had I not had to prepare these services I might have got to bill payments sooner.)

Not sure what I have forgotten to bring with me as I flew out the door. I do know that I have forgotten my distance glasses and only have my computer glasses. Which makes seeing the holiday train less vibrant. We left so late there wasn't time to go back by the time I noticed.

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Re: Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:30 pm

Kathryn - that train & concert looks awesome! What a great way for communities to come together for a good cause.

One of my semi-annual maintenance SHE cards was to sweep the ceiling/walls for cobwebs/dust. So I took this opportunity to teach the kids how to sweep their bedroom ceiling and walls. They didn't find anything so they thought sweeping their ceiling was a funny thing to do. #LifeSkills

DBro dropped by and visited for a bit. He gave us some good ideas for an upcoming fence project.
Last edited by LadyMaverick on Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:35 pm

Writing things down doesn't help if you don't do them.

(((Kathryn))) Story of my life. Fortunately, I haven't had an expensive episode in a while, but still, you are so right. Hope things aren't as dire as they seem at the moment.

And as y'all know, "writing things down" is my way of life... soooo soooo many things written down. It's a blessing and a curse. I live in constant fear that I will die and leave things written down that make ds/ddil unhappy or that make them think less of me or just, at the very least, confirm their suspicions that I truly was a little bit insane. NOT bad things about THEM!!! NOOOOO... just all the journal entries working through my anxieties about all manner of things.

But anyway -- y'all say a prayer for us today. The order for window shades IS in the computer system at the Big (orange) Box store, and The Man wants us to come in to place the order, "lots of options" to go over, he says. Hmmm...
Last night, I got totally obsessed with the fact that their website does NOT show blackout shades to be available in the reasonably priced options... I started fretting about that, and got dh all stressed out. The installer assured me that they WOULD be available, and he told me to pay no attention to their website... so... we will see. The installer was a very likable man and seemed knowledgeable. Says he has 38 years experience with them, and his daughter and son-in-law also work for him.

Also today/tonight, after we return, I will be starting the chicken & dressing process... boiling/shredding the chicken, making cornbread & biscuits, yada yada yada. It takes forever.
Well, actually, according to my * written * Thanksgiving instructions from years past, it takes about 2 hours. Then another 1 1/2 hours in the oven tomorrow before we go to ds's house.

Must get busy... s2s, etc...

Oh, Cathy, we had a LOT of wind and rain last night here, too! DH is so anxious re: the weekend. Rain at the ballgame is a possibility, but some weather reports say it will not rain until late Saturday, after the game will be over.

DH is becoming very appreciative of me. Since only he,ds, and dgs will be going this weekend, he is all flustered... "I don't know HOW we're going to keep up with all this stuff... (rain gear, programs, etc, etc) without you there..." And he's going to have to depend on ds to wake him up b/c his travel alarm clock doesn't work anymore... and he's going to have to be responsible for washing towels, etc. before they go to the game.
I am quite entertained by all this fretting and keep smiling to myself somewhat smugly. ;)
OTOH... although I am thrilled with the prospect of some quiet time home alone... I wish I could be there for dgs' first "Iron Bowl." This is the biggest game in our state, you know, and one of the biggest rivalries in the country. I know dgs is going to be sooo excited. He wanted to go last year, but since it was an "away" game for us, ticket prices were outrageous. (DH offered to buy me a ticket on S tubhub this year, and said dgs could sit in my lap, but nah... it's just too crowded, and if I couldn't sit with him, it'd be no fun to go. I mean, I'd get to do the preliminary stuff, but not actually see his reaction to the game itself. And considering that... if we don't win, his reaction will be so sad maybe I don't want to see it anyway. It will be good for him to have some time with just the guys anyway.)

Waving to blessed (good to see you popping in over here!) and Nancy and LadyM... and ALL who come in later!!! Have a great day!!! :D
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday Write It PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:54 pm

Interesting. You'll know that my football knowledge is just above nil, so I'm not even sure why I'm wondering. LucyLee mentioned their state universities will be playing each other this weekend, and I know from my FB friends meme's that our state universities are playing each other this weekend. So that leaves me wondering if this is a coincidence or if all the states with multiple universities are playing each other this weekend? I just asked DH this question and he didn't think so.

Yesterday we had the high wind (60mph) and low humidity. That combination resulted in some serious wildfires threatening a couple of towns and causing evacuations. Thankfully the strong winds died down and they were able to contain the fires. We didn't have fires burning nearby us but our air smelt like smoke all day.
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